
(About Wave)

【時尚暢飲新據點 解放微醺夜生活】

Wave Club,座落於高級夜生活指標信義區,比鄰Taipei 101,ATT4FUN內高樓層全新頂級夜店,台北奢華夜景一覽無遺;知名專業DJ、性感舞者駐店,高科技千萬舞台、無隔閡感官饗宴,結合夜店、表演、空中酒吧、夜景...的多元娛樂潮流空間,聲、色、光與音樂的完美融合,Club Myst 一流娛樂創意團隊又一劃時代力作,凌駕當今夜店規格、超越Vegas的前衛奢華場域,引領都會夜生活新風潮。店內多樣頂級酒款隨選,顧客凡購票或訂包廂入場後,即可無限暢飲 ,另備單品酒單,多樣選擇,自在享樂。

【The newest fashionable open bar club in town】

Situated right next to the 101 building in the trendiest Xinyi district, Wave Club is the most extravagent open bar club with impeccable night views, roster of famous DJ's, sexy dancers, and a high tech dance floor. Wave Club combines clubbing, event venue, and a outdoor sky bar that is even better than Vegas night clubs. This newest effort from the creative team behind Club Myst will take clubbing and night life in Taipei to a whole other level. With ticket purchase or booth reservation comes unlimited selection of premier alcohol as well as a la carte selections to satisfy all of you.