Pray for Protection from the Typhoon

Protection from the Typhoon

Please keep us and the people of Tsushima in prayer as we are expecting 2 typhoons/hurricanes. The first one, Typhoon Maysak, has already passed by and did some damage for the farm. We loss some fruit as a result.

Fortunately, we were able to harvest much of the fruit before its arrival. The fruit that was blown off of the tree we plan to give away to those who will be staying at one of the local shelters with us.


We are all safe and suffered no injuries but we had much damage on our farm. I am not disappointed because we expected this would happened. Although I have no idea how long it will take to make repairs, we will do our best and continue this project next year. There will be a lot of work needed to fix the damage but a second dangerous typhoon is already on its way. Our nature school sustained damage to its walls and windows as well. So please keep praying for us.

The second typhoon, Haishen, is on its way and expected to arrive Monday, September 7, 2020. Many people on the island are concerned about going to a shelter because we recently had documented cases of Corona Virus here a week ago. However, it will be the safest option for us. The second typhoon is very powerful. Please pray that everyone here will safe.

The second typhoon, Haishen, is on its way and expected to arrive Monday, September 7, 2020. Many people on the island are concerned about going to a shelter because there were some first documented cases of Corona Virus here a week ago. However, it will be the safest option for us. The second typhoon is very powerful. Please pray that everyone here will safe.

We look forward to the day when there will be no more destruction and damage. The day when our crops will grow free from disease and pestilence. That is the day when Jesus will make everything new. He will remove the sadness and death and sin in this world. He will re-create this world as it was in the beginning without sin and its weaknesses. We long for that day.


Thankfully the second typhoon did even less damage than the first. Thank you for your prayers. God has heard and gave us his protection. AMEN!

Matt 24:14

"The Good News about God’s kingdom will be preached in all the world, to every nation. Then the end will come."

マタイの福音書 24:14
