Improving Trustworthiness of Real-world AI systems

through Adversarial Attack and Effective Defense

"Improving Trustworthiness of Real-world AI systems through Adversarial Attack and Effective Defense" is a research project granted under the NSOE-TSS Grant Call 2019: Trustworthy Software Systems – Core Technologies issued by the National Satellite of Excellence in Trustworthy Software Systems (NSoE-TSS) and funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF).


Artificial intelligence research has achieved a great success in recent years and inspired many innovative applications in industry, including recommender systems, self-driving cars, and face recognition. Therefore, the security of AI systems has become a critical concern in both industry and academia. Unfortunately, the study on the security of AI systems is far from satisfactory for industrial deployment to assist real-world AI systems. The main limitations of existing work include the failure of considering practical and implementable adversarial attacks for real-world attacker, and neglecting the specific need of deployed AI systems on balancing the safety and performance. Based on our past experience in solving a broad class of practical problems with AI techniques, we will provide a comprehensive toolkit to address the above limitations which can be deployed to assist real-world AI systems on safety evaluation and provide an adaptive solution to satisfy practical needs.

Background and Motivation

AI techniques have been deployed in many real-world deployed systems and benefit people’s daily life significantly. Information retrieval techniques such as factorization-based collaborative filtering are the keys for the recommender system to provide personalized recommendations [Manouselis et al. 2011, Shi et al. 2014,Wang et al. 2006]. Convolutional neural networks [Krizhevsky et al. 2012] have been the state-of-the-art in image classification tasks and widely adopted in face recognition, object detection, etc.. Traditional machine learning models as well as DNNs act as the spam filter in e-mail filtering system such as Spambayes [Drucker et al. 1999, Sebastiani2002]. Amazons Ignite platform provides machine learning supports for financial business. With the growing development of AI systems, the security of them becomes a critical concern. A fraudulent seller may promote his items by conducting fraud transactions [Guo et al. 2019]. Adversarial perturbations have been revealed which can fool image classifiers [Goodfellow et al. 2015, Szegedy et al. 2014]. Malicious users can send wrong feedback to the e-mail filter compromising its ability to identify spam. Moreover, outside attackers can craft camouflaged spam. Overall, the data-sensitive real-world AI systems are probably vulnerable to adversarial attacks and the consequence of successful adversarial attacks could be non-affordable, since many of these systems are responsible to financial safety or even human lives.

While extensive studies have been devoted to analyze the vulnerability of many AI algorithms [Tramer et al. 2018, Kurakin et al. 2017, Madry et al. 2018, Moosavi-Dezfooli et al. 2016, Moosavi-Dezfooli et al. 2017, Papernot and McDaniel2016, Carlini et al. 2017] and design defense measures against various attacks [Carlini and Wagner2017, Hinton et al. 2015, Goodfellow et al. 2015, Madry et al. 2018, Papernot and McDaniel2016, Papernot et al. 2016, Zheng et al. 2016], the study on the security of AI systems is far from satisfactory for deployed AI systems usage due to the following key challenges. First, most adversarial attacks in existing works fall into the category of norm-ball attacks, which are perturbations that satisfy a magnitude upper-bound with some measurement norm. However, in most real-world scenarios, the adversary cannot directly alter the inputs to the AI system, making norm-ball attacks not implementable and unrealistic. Second, most of the existing works consider powerful attackers with full knowledge of the model. Unfortunately, in practice, most AI systems only disclose the final results to outside users. Finally, the defense measures in the literature cannot satisfy the flexible requirement of real-world systems on the trade-off between robustness and accuracy, as they focus mainly on the robustness against adversarial attacks. In practice, AI systems may have different levels of desires on robustness and it is critical to provide adaptive solution to balance robustness and accuracy.


The PI and collaborators have been working on attacking and defending AI algorithms over the last few years and the research results have been deployed in large scale real-world e-commerce platforms. Inspired by these findings and the aforementioned challenges, this project aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation framework and adaptive defense solutions deployable to assist real-world AI systems. To achieve this goal, this project needs to accomplish the following objectives.

  • Design physical adversarial attacks against various AI systems. We will focus on the physical adversarial attacks which are the ones implementable by real-world adversaries such as profile injection attacks and fraud transactions in e-commerce domain and physically affecting an object such as changing the lighting conditions or shifting the geometry of the object. We will develop effective approaches to compute physical adversarial attacks against various AI systems including recommender systems, fraud detections in e-commerce and image classifiers.
  • Compute budgeted hard-label black-box attacks for adversarial examples and model stealing. We will consider the realistic settings where an adversary has a budget of queries to an AI system. Based on the outcome of these queries, the adversary either crafts an adversarial example or tries to steal the model. We will develop methodologies to address the non-differentiable output of the AI system and investigate the budgeted hard-label black-box attacks against traditional methods such as tree-based models which are widely adopted in industry.
  • Develop Pareto-optimal Framework for the trade-off between robustness and accuracy. We will conduct extensive theoretical and empirical analysis on the trade-off between robustness and accuracy and identify the key factors controlling such trade-off. We will propose a Pareto-optimal framework to depict the Pareto-optimal frontier of real-world AI systems. We will develop an adaptive adversarial training framework to compute a Pareto-optimal solution satisfying the specific requirement on balancing the trade-off between robustness and accuracy.

Principal Investigator

Dr. Bo An, is an Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, NTU. He has done lot of research in computational game theory, multi-agent systems, optimization, and applications in securing critical infrastructures such as airports, ports, and aircrafts. He has published over 90 referred papers at AAMAS, IJCAI, AAAI, ICAPS, KDD, WWW, JAAMAS, and AIJ. He is the recipient of the 2010 IFAAMAS Distinguished Dissertation Award, an Operational Excellence Award from the Commander, First Coast Guard District of the United States, the 2012 INFORMS Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice, and 2018 Nanyang Research Award (Young Investigator). His publications won the Best Innovative Application Paper Award at AAMAS’12 and the Innovative Application Award at IAAI’16. He was invited to give Early Career Spotlight talk at IJCAI’17. He led the team HogRider which won the 2017 Microsoft Collaborative AI Challenge. He was named to IEEE Intelligent Systems’ “AI’s 10 to Watch” list for 2018. He was invited to be an Advisory Committee member of IJCAI’18. He is a member of the editorial board of JAIR and the Associate Editor of JAAMAS, IEEE Intelligent Systems, and ACM TIST. He was elected to the board of directors of IFAAMAS and senior member of AAAI.


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