TSMO 2024

Workshop on Two-sided Marketplace Optimization: Search, Pricing, Matching & Growth in conjunction with KDD Conference (KDD 2024) in Barcelona, Spain

Workshop date: Monday, August 26th, 2024 


In recent years, two-sided marketplaces have emerged as viable business models in many real-world applications. In particular, we have moved from the social network paradigm to a network with two distinct types of participants representing the supply and demand of a specific good. Examples of industries include but are not limited to accommodation (Airbnb, Booking.com), video content (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok), ridesharing (Uber, Lyft), online shops (Etsy, Ebay, Facebook Marketplace), music (Spotify, Amazon), app stores (Apple App Store, Google App Store) or job sites (LinkedIn). The traditional research in most of these industries focused on satisfying the demand. OTAs would sell hotel accommodation, TV networks would broadcast their own content, or taxi companies would own their own vehicle fleet. In modern examples like Airbnb, YouTube, Instagram, or Uber, the platforms operate by outsourcing the service they provide to their users, whether they are hosts, content creators or drivers,  and have to develop their models considering their needs and goals. 

The two-sided marketplaces are almost entirely data-driven. Machine learning powered methods and algorithms are essential in every aspect of two-sided marketplaces. This workshop aims to bring practitioners of two-sided marketplaces together and discuss the evolution of content ranking, recommendation systems, and data mining when solving for producers and consumers on these platforms. Additionally, the workshop will cover Generative AI applications in these platforms and how they are changing the ecosystem. 

Workshop Paper Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tsmo2024

KDD Registration link: https://kdd2024.kdd.org/registration


Details TBD

9:00 Introduction and Welcome

9:05 Keynote talk

9:50 Break

10:30 Workshop paper presentations

Call for Papers

Submission Website


Submission - May 28, 2024 June 9, 2024

Decision - June 28, 2024 July 1, 2024

Camera-ready - July 6, 2024

Workshop - August 26, 2024

The topics of this workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:


Papers must be submitted in PDF in ACM Conference Proceeding template (two column format). Submissions should not exceed 8 pages plus up to one additional page of references. 

The MAIN CONTACT organizer’s e-mail: mihajlo.grbovic@airbnb.com