Tsushima Mission Trip - David Nwadike


Tsushima Mission 2019

This Summer 2019, I had the beautiful opportunity of traveling to Tsushima, Japan to do some mission work. Ever since I was young, I've wanted to travel to Japan, so it didn't take much to convince me to jump at the golden opportunity. Although I was beyond excited to go, I cannot deny that there was a bit of skepticism lying deep behind that mask of excitement. I wasn't sure of how the experience would be. I mean, yes, I have been on an abundant amount of mission trips, yet my mind would naturally come up with reasons to continuously question my initial motive and decision. This mission trip was different from others in more ways than one; I wasn't going with my high school, I wasn't going with a group of my friends, and I was going to a country which culture I had no experience of. The closer the time of the trip came, the more and more nervous I got. I am glad that I ultimately decided NOT to listen to that gut feeling of doubt. The moment I touched down on Japanese soil, all my doubts had just dispersed. It was like God had given my excitement an energy shot. I was ready to serve the Lord and spread the word.

Tsushima is by far the most beautiful place I have ever traveled before. At every turn there is an absolutely beautiful scenery that just makes you want to sit back and take it all in. The nature aspect many times goes unappreciated. Nature is one of God's ways of communicating with us, so I felt it was only right to stop and just marvel at His beauties on the island of Tsushima every once in a while.

I was put to work the first few days of the mission trip and those days were very fun and meaningful. We arrived on Wednesday and got to work immediately the next day. The first day we assisted in planting crops and getting an agriculture project ready. It was quite tedious work, but that made it all the more rewarding to progressively see the fruits of our labor. That same day we were able to teach English to the children in the neighborhood in the Kurihara household. I always loved interacting with children, and Japan was no different. We sang songs, played games, and even read some Bible stories.

Teaching English in Kurihara household

We also had the opportunity of teaching English at another location. The place was called the Nature School. At this place we helped teach English to a retired man named Abiru.This was an interesting opportunity for me because it was my first time teaching someone older than me. He was very receptive and very eager to learn as well. Our lessons throughout the trip included reading the Bible in English. He told us that it was his first time hearing of these Biblical stories and he said that he would like to learn more.

Nature School with Abiru (3rd from the left)

At the Nature School we also had the opportunity of helping a family. This was a family that we had been praying for. Many times they had an opportunity to come but they always had to cancel because the son was not feeling well, or some other reason. It took patience and prayer but they were finally able to come. It was very enjoyable to finally meet them and make the children smile and laugh.

Teaching English

Playing Ping-Pong

On our last Wednesday in Tsushima we were able to sit with people from the community and have a splendid time. The people from the community helped us make different things from clay and it was very touching experience. That day I was asked to give a little background on myself and my family. I liked this especially it let the people that we were witnessing to know that there is more to me than just a missionary. The lady I traveled with, Michelle Chin-King also gave her story of her heart transplant, which touched everyone in attendance. They all said that they wanted to hug her to get some of her blessings. It was such a beautiful scene to capture; people being touched by a testimony of God's wondrous mercies.

Working on clay pots

Working on clay pots

This mission trip turned out to be something that I won't ever forget. So many memories along with so many bonds formed. It is an experience I truly thank God for letting me take part of. I encourage anyone who plans on partaking in a mission trip or has some doubts to go on ahead and do it. It is always satisfying when one ends up doing work for the Lord. Don't hesitate, be willing to extend a helping hand and I assure you that you will be blessed beyond imagination.

Church in the Kurihara Household

Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth no, knoweth not God; for God is love.

1 John 4:7,8 (KJV)