Googling for [ delphi turbo "class completion" crash ] located a bug report with what sounds like the same problem you are seeing. The bug report lists a workaround (Change "TTest" to "TButton" and remove the "TButton = class(TTest)".), at least for its given testcase, but I don't know if its applicable in your case.

Thanks Bruno.

It seems to work fine with delphix for Delphi 7

( )

When i add all the .pas file to dclusr.dpk some errors occur (some classes not found. E.g. TSpinEdit). But so far it works fine anyway.

Turbo Delphi 2006 Explorer Download

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Any news if Borlands going to drop this restriction? As an open source delphi component developer, it kind of feels as if, YET AGAIN, borlands decided to take a giant steaming turd all over its developer community.

You should be able to still download the Turbo Explorer editions from the Codegear website (I downloaded and installed it last week, but it took me close to an hour searching through my links and history before I used google to pinpoint the special turbo explorer website, but try ).

Also there are some serious tipps now how to protect yourself against being spyed out - by all kind of programs (e.g. wiretapping done from a provider).

 there is only 1 mirror left, (it offer also the turbo hotfix rollup package), and some single sites for Turbo Delphi and Turbo C++/Net Explorer. "" does not offer it anymore.

The Turbo Explorer programs have nearly the full power of the expansive (and expensive) Borland Developer Studio 2006—nearly everything an individual programmer can use. Certainly there's more under the hood than can possibly be covered in this review. But that also means it will take a while to get your mind around the whole product. Visit for code samples, discussion forums, and other resources to help new and experienced programmers. Truly, if you've ever thought about learning to program, this is your big chance.

Borland hat vor einiger Zeit die Sparte der Entwicklungsumgebungen ausgegliedert und der Developer Tools Group berlassen. Diese Experten haben von den Borland Developper Suiten gleich mal die so genannten Explorer-Editionen fr die Produkte Delphi, Delphi.NET, C++ und C# in den Versionen 2006 abgekoppelt und als Turbo-Produkte zum freien Download bereitgestellt. Unter finden Sie demnach auch alle Varianten zum freien Download. Sie mssen sich allerdings registrieren lassen, um per E-Mail Ihren Freischalt-Schlssel erhalten zu knnen. Wenn Sie dies in wenigen Minuten erledigt haben, bekommen Sie Ihre Schlssel-Datei.

This project aims to build a small and easy-to-use editor for the Win32 OS family.

The initial development environment was Borland Delphi 6, and while now the preferred IDE is Delphi 2006, the source should compile even with delphi 7 and delphi 2005. Most part of the work of this editor is done by the Synedit components.

Sorgenkind der Delphi-IDE ist wie auch schon in den letzten Developer-Studio-Versionen ist die Hilfe. Fr Turbo Delphi wurde sie nicht wesentlich berarbeitet, sondern besteht aus einer Teilmenge der Developer-Studio-Hilfe. Allzu tragisch ist das angesichts des umfangreichen deutschsprachigen Internet-Angebots zu Delphi allerdings nicht.

Wer jetzt endlich selbst loslegen will mit dem neuen Turbo Delphi, der findet den Download unter Die kostenpflichtige Professional-Version, die dann auch die Erweiterung durch Dritthersteller-Komponenten erlaubt, ist bei CodeGear erhltlich. be457b7860

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