The Strawberry Ministry Bears Fruit

God can even use strawberries

We never know how God will move hearts. We can only faithfully serve with the gifts and opportunities which come our way.

Last week I invited my next-door neighbor and his wife to our farm.

This was a big step; I had often hesitated to invite them because it seemed like they did not like us because of our faith in Christ.

However, on that day I felt that Jesus wanted me to invite them, so I did.​ I later discovered that his wife loves strawberries immensely. She was overjoyed to be able to eat as many strawberries as she wanted. This was a blessing because it was a way to reach our neighbors through acts of kindness and love. It was a way to diminish biases and create and opportunity for Christ’s Gospel of love by first meeting people’s needs.

As we talked together, I casually mentioned that we needed a tractor so we can plant more strawberries to give away to more people. Then he told me that they had a tractor in their mountain cabin that had not been used for more than ten years, furthermore, they were willing to give it to me for free to use on our farm.

It was totally God's direction.

I don't know if it will work because some parts are needed to repair it, but please pray that the Lord will give us wisdom and get the tractor working​ again, all to His glory.