真理團契 Truth Fellowship

求你用真理使他們成聖;你的道就是真理。 約翰福音 17:17

Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. John 17:17

使命 Mission

  • 認識真理、愛神愛人 Knowing Truth, Loving God and One Another.

  • 應用:讀經、禱告、傳福音、帶門徒、領敬拜、帶查經、見證分享

  • Application:Daily devotion, Prayer, Mission, Disciple training, Worship, Bible study, Testament.

簡介 History

真理團契成立於 1998 年,是加州大衛市基督教會 DCCC 底下以普通話為主的團契之一。我們的成員包含各個年齡層與職業,像是學生、年輕家庭、社會中堅以及從職場退休的弟兄姊妹。成立之初,聚會每週輪流在弟兄姊妹家中舉辦;目前則固定於每星期五晚上在教會唱詩、敬拜與查考主的話語。多年來盡管成員來去多有變更,真理團契在主愛裡面建立的傳統仍得以延續,弟兄姊妹盡心愛主、彼此事奉。我們相信主的話就是真理,如同新約聖經約翰福音 17:17 的經文所說的:「求你用真理使他們成聖;你的道就是真理。」

Our group is a Mandarin-speaking fellowship based out of the Davis Chinese Christian Church (DCCC), located in Davis, California. Our members come from all stages of life and include students, scholars, young families, and retirees. Truth Fellowship was established in 1998 and met regularly on Friday nights at various peoples' homes for worship and Bible study. It subsequently relocated to DCCC in 2016. Despite the frequent turnover of members commonly seen in churches and fellowships located in college towns, Truth Fellowship's tradition has continued. We are committed to loving God and serving Him and our fellow neighbors. We believe that Truth is defined by God and His Word, as written in the Book of John: Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth (17:17).

大衛市基督教會 DCCC

查經時程 Schedule

時間:每週五晚上 7:30,地點:大衛市基督教會 DCCC

  • 07:30pm 敬拜 Worship

  • 07:55pm 經文導讀 Bible study introductory remarks

  • 08:20pm 小組討論 Group discussion

  • 09:00pm 禱告 Prayer


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