It's not a love story.

It's not a coming of age.

It's not the kind of thing you put into a play.

It's just a small story.

Just two friends all grown up.

It happens.

It happens.

It happens one day.

Why... does it keep coming back to one dark second?

We're skipping physics just to hold each other's hands.

Our stomachs quake.

Our first mistake:

We go on demanding more.

I had never thought about the importance of storytelling in songwriting until Shawn brought it up at the Story Grid certification seminar in February 2019. So far I had only used the Story Grid for editing novels, but the more I thought about what kind of writer I wanted to work with, the clearer it became: they are songwriters. Knowing that the Story Grid could be applied to songs, I decided to choose one genre and study those songs.

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The melody sets a similar intention like the cover of a book. We choose love stories to feel romance, be it wrapped in a cautionary or prescriptive tale. The image on the front of a love story aims to stir up an emotion too.

Learn from studying songs: Whenever you listen to a love song, pay attention to the mood of the song and what the first lines are. Then ask yourself what mood you want to convey in the first paragraph of your story or by choosing a book cover.

Therefore songs, as well as stories, need to have a central conflict. This conflict is set up within the first few lines of the song. Just look at the songs above again. They immediately tell you what they are about. We either get a sense of their position on the love story global value spectrum or they start with an obligatory scene or convention. 

Love songs are more successful if they have a controlling idea. In about three minutes they give us a short hint of how love works or what might lead to a breakup. Having a controlling idea in your story makes a huge impact on the reader when you have given them either a prescription for what to do or a warning of what not to do. And if you can make a strong impact, your story will likely be remembered.

Learn from studying songs: So whenever you listen to a love song, look out for a line that tells you what kind of person the protagonist is. What makes him so unique or his love so special? Is it something he does? Or the way he talks? With that image or impression in your head, try to come up with some situations that define your characters.

When I began this exploration I had no idea what I was actually doing was a Story Grid diagnostic for songs and records. And the amazing thing is it turns out that the craft of telling a story that works influences the success of a single or a record, too.

"It was a talk and a half," Andrea says. "You had to come and speak to my grandmother."


 Jay says he was scared, and Andrea was terrified. "But we did get married," Jay says. "I was no bed of roses to live with because I'm an entertainer. There's a lot of temptation out there when you're singing. There's a lot. But I used to tell them, 'When you get as pretty as my wife, then we'll talk.' " 


 So why have they lasted as long as they have?


 "I think it's because we grew up together," Jay, 71, says.


 "Did you ever think that we would grow old together?" Andrea, 66, asks him.


 "I never thought I would ever grow old to start off with," Jay says. "People look at us at sometimes [and say] 'You all still holding hands.' Yeah, but no other woman will ever move me. And I'll always love you, no matter what."

I just did a drum cover for my YouTube channel on All My Love. I listened to it a lot the last few days to nail down the drum part and it got me thinking about the depth of the song, lyrically. I know that it's supposed to be about Robert's feelings in the aftermath of his son Karac's death, but has Robert ever really talked about the song? I find it to be one of his most poignant and best written lyrics. The line "proud Aryan, one word my will to sustain" was always interesting to me, but mainly because I was ignorant to what an Aryan was. I thought it referred to him being a blond European but I later learned that the Aryans were a nomadic Indian people who settled in what is now Northern India, Pakistan and Iran. I read Robert's mother is actually of Roma ( Gypsy) descent, not sure if she is Eastern Roma or European. So I wondered if that's what he is referring to in that line.

If anyone has more specific info on this song and some of the metaphors in the lyrics I'd love to hear your thoughts/interpretation. I also have read that Jimmy in particular didn't care for the song and there was some contention about recording and playing it. I think many fans have wrongly maligned it as "soft rock", but I really think it's a standout song , on several counts. Robert's vocal is excellent all around. The guitar parts are really beautifully nuanced , with great layering and Bonzo's playing was outstanding ( he always was anyway). He plays the drum part with a deep, heavy feeling that perfectly compliments the longing and sadness of the lyric. It's a prime example of how Bonzo was so much more than just a timekeeper, he really was a consummate musician, who could create such a soulful feeling with his drumming. Lastly, the extended version with the guitar solo and Bonzo's epic fills is so much better than the fade out of the actual album version. It's pure gold for those last couple minutes.

I love this song with my only criticism being I wish the keyboards had gone more for a psychedelic and heavier vibe (IMHO). I agree Bonzo drumming is remarkable subtle and lyrical. Roberts voice is amazing and I do like the minimal feel of Jimmy's guitar. An underrated track.

I know that it's supposed to be about Robert's feelings in the aftermath of his son Karac's death, but has Robert ever really talked about the song? I find it to be one of his most poignant and best written lyrics. The line "proud Aryan, one word my will to sustain" was always interesting to me, but mainly because I was ignorant to what an Aryan was. I thought it referred to him being a blond European but I later learned that the Aryans were a nomadic Indian people who settled in what is now Northern India, Pakistan and Iran. I read Robert's mother is actually of Roma ( Gypsy) descent, not sure if she is Eastern Roma or European. So I wondered if that's what he is referring to in that line.

It's a deeply personal song about Robert coming to terms with his child's untimely death. The concept is that divine beings weave the reality of human life like a tapestry of threads, and that even when a thread seems to go nowhere there may yet be a deeper meaning to the story of human life. One can see how any life, even one made cruelly short by fate, is still significant and present because it is part of the tapestry and has as such has some meaning in it. Ariane is the French form of the Greek name Ariadne, who saves Theseus by giving him a ball of thread so he could go into the labyrinth, slay the Minotaur and find his way back out. Ariane's thread leads through the maze and out of it. Plant sees himself lost in the maze (or tapestry) because he can't see where the thread of his sons life has lead, cut off as it seems to be before its time, but if only he could have a word from the proud Ariane that his son's thread is really part of the tapestry, he would have the faith to accept that while he has no answer to his grief, that an answer is there somewhere, and that his son's life was more than a feather in the wind. Ariane's thread is also a term in logic that refers to a certain way of figuring out puzzles by thinking through every possibility. 17dc91bb1f

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