Turner School P&C

About us

The Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association plays an important role within Turner School representing our strong school community. As well as its more official activities, the P&C provides an informal meeting ground for parents, teachers, carers and staff and serves a fundraising function. 

We are volunteer-led and run, and there are lots of opportunities to get involved throughout the year, so come along to a meeting or get in touch


All parents and carers of Turner students are members of the P&C. Office bearers and subcommittee members are elected during the Annual General Meeting held in February each year as per the Constitution and By-Laws. Minutes from each meeting will also be published post each meeting.


Currently seeking

Friday lunch order assistants: help sort lunch orders.

Fete Committee: seeking stall holders and day-of volunteers.


Upcoming events

Term 3 Welcome Coffee (Friday 26 July, 8:15 - 9:15 AM, David St)

Crazy Camel Fundraiser (Term 3)

Trivia Night (Thursday 22 August, 6:00 PM arrival for 6:30 PM start, Duxton O'Connor)

Term 4 Welcome Coffee (Friday 18 October, 8:15 - 9:15 AM, David St)

P&C Meetings

Upcoming meetings

Fete Committee Meeting (23 July, 7:00 - 8:00 PM, RUC)

Term 3 P&C Meeting (30 July, 8:00 AM, School Library)

Term 4 P&C Meeting (TBD)

Turner School Fete Saturday 26 October 2024

The annual Turner School Fete is on again, and we need your help!

We need stall holders, day-of volunteers, and donations.

Interested in getting involved?

Come along to the next Fete Committee Meeting (23 July, 7:00 - 8:00 PM, RUC)

Email turnerprimarypandc@gmail.com to volunteer.

Ideas and support requests

If you have an idea to share about how we can make Turner School and our community even better, or you need some support from the P&C, we want to hear from you.