I often come to my notifications to find 10 notifications for the same conversation thread

in my email i would have a threaded email

in Monday I have a separate notification to open for each

I think that if there is 10 notifications or a for that matter more than 1 for one update they can show as a stack, clicking it expands the stack or you enter it like a group, you can then mark all as read for that stack, delete etc, after all i click one, i read the discussions and now i have in my current example 18 more to mark as read to keep my notifications clean and organised.

I also think that on a board level you could have a notification Icon for anything relating to that board, then if you visit that board you can go through the board notifications and clearing them/reading them here will mark them as read in the master notifications panel

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With iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 or later, you can schedule times to receive a summary of notifications each day so you can catch up when it's convenient for you. The summary is personalized to you and ordered by priority based on how you use your apps, with the most relevant notifications at the top.

To add new apps to the summary, go back to Settings > Notifications > Scheduled Summary and select the apps under Apps in Summary. Each app appears with a number showing the average number of notifications that you receive each day from that app.

This is all good and we know how to create a group in the YAML, but a helper group is the way we should be doing it. My understanding is HA would like to go down this path. It also makes it easy for normal people to create a group of devices they would like to notify without any understanding of code.

Another idea for the UX that I think would be worth considering is to introduce an element similar to the address list in the direct message composer that would make it explicit which people and/or groups are going to be notified:

I'm an Administrator of the Organization and Owner of this group. It seems this might be a private method available onl to Esri. If so, not cool. Share the wealth. What is the point of group.notify method if no one can use it?

If you need more customizations see the Android NotificationExtenderService to group messages and add another NotificationExtenderService to update the summary notification. See Android's Group Notify Guide for more details.

Note there are some limitations that Android 7+ has for these summary notifications. You can only modify the text, accent color and small icon (not large icon). However, you can still modify the children.

Only applies to Android 6.0 and lower. Display a group summary notification that appears alone. By default '# new messages' will show on the device when 2 or more notifications are received with the same group key. Enter a custom message with '$[notif_count]' in the message text so the count can be replaced.

In Azure Devops I have created an Environment with Approvers list as group approvers. While I define as group approvers (AAD) I am not getting Email notification but if I define as individual user as approver then I am getting Email notification for the respective users successfully.

A member that's an Azure AD group The team has members I1, I2, and A1. What happens: only I1 and I2 get notified via their preferred email addresses. Members of A1 don't get notified, as Azure DevOps doesn't expand AD groups when delivering notifications

I'm working on configuring Service Desk. In addition to the regular "Assignee" field, I also need a field which will allow me to assign tickets to a group. Following the suggestion here, I setup a group picker custom field.

So far, it looks like it will do what I need it to do. The only thing that's not working is notifications. I'd like it send notifications to all the group members when something is assigned to that group.

I think the way to do this may be to set a workflow condition to look for when new items are added that impact the search criteria of your repeating group. If you are still stuck, post what is your repeating group doing. for example, if your repeating group is a dynamic search for instances of a Thing, then you set a workflow condition for when a new thing is created and that triggers your notification

Over the weekend I upgraded my phone, then I realized that I needed to update all of my automation to notify my new device. I was using notification groups to notify my spouse and myself but I wanted to see if I could make a new group with just one device and it let me. Went through and updated all my automations to notify this new group, and now when I get a new device, I just need to update the group and not everything again. Just wanted to pass this along. Hope it helps.

An ID that uniquely identifies this group. If two groups have the same unique ID, Home Assistant will raise an error. Giving an group a unique ID allow the group name, icon and area to be customized via the UI.

The service part of an entity ID, e.g., if you use notify.html5 normally, just put html5. Note that you must put everything in lower case here. Although you might have capitals written in the actual notification services!

Back in the day, Home Assistant used groups to visually groups entities in the Home Assistant UI; it was the only way to tell which entities would show up in a single card on your Dashboard. This is no longer the case, as we now have fantastic UI editors and Dashboarding.

However, the old-style groups are still there in the roots of Home Assistant.On the one hand, they are more versatile (they can use more entity types right now); but on the other hand, they are also more limited and complicated to use.

The limited use is that these old-style groups are written to be universal, while the new style groups described above are designed to be a full replacement of their members (e.g., a light group, as described above, has all light features). Besides being only available via manual YAML configuration, they also have limited UI support in terms of customizing.

Sending to everyone shared to a sheet at times overwhelms people's inboxes or Teams channels, to the point where they mute notifications. Sending to specific people is very narrow and causes maintenance challenges when people change roles.

We have groups setup (e.g. Leadership, Portfolio Managers, etc) and being able to select, for example, Leadership group to receive a notification would help a lot and we simply manage the membership of the group in one place, once.

It would be nice if we were able to send Smartsheet automation alerts to Smartsheet groups instead of having to select individual contacts. Makes it very tedious and difficult to update the alert as intended recipients are changed.

We have the same challange, we have groups set up in M365 (i.e. [email protected], L10.domain.com, etc.) and would be great to be able to simply alert a Microsoft Distribution Group as well. Even being able to alert a Smartsheet group would be an improvement.

Workflows fail when people leave the firm. Can workflows be designate by groups so then we only have to manage the groups? This would be very helpful so we don't have to do rework ever time someone joins/leaves the firm.

We use smartsheets forms to alert a large group of folks at our site, leveraging notification email workflow, often responding with 'reply all'. The group is on Microsoft Teams, and have had some success in just emailing out to the Microsoft teams email distribution. The problem is that if someone leaves the team, the workflow fails (per smartsheets design, they don't recognize group emails). This would be a significant enhancement to the tool if this could be utilized. The only work around is to add each of the emails to share the sheet, and when sending to them, the reply all function no longer will work.

I have a significant number of automations that are targeted to inform a particular group of individuals about changes in sheets that impact them. However, I can't add a defined Group to the automation notification. Rather, I need to add them as individuals and then maintain them as the Group list changes. By allowing a defined Group to be listed in an automation, I can avoid the misses associated with such a manual and difficult to maintain process.

Even though we have names and email addresses in a contact group, smartsheet doesn't recognize a group in a contact list column. Rather than having to enter each contact every time in each row, allow entry of the group name in the field and smartsheet recognize & work the individual email addresses from that group. This would be helpful for "alert someone" in an "assigned to" column.

I have certain WhatsApp group chats that I get constant messages from throughout each day. I don't need real-time updates on my Instinct for every message and I've already muted notifications for these groups in WhatsApp, but my watch still buzzes away incessantly all day. I do have other WhatsApp contacts that I would like to receive notifications from on my Instinct.

I had the same issue with my Vivoactive 3. After searching this forum, I found that the watch just displays everything the phone sends to it and has no function to filter this. The Garmin Connect app (in your phone) has a function to control for which app notifications are allowed or not, but does so only for all or none. If you allow for notifications, the app will forward all notifications in the notification bar. What we have to do is prevent these group chats from showing in the notification bar on phone.

In WatsApp, using mute notification is not enough to hide notifications for the notifications bar. In the Group info (Opens by tapping the group name in the Group chat) there is a setting for custom notifications. Activating this setting will allow your phone to create different settings for this chat.

In the phone's settings for notifications, go to the settings for WhatsApp and find the group you wish to mute. Here you can deactive notifications for the group. For me, using Android, this removed the notifications on my Watch. e24fc04721

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