Dr. Muhammad Tufail Khan
Currently working as Senior Librarian (Central Library) and Associate Editor - Academic Journals GC University, Lahore since August 2021. Before working as Senior Librarian, I worked as a Librarian and Lecturer of Information Science in Government College University Lahore, Pakistan (January 2011 to August 2021). I did B.Sc. in Computer Science 2002-2003, B.L.I.Sc 2004-2005, M.L.I.Sc 2005-2006 and M.Phil. in Library and Information Science (2012-14) from Minhaj University, Lahore. Ph.D. in Information Management from the University of the Punjab. Won Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) scholarship in 2010 for developing countries. ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association (ALA) dedicated to the areas of technical services (acquisitions, cataloging and classification, and continuing resources), collection management and development, and preservation and reformatting. Worked in GIKI, Topi (KPK), NUST, Islamabad, and UMT, Lahore.
Received research honorarium for Seventeen research articles from Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization GC, University Lahore.
Won Special Interest Group- Social Media (SIG-SM) membership Award of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) for the year 2019-20.
Won developing countries scholarship offered by the Association for Library Collection & Technical Services (ALCTS) a division of the American Library Association (ALA) (50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611) for attending a one-month web course on “Fundamentals of Acquisitions” from October 11, 2010, to November 5, 2010.
Presented a poster on “Social Media Services (SMS) in University Libraries of Pakistan: An Organizational Approach” in 2nd International Conference on Information Management & Libraries (2nd ICIML) organized by Department of Information Management (DoIM), University of the Punjab from 10th – 12th October 2018.
Paper Presented:
Journey from Library Management System (LMS) to Koha by Government College University Libraries, Lahore in International Conference on Information Management & Libraries (ICIML) organized by Department of Information Management (DoIM), University of the Punjab from 10th – 13th November 2015.
Presented research paper “Social Media Opportunities for University Libraries: Need of the Era to Sustain the Positive Image” Online in NILIS Research Symposium 2020 held at National Institute of Library and Information Science (NILIS), University of Colombo in Collaboration with South Asia Chapter of Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) on date 1/23/2021.
MPhil Thesis:
“International Accreditation of Pakistani Library and Information Science Schools in Context of American Library Association (ALA).”
Ph.D. Thesis:
Social Media Services in University Libraries of Pakistan: Opportunities, Risks, and Barriers.
Research Article:
Tufail Khan, M. & Mahmood, K. "A Comparison of MLIS Curricula Taught in Pakistani Library and Information Science Schools with Higher Education Commission Curriculum" (2013). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Paper 910. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/910
Tufail Khan, M. and Zahid, A. “Dealing Strategies and Outcomes for the Difficult Patron in the Library Environment” Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal (PLISJ) March, 2014 45(1), 24-29.
Zahid, A. Tufail Khan, M. and Waheed, A. “An Impact of Electronic Resources on Collection Development and Library Services: A case study of Government College University Lahore, Library” Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal (PLISJ) September, 2014 45(3), 71-76.
Tufail Khan, M. Zahid, A. & Rafiq, M. “Usability Evaluation of University of Management and Technology Library, Lahore Website: A survey of user satisfaction” Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal (PLISJ) December, 2014 45(4), 30-41.
Shahzad, K. & Tufail Khan, M. “Key Trends in Information Seeking of Government College University Lahore Teaching Faculty” Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal (PLISJ) March, 2015 46(1), 4-12.
Tufail Khan, M. Babar, S. A. & Zahid, A. “Postgraduate Students Perception about the Use and Management of Electronic Resources: A Case Study of the School of Biological Sciences, University of the Punjab” Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal (PLISJ) June, 2015 46(2), 16-24.
Tufail Khan, M., Zahid, A. & Rafiq, M. (2016). Journey from Library Management System (LMS) to KOHA by Government College University Libraries, Lahore. Pakistan Journal of Information Management & Libraries (PJIM&L), 17, 184-190.
Tufail Khan; M., & Rafiq, M. (2017). International Accreditation of Pakistani Master in Library and Information Science (MLISc) in Context of American Library Association (ALA). Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal, 48(3), 59-70.
Tufail Khan; M., & Rafiq, M. (2018). Trends in Adoption of Social Networking Sites. Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal, 49(1), 11-18.
Tufail Khan; M., & Rafiq, M. (2018). Perceptions of Pakistani Library and Information Science Faculty and Practitioners about ALA Accreditation. Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal, 49(2), 2-13.
Tufail Khan; M. (2018). Taylor’s Information Use Environments (IUEs): An Assessment. Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal, 49(3), 13 - 25.
Tufail Khan; M. & Rafiq; M. (2019). Library Social Media Services (LSMS)! Going Viral for Survival. Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal, 50(3), 23 - 32.
Rafiq, M., Asim, A., Tufail Khan, M., & Arif, M. (2020).The Effects of Social Media on Reading Habits. Pakistan Journal of Information Management & Libraries (PJIM&L), 21, 46-65.
Tufail Khan, M., Ameen, K. (2020). An Assessment of Effectiveness of GCU Library Services in Fulfilling Users' Needs and Demands. Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal, 51(3), 39 - 50.
Babar, Shkeel Ahmad; Ijaz Mairaj, Muhammad; and Tufail Khan, Muhammad, "Marketing Features on University Library Websites in Pakistan" (2020). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 4443. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/4443
Rafiq, Muhammad; Ali, Sumaira; and Tufail Khan, Muhammad, "Information Literacy Instructions in University Libraries of Lahore, Pakistan: Practices and Methods" (2020). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 4511. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/4511
Ullah, Ahsan; Rafiq, Muhammad; and Tufail Khan, Muhammad, "Library Professionals Learning Behaviour with the Level of Expertise: A Survey from Pakistan" (2021). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 5913. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/5913/
Tufail Khan, Muhammad, "The Element of Uncertainty in Information Seeking" (2021). Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 6124. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/6124/
Proposed Integrated System for Library Services and Online Education: A Pakistani Perspective (2022).
Selective and Effective Strategic Collection Development Approach in Universities Libraries (2022).
Perceived Risks of Social Media in the University Libraries of Pakistan: An Empirical Investigation (2024). (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13614533.2024.2333542) .
Resource Person and Training/Workshop:
Worked as a “Volunteer” in the 2nd International Conference on Information Management & Libraries (2nd ICIML) organized by Department of Information Management (DoIM), University of the Punjab from 10th – 12th October 2018.
Resource person in two days workshop on “Koha Open Source Software” at Department of Information Management, University of the Punjab, Lahore. Dated 30 – 31st, August 2018.
Worked as “Volunteer” in an International Conference on Information Management & Libraries (ICIML) organized by Department of Information Management (DoIM), University of the Punjab from 10th – 13th November 2015.
Organizer in three days National workshop on “Applications of Statistical Methods in LIS Research” dated 26th – 28th June, 2014 organized by Department of Library and Information science at Baragali Campus II, University of Peshawar.
Organize a two days’ workshop “Integrated Library Management Open Source Software: KOHA & DSpace” for professional librarians of Punjab in GC University Library date 18-19th of April 2013.
Automation and Digital Library Software’s used in Different Libraries of Pakistan:
1. Evergreen: Library automation open source software in UMT, Lahore.
2. DSpace: Institutional Repository software in UMT, Lahore.
3. EPRINTS: Institutional Repository software in UMT, Lahore.
4. KOHA: Library automation software implemented on testing base at UMT, Lahore.
5. Greenstone: Digital Library software used at UMT, Lahore for making Digital Library.
6. LIMS: Library and Information Management System used at the Learning Resource Centre of University of Management and Technology Lahore.
7. LAMS: “Library Automated Management System Oracle Based” (Produced for NUST & Its Institutions).
8. LibrarySoft: “This software also used in CCT&SM NUST.”
9. EOSI: “Electronic Online System International” (used in GIKI).
10. ELIMP: “Electronic Library Management Program” (used in National Library of Earth Sciences University of Peshawar).
Professional Co-Curricular activities:
Attended "Getting Started with RefWorks" organized by ProQuest in collaboration with HEC Islamabad on the date 2/1/2022.
Attended "Using RefWorks Writing Tools" organized by ProQuest in collaboration with HEC Islamabad on the date 2/8/2022.
Attended an event "American Chemical Society Virtual Event" organized by ACS Publications on 8/10/2020.
Participated in "Challenges for Libraries in Current Times" organized by EBSCO Information Service on date 6/17/2020.
Participated in Two days workshop on “Promoting Research Excellence in Academics across Pakistan” (1st and 2nd February 2022) organized by HEC Islamabad in Collaboration with Elsevier Publishing company, Netherland from 2/1/2022 to 2/2/2022.
Participated in "Vaccinology (Online Mode)" workshop by Elsevier Publishing company, Netherland on date 12/20/2021.
Presented research paper Online in NILIS Research Symposium 2020 held at National Institute of Library and Information Science (NILIS), University of Colombo in Collaboration with South Asia Chapter of Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) on date 1/23/2021.
Participated in "Capacity Building of Librarians Using Research Tools" organized by the Central Library University of Peshawar in Collaboration with Frontier Education Foundation Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, at Baragali Summer Campus II, the University of Peshawar from 8/6/2021 to 8/8/2021.
Participated in "Ethics of publication" (Online Mode) by Elsevier Publishing company, Netherland from 11/23/2021 to 11/23/2021.
Participated in "Effective writing skills for promoting research - what do we need to know?" (Online Mode) Elsevier Publishing company, Netherland. from 12/13/2021to 12/13/2021.
Participated in 2nd International Conference on Information Management & Libraries (2nd ICIML) organized by Department of Information Management (DoIM), University of the Punjab from 10th – 12th October 2018.
Attended the Web of Science training workshop on October 17, 2018, at the Department of Information Management (DoIM), University of the Punjab.
Participated in two days training workshop on “Library Automation & System Management” dated April 26-27, 2018 organized by Punjab Higher Education Commission, Lahore.
Five days workshop on “Integrated Library Systems and Open Repositories: Challenges for Library Professionals” dated 26 – 30 March 2018 organized by University of Education Central Library in Collaboration with Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad.
3rd National LIS Training Workshop on “Capacity Building of Librarians Using Research Tools” dated July 20 - 22, 2018 at Baragali Summer Campus II by Central Library, University of Peshawar in Collaboration with Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad.
Workshop on “Application of Linked Data Technologies in Libraries & Developing Institutional Repository” dated 7th February 2018 organized by Department of Information Management (DoIM), University of the Punjab.
10th National LIS Conference on “Reshaping Libraries of the 21st Century with Information Communication Technologies” at Baragali Summer Campus II by Department of Library and Information science, University of Peshawar dated July 15-17, 2017.
One day seminar “Digitization of Library Resources” dated 21st February 2017 organized by Quid-e-Azam Library Bagh-e-Jinnah Lahore.
Participate in five days workshop on “Role of ICT in Library Management” organized by Akhtar Hameed Khan, National Centre for Rural Development (AKH-NCRD), Islamabad from 17th October to 21st October 2016.
Participate in five days workshop on “Role of ICT in Library Management” organized by Akhtar Hameed Khan, National Centre for Rural Development (AKH-NCRD), Islamabad from 4th January to 8th January 2016.
Participated in three days National workshop on “Applications of Statistical Methods in LIS Research” dated 26th – 28th June, 2014 organized by Department of Library and Information science at Baragali Campus II, University of Peshawar.
Participated in two days training program on “Accessing Cambridge University Press e-journals and How to get published in Academic Journals” dated 26th – 27th February, 2014 organized by National Digital Library Program, Islamabad in collaboration with Cambridge University Press at University of Management and Technology, Lahore.
Participated in Five days training program on “Professional Development in Higher Education Setting” dated 23-27th September, 2013 by Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), GC, University, Lahore.
Participated in Three days National Conference on “Career Development of LIS Professionals and Overall Improvement of Libraries in Pakistan” dated 12th – 14th , November, 2012 organized by Department of Libraries, Government of Pakistan and Pakistan Library Association (Federal Branch), Islamabad.
Participated in Five days seminar on “Emerging Challenges in The Field of Librarianship” organized by Peshawar Universities Campus Librarians Association (PUCLA) on 25th to 29th May 2011.
Participate in Two days workshop entitled “Office Management” held at University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore on date 25-26th March 2010.
Participate in Three days workshop entitled “Library Management System” organized by Higher Education Commission (HEC), University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore and International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) from 15th February 2010 to 17th February 2010.
Participate in one day workshop entitled “Social Tagging & Library Practices for Knowledge Organization” organized by Pakistan Library Association (Punjab Branch) in collaboration with University of Management & Technology (UMT), Lahore dated 1st February 2010.
Participate in two days 18th National PLA Conference on “Role of Libraries in Creating a knowledge Society” held in Islamic International University Islamabad on May 11-12, 2009.
Participate in two days workshop entitles “Goal, Time and Stress Management” held at UMT board Room on April 03-04, 2009.
Participate in a workshop entitled “System & Network Administration for Linux Red hat” held at UMT on January 02-03, 2009.
Participate in a workshop entitled “Use of E-Resources for Teaching & Research” held at UMT on November 29, 2008.
Participate in a workshop entitled “English Language Skill Workshop” held at UMT from 3rd July 2008 to 12th July 2008.
Participate in a workshop entitled “Optimize use of Online Resources and Using Endnote Software Citing & Reference” on 31st May 2008.
Participant in the workshop entitled “Professional Excellence in Customer Services” at UMT Board Room on date 15, February 2008.
Participate in “PLA Golden Jubilee International Conference (GJIC 2007) on Emerging Paradigm in Librarianship: A Call for Innovation” held in Lahore from 28-29 November 2007.
Participant in “INASP Workshop: Monitoring and Evaluation of Electronic Resource Usage in Pakistan” from 30-10-2007 to 01-11-2007 at Higher Education Commission Islamabad.
Two-month “Spoken English Diploma” attended in July-August 2007, at Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre University of the Punjab.
“Member of 5th Library Science Conference” from July 14-18, 2004 in Bara Gali Campus, University of Peshawar.
One month “Office Automation Course” (Ms- Word, Ms- Access, Ms- Excel, MS-PowerPoint, INTERNET, etc.) From 10-08-05 to 10-09-05 from the University of Peshawar.
Participant in “Training workshop on WINISIS package” organized by “PASTIC & Sarhad University Peshawar” from 20-22 June 2005.
Participant in National Workshop on “ICT Skill for Library Professionals” December 5-6, 2006.
President of “Anti Drug & Anti Smoking Society” G.D.C Khair Abad Mardan, N.W.F.P Pakistan.
Member of the “Aids awareness program” The University of Peshawar.
Member of “Blood Donor Society” The University of Peshawar.
President “Hiking Club Society” The University of Peshawar.
President “Anti-Drug and Anti-Smoking Society” The University of Peshawar.
Professional Affiliation and Community Services:
1. Lifetime member of Pakistan Library Association (PLA).
2. Vice President of Koha Pakistan since 1st January 2019.
3. Winner of the membership of Special Information Group - Social Media (SIG-SM) of the Association for
Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) for the year 2019.
MPhil Thesis Evaluation and Viva Voce External Examiner:
1. Nadeem Akhtar (2022). “Library Automation in Universities of Lahore: Exploring the Journey of Three Decades” Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.
2. Amna Naz (2022). “Services of University Libraries during COVID-19: TOWS Analysis” Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.
3. Mukarram Nawaz (2022). “Digitization and Preservation of Archives; A Case Study of Punjab Archives, Lahore." Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.
4. Tayyab Munir (2022). “Assessment of Online Library Resources and Services During Covid-19: A Study of Medical
Colleges of Lahore” Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.
5. Iram Shahzad Ali (2022). “Tacit Knowledge Capturing, Keeping, Use and Sharing Behavior of Postgraduate Researchers: A case of University of the Punjab Lahore” Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.
6. Muhamad Shah Jahan (2022) “Information Dissemination during COVID-19 Pandemic among Postgraduate Allied Health Sciences Students in University Libraries of Lahore” Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.
7. Anum Javed (2022) “Exploring Parental Perspectives on Early Childhood Education: A Case Study of Children Library of Lahore” Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.
8. Adeel Ul Rehman (2022) “Impact of Health Anxiety, Health Information Literacy and Media Use on Self-care: A mediating Role of Health Information Seeking Behavior” Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.
9. Amna Farooq (2021) “An assessment of Library Anxiety among Christian Students in Universities of Lahore City” Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.
10. Bakhtiar Zafar (2021) Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.
11. Asif Iqbal (2022) “DIGITAL INFORMATION LITERACY SKILLS FOR UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANS IN PAKISTAN: A PROPOSED FRAMEWORK” Department of Library and Information Science, University of Peshawar.
12. Shazia Nazir (2023) "Adoption of Cloud Computing in University Libraries: An Investigation from University Librarians" Department of Information Management, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
13. Maryam Sana Khan (2023) "Digital Collection Development and Management Practices in University Libraries of the
Punjab Province" Department of Information Management, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
14. Muhammad Usman (2022) “Assessment of Information Literacy Skills among Undergraduate Students in Universities of Lahore” Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.
15. Naila Ishtiaq (2022) “Impact of Information Seeking Anxiety and Personality Traits on Health Information Seeking Bahavior During Covid-19” Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.
16. Zartasha Zafar (2022) “Impact of Media Exposure and Information Seeking Behavior on Preventive Measure during
Covid-19: A case of Working Nurses” Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.
17. Irum Zahra (2022) “Digital Literacy Competencies: An Assessment of Fine Arts Undergraduate Students” Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.
18. Irfan Ali Tahmor Hussain (2023) “Awareness and Use of Open-Source Library Software in University Libraries f Pakistan” Department of Library and Information Science, Minhaj University Lahore.