Doyoung Gwak

I am currently working on optimizing models by applying quantization techniques at Google in South Korea. This area is really interesting to me because it helps reduce the costs associated with machine learning and improves user experiences. 

I've also been deeply interested in on-device machine learning (ODML) for a long time. This passion has been a significant influence throughout my career. I started out in iOS app development and later expanded my skills to include server-side machine learning engineering.

Work Experience

2022.09~Present Google LLC

Optimize Server-side models via quantization techniques (Python, C++, and MLIR)

Optimize ODML(On-device ML) models via quantization techniques (Python, C++, and MLIR)

Fundamental effort (MLIR)

2019.09~2022.08 NAVER corp. 

Develop and apply ML in real service in NAVER, like LINE CONOMI in Japan

Restaurant Atmosphere Image Classification (Vision, ML, Image Classification, Semi-supervised Learning, Pytorch)

Image Rotation Detector in Server (Vision, ML, Image Classification, TensorFlow)

Receipt Image Edge Detector on iOS (Vision, ML, On-device ML, Pose Estimation, TensorFlow, TensorFlowLite)

[intern] Food Image Detector Album  on iOS (Vision, ML, On-device ML, Binary Image Classification, Create ML, Core ML)


Personal Projects

2021 − "TFLiteSwift-Vision" Repository (iOS, On-device ML, TFLiteSwift, Modularization, CocoaPods) [Github Link]

Provide a vision domain specific-library that implements pre/post-processing of vision task

2021 − "Golf Swing Clipper" App (iOS, On-device ML, Core ML, Vision framework, Pose Estimation) [App Store Link]

Develop a golf swing clipping app using MLKit's 3D Pose Estimation

2021 − Contribution to huggingface/transformers (NLP, GPT2, NER) [PR Link]

Make PR for GPT2ForTokenClassification class which configures by GPT2 for upstream and NER for downstream task

2020 − "PoseEstimation-TFLiteSwift" Repository (iOS, On-device ML, TFLiteSwift, Pose Estimation, Modularization) [Github Link]

Provide a sample source code for developers to easily use single and multi-person pose estimation models with Swift and TFLiteSwift

2020 − "SemanticSegmentation-CoreML" Repository (iOS, On-device ML, Core ML, Metal, Semantic Segmentation) [Github Link]

Provide a sample source code for developers to easily use the semantic segmentation model with Swift and Core ML framework

2020 − "Capture& Paste" App (macOS, On-device ML, Core ML, Vision framework, OCR) [App Store Link]

Develop a simple utility macOS app using Text Recognition with Vision framework and open-source libraries

2019 − "Just Point It" App (iOS, Vision, On-device ML, ML Kit, Core ML, Models' Pipeline, Fingertip Pose Estimation, OCR, Post-processing Optimization) [App Store Link]

Design, develop and release the "Just Point It" app using vision-based 3 machine learning models and optimization algorithms

2019 − "PoseEstimation-CoreML" Repository (iOS, On-device ML, Core ML, Pose Estimation, Pose Matching) [Github Link]

Provide a sample source code for developers to easily use pose estimation model with Swift and Core ML framework

2018 − "awesome-ml-demos-with-ios" Repository [Github Link]

Collect implementation of various pre/post-processing of each vision model on iOS

Other Projects

Publications & Blog Posts & Presentations

Community Activity

Honor & Awards