How To Choose The Right Trusses for Your New Building

If you are searching for a “truss company near me” online, it might be because you have questions about how to choose the right trusses for your next building project.  Whether you want to use wooden roofing or Floor Trusses in San Diego, there are many ways to design and build a home or office that incorporate these easy-to-use, economical structures.  Here are some tips for choosing the right trusses for your design and saving money and time on your build!


      Think about the type of roof that will work well with your particular home’s style.  Some homes look better with a high, peaked roof; others benefit from a low profile.  Trusses can be designed to create a nearly flat roof, a steep hip roof, or anything in between.  Your floor plan and architectural style will help you decide which style of truss is right for you.  If you want to change the style of roof that your floor plan calls for, speak with your architect; often, changing truss styles can give your house a whole new look at a fraction of the cost of a new design.

      Decide if you want exposed or enclosed beams.  Some trusses, such as scissor trusses, are created for open-beam concepts.  If you want to add a den with an open beam ceiling, a truss of this type might be a good choice for this area.  On the other hand, if you want a long, straight stretch that will be enclosed as attic space, a gable truss can be a good option.

      Consider the span you wish to cover.  Long, open spaces call for roof and floor trusses that will span long distances without support pillars.  These types of trusses can easily be designed and built when you consider your specifications beforehand.  In many instances, using trusses that span long areas can save you significantly over the cost of building other types of supportive structures.

      Think about future building space.  Choosing trusses that have built-in space for future finished living area, such as attic trusses, can save you time and money in the future.  If you choose to use these types of trusses, you have a ready-made space that can be finished at any point in the future, expanding your living space at minimal cost.  This can be a huge selling point for spec houses, as well; many families are now considering the growth potential of houses as well as their current living needs.


Choosing the right roofing and flooring trusses is often simply a matter of thinking carefully about your needs.  At Stone Truss, one of the leading roof trusses manufacturers in San Diego, our professionals are here to help you do just that!  We can talk with you about your design, help you choose the right truss structures for your needs, and build and deliver your trusses in time for your next project to be completed quickly and efficiently.  Give us a call today to speak to one of our professionals about your next building project!