Privacy Policy

Updated on: 25/02/2023

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about how App uses your personal data. We recommend you should read it carefully.

1. Information we collect

A) You provide information. When you freely disclose personal information to us through a number of features on the App, we may collect it. For example, when you register, utilise, pay to use, or subscribe to any of our application Services, or participate in any of the application Services' interactive features. We obtain a range of personal information from you directly or when you give us permission to access certain personal information.

B) Furthermore, while you use the App Services, you may be prompted to provide or send personal information to us, such as sending us comments via email. Our primary goal in collecting personal data from you is to provide you with a secure, seamless, efficient, and personalised experience. This enables us to offer services and features that are most likely to match your needs, as well as to tailor our service to make your experience safer and easier. We only collect personal information about you that we believe is required to accomplish this goal. You are no longer anonymous to us once you have registered, and you can examine and alter certain personal information under the Edit Profile settings section.

C) Purchases. App will collect the iTunes unique transaction IDs and receipts data if you purchase any of the Paid App services (as described in our Terms of Use) through your Apple iTunes account. App does not save or process credit card information and instead requests that you purchase Paid App services on Apple devices using your Apple iTunes account. Please study Apple's privacy rules at or as elsewhere available to better understand Apple's privacy practises if you wish to use your Apple iTunes to purchase Paid application Services.

2. How we use information?

We use your personal information as specified in this Privacy Policy or as otherwise disclosed to you in connection with the application services. These objectives include: 

A) Providing the Application Services Requested: We utilise your personal information to administer and maintain your App Account, as well as to provide the App functionalities and features (including providing communications as described below).

B) We utilise your personal information to develop, provide, measure, monitor, analyse, and enhance application services, as well as develop new goods and services.

C) Communicate With You:  We use your personal information to respond to your comments and questions and provide customer service, to send you any messaging or communications related to the functions and features of the App Services (including via email), to keep you up to date on our latest product or service announcements or updates, software updates, security alerts, and technical notices, and to send you support and administrative messages. If you do not desire to receive communications from App, please follow the instructions included in each correspondence or contact App support at our email.

D) Additional Uses:  We may use user personal information to perform other functions as may otherwise be described to you at the time of collection or as enabled by you in relation to use App services

3. How do we share your information?

You can exchange personal information about yourself with other App users and potential users through the App Services. When sharing your information with others, including information shared through your profile, please keep your privacy and personal safety in mind. Certain personal information submitted during registration may be included in profiles. Also included is information regarding your App Services usage.

For use statistics (to help us better understand who is using our services and how), industry analysis, demographic profiling, research, and other similar purposes, we may disclose information about you in anonymous and/or aggregated form with third parties. We may reveal information about you if we are (or believe we are) forced to do so by law or legal process (such as a subpoena, warrant, or court order), or if we need to enforce or implement this Privacy Policy, our Terms, or other policies.

We may transfer and/or supply information about our users as part of a merger, acquisition, or sale of company assets, or in any other case in which user information is transferred as a business asset. 

Please be aware that other Users can see information on your profile, including any personal information. We have no control over who reads the information you share or what others may do with it, so please treat your personal information with care. If you want to share information about other Users, please think about their safety and privacy and acquire their permission first.

Note that the term "third party" excludes companies that are part of the same group as App, such as our subsidiaries (that is, any organisation we own or control) or our ultimate holding company (that is, any organisation that owns or controls us) and any subsidiaries that our holding company owns. These companies will use your personal information as specified in this Privacy Policy unless otherwise stated.

4. Our retention of your personal information

You can cancel your App Account at any moment by going to "Profile" and selecting "Delete Account," or by sending an email to our support team. Your profile will no longer be available after you have deactivated your App Account and logged out of the App Services. and all of your information will be removed from our servers

5. Legal matters

As required by law, we cooperate with legitimate law enforcement inquiries and information requests. We also recognise the need of dealing with emergencies. As a result, we may disclose your personal information to any governmental authority in connection with an investigation into our compliance with any applicable law, rule, or regulation (including privacy laws, rules, and regulations); (b) in response to a court order, subpoena, discovery request, or other lawful judicial or administrative proceeding; or (c) as otherwise required by any applicable law, rule, or regulation. (d) in good faith, to protect or defend our rights or property, or the rights or property of other Users, or to investigate and defend ourselves against any third-party claims or allegations; (e) enforce our Terms of Use, including the investigation of potential violations thereof; or (f) detect, prevent, or otherwise address criminal, security, or technical issues.

Personal information collected by us may be stored or processed outside of our nation in jurisdictions with different data protection regulations. In such circumstances, we will continue to protect the information by contract and other reasonable means, but you recognise that your personal information may be subject to the governments, courts, law enforcement officials, national security authorities, and laws of those nations.

6. Security

App is concerned about your privacy and works hard to secure your personal information from unauthorised access, disclosure, inappropriate alteration, and misuse. This encryption procedure scrambles your data before it is transferred to us from your mobile device, protecting it. We also use available protective technology to make a reasonable effort to safeguard the security of your personal information on our system. Unfortunately, no data transmission via the Internet can be completely safe. As a result, we make no guarantees or claims about the security of any information you send us electronically in connection with the chat Services, which you do at your own risk.

7. Account administration and access to your information

By visiting the " Profile " and " Settings " areas of your Account, you can access and edit your App Account information at any time. If you need help accessing or changing your App Account information, or closing your account, please contact us using the information below.

8. Your Rights

We want you to have complete control over your data, therefore we've equipped you with the following tools: 

Access and update the service's tools. Tools and account settings that allow you to directly within the service access, correct, or remove information that you gave to us and that is linked with your account. Please contact our customer service staff for assistance if you have any questions about those tools and setting

· Device permissions. Permission systems exist for specific types of device data and notifications, such as location services and push notifications, on mobile platforms. You can adjust your device's settings to allow or disallow the collection of the associated data or the display of the corresponding notifications. Of course, you risk losing complete functioning of several services if you do so.

· Deletion. You can delete your account directly on the service by utilising the appropriate feature. 

We want you to understand your privacy options. Here are some crucial considerations to keep in mind:

· Reviewing your information. You may have the right under applicable privacy laws to inspect the personal information we keep on you (depending on the jurisdiction, this may be called right of access, right of portability or variations of those terms). By sending us an email, you can request a copy of your personal information.

· Updating your information. Please contact us here if you believe the information we possess on you is inaccurate or that we are no longer authorised to use it, and you wish to request its rectification, erasure, or objection to its processing. 

Before we can respond to the aforementioned requests, we may ask you to produce evidence of identity for your protection and the protection of all of our users.

Keep in mind that we reserve the right to refuse requests for a variety of reasons, including if they are unlawful, infringe on trade secrets or intellectual property, or violate another user's privacy. If you want to receive information on another user, such as a copy of any messages you exchanged with him or her through our service, the other user must contact our Privacy Officer and provide written approval before the information is released.

Furthermore, we may not be able to accommodate certain requests to object to the processing of personal data, particularly if doing so would prevent us from providing our service to you. For example, if we don't have your date of birth, we won't be able to give our service.

· Uninstall. You can stop an app from collecting data by deleting it using your device's usual uninstall method. The unique identification connected with your device will be preserved even if you remove the programme from your mobile device. We will be able to re-associate this identifier with your prior transactions and activity if you re-install the application on the same mobile device.

9. How do we keep your information safe

We work hard to keep your personal information safe against unauthorised access, change, disclosure, or destruction. Although we take precautions to secure your information, as with all technology companies, we cannot guarantee, and you should not anticipate, that your personal information will always be secure. 

We keep an eye on our systems for potential flaws and assaults, and we examine our data collection, storage, and processing methods on a regular basis to keep our physical, technical, and organisational security measures up to date. 

If we suspect or detect a security breach, we may suspend your usage of all or part of the services without notice. Please alert us right away if you suspect your account or information is no longer safe.

10. Privacy Policy Updates

With regard to the App Services, this Privacy Policy is our commitment to you. Please email us at the address listed below if you have any queries regarding this Privacy Policy. App retains the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any moment and without providing you with prior notification or obligation. If we update this Privacy Policy, we will update the " Last Updated " date above and put the new Privacy Policy on this page. Depending on the circumstances, we may use alternative channels of notification or request your approval.

Any modifications will take effect as soon as the new Privacy Policy is published. If you continue to use or access the App Services after any such changes, you are agreeing to the new Privacy Policy.

11. Contact

You can contact us if you have any concerns or requests about this privacy policy or your personal data by sending an email to our contact e-mail address: