In my work with Jeff at Sundance, I have found him to be extraordinarily sensitive to the relationship of content and story to the film making process. He has a much wider and fuller understanding of what makes a film work than just his proven expertise in marketing.--Waldo Salt, Two-time Academy Award winning screenwriter ("Midnight Cowboy," "Coming Home").

Documentaries like "The Last Game," "Fahrenheit 9/11," "Fuel" and now "Dirt! The Movie" should be considered works-in-progress until their theatrical release. What they learn through qualitative research screenings, festival screenings, feedback from critics and changing history should all inform the creative and marketing aspects of the film up until theatrical/DVD/TV release.

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The plumage of the house sparrow is mostly different shades of grey and brown. The sexes exhibit strong dimorphism: the female is mostly buffish above and below, while the male has boldly coloured head markings, a reddish back, and grey underparts.[8] The male has a dark grey crown from the top of its bill to its back, and chestnut brown flanking its crown on the sides of its head. It has black around its bill, on its throat, and on the spaces between its bill and eyes (lores). It has a small white stripe between the lores and crown and small white spots immediately behind the eyes (postoculars), with black patches below and above them. The underparts are pale grey or white, as are the cheeks, ear coverts, and stripes at the base of the head. The upper back and mantle are a warm brown, with broad black streaks, while the lower back, rump and upper tail coverts are greyish brown.[10]

The male is duller in fresh nonbreeding plumage, with whitish tips on many feathers. Wear and preening expose many of the bright brown and black markings, including most of the black throat and chest patch, called the "bib" or "badge".[10][11] The badge is variable in width and general size, and may signal social status or fitness. This hypothesis has led to a "veritable 'cottage industry'" of studies, which have only conclusively shown that patches increase in size with age.[12] The male's bill is dark grey, but black in the breeding season.[3]

The female has no black markings or grey crown. Its upperparts and head are brown with darker streaks around the mantle and a distinct pale supercilium. Its underparts are pale grey-brown. The female's bill is brownish-grey and becomes darker in breeding plumage approaching the black of the male's bill.[3][10]

Juveniles are similar to the adult female, but deeper brown below and paler above, with paler and less defined supercilia. Juveniles have broader buff feather edges, and tend to have looser, scruffier plumage, like moulting adults. Juvenile males tend to have darker throats and white postoculars like adult males, while juvenile females tend to have white throats. However, juveniles cannot be reliably sexed by plumage: some juvenile males lack any markings of the adult male, and some juvenile females have male features. The bills of young birds are light yellow to straw, paler than the female's bill. Immature males have paler versions of the adult male's markings, which can be very indistinct in fresh plumage. By their first breeding season, young birds generally are indistinguishable from other adults, though they may still be paler during their first year.[3][10]

As an adult, the house sparrow mostly feeds on the seeds of grains and weeds, but it is opportunistic and adaptable, and eats whatever foods are available.[110] In towns and cities, it often scavenges for food in garbage containers and congregates in the outdoors of restaurants and other eating establishments to feed on leftover food and crumbs. It can perform complex tasks to obtain food, such as opening automatic doors to enter supermarkets,[111] clinging to hotel walls to watch vacationers on their balconies,[112] and nectar robbing kowhai flowers.[113] In common with many other birds, the house sparrow requires grit to digest the harder items in its diet. Grit can be either stone, often grains of masonry, or the shells of eggs or snails; oblong and rough grains are preferred.[114][115]

Two months following the events of the second film, with Davy Jones's heart in his possession and the Flying Dutchman under his command, Cutler Beckett begins exterminating all pirates. To combat Beckett, the nine pirate lords of the Brethren Court convene at Shipwreck Cove. Only Jack Sparrow is missing, killed and sent to Davy Jones's Locker at the end of the previous film. Sparrow, as Pirate Lord of the Caribbean, must attend, as he did not bequeath to a designated heir his "piece of eight", a pirate lord's marker. The collective "nine pieces of eight" are needed to free sea goddess Calypso to defeat Beckett. With Elizabeth and Will, Barbossa leads Sparrow's crew to Davy Jones's Locker using stolen navigational charts from the pirate lord Sao Feng. After the crew locate him, Sparrow deciphers a clue on the charts allowing them to escape the Locker.[38]

Angelica tells Jack she is conning about being Blackbeard's daughter, though later revealed she was telling the truth, and that Blackbeard wanting to find the Fountain to avoid a prophesied death. Although Jack incites a mutiny, saving the missionary named Philip Swift and fighting zombie officers, Blackbeard himself subdues the mutineers with a sword that controls ships. Blackbeard also practices voodoo magic and fashions a voodoo doll to bend Jack Sparrow to his will. Jack learns from Angelica that the ritual for the Fountain requires a mermaid's tear and two silver chalices located on Ponce de Len's ship, the Santiago, and the person who drinks the water with the tear gets all the years of life from the other. Angelica also shows Jack Blackbeard's collection of ships in bottles, including the Black Pearl. After capturing the mermaid Syrena at Whitecap Bay, Blackbeard sends Jack to get the chalices, taking his compass and threatening his own daughter at gunpoint. Aboard the Santiago, Jack meets Barbossa, but both find that the chalices have been taken by the Spanish. Before retrieving the chalices, Barbossa reveals his true agenda: revenge against Blackbeard for the attack on the Black Pearl, which Barbossa truly believes to be sunk, which led to cutting off his leg via self-amputation. Jack returns to give Blackbeard the chalices in exchange for Angelica's safety and Jack's compass, which Jack sends Gibbs off with.

The High Sparrow stops Septa Unella from physically chastising a restive Queen Margaery. Though he refuses to answer Margaery's questions regarding her brother's well-being, he does reveal that King Tommen misses her. The High Sparrow believes the love between man and wife is sacred, but sin can cloud this. When the Queen refuses to confess to any wrongdoing, he asks whether Margaery truly considers herself to be without sin of any kind. He is pleased when the Queen at least concedes that everyone makes mistakes.[7]

His Holiness walks in on Queen Margaery piously reading from the Seven Pointed Star. After briefly discussing the The Mother, the High Sparrow asks Margaery if they can discuss a personal matter. Tommen has told the Sparrow that since his wife's release, they have yet to share the marriage bed. Margaery tries to explain that she is just treading carefully to avoid relapsing into sin. The Sparrow reassures her that a wife giving her husband an heir is no sin; it is her duty. The High Sparrow then makes a thinly veiled threat against Margaery's grandmother, Olenna Tyrell, stating that while she is a remarkable woman, the 'Queen Of Thorns' is also an unrepentant sinner.[11]

After languishing for a couple of months, Beckett ordered Jack to be brought within sight of the Wicked Wench about a mile off the coast of Western Africa. Beckett and his operative, Ian Mercer, branded Jack with a "P" brand on his right forearm, marking him forever as a pirate. Then Beckett ordered his ship to fire on the anchored Wicked Wench, using inflammable "carcass charges." Seeing his beloved Wench in flames, Jack Sparrow broke free from his captors, dived into the ocean and swam for his ship, hoping to rescue her. But it was lost, as Jack was trapped in his own cabin and went down with his sunken ship. Neither dead nor alive, Jack found himself in a strange place. Knowing that he was on the path to the Land of the Dead, Jack spoke a magical incantation, which allowed him to summon Davy Jones, the lord of the sea.[12]

Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones then struck a bargain. In exchange for the restoration of the Wicked Wench, Jack promised to give up his position as captain of the ship in thirteen years time so as to serve for a century aboard Jones' ship, the Flying Dutchman. Jones agreed and raised Jack's ship from the depths. Jack, however, had no intention of keeping his end of the bargain, having become too attached to his beloved ship and not wanting to serve anyone. Inspired by the Biblical parable of "the pearl of great price", he rechristened the Wicked Wench as the Black Pearl, and set out for a life of adventure as a pirate.[44] By this time, Jack had "the mark of the sparrow"[14] tattooed on his arm to better identify himself to others as Captain Jack Sparrow.[1]

Not much is known about Jack Sparrow after he became captain of the Black Pearl. When Captain Teague left the Brethren Court, only retaining his status as Keeper of the Code, he gave his seat to his son Jack.[45] But instead of becoming a Pirate Lord of Madagascar, Jack Sparrow became the new Lord of the Caribbean Sea.[14] He tied his piece of eight into his hair, letting it dangle over his trademark bandanna. With the Black Pearl under his command, Jack recruited a crew in Tortuga. Among the crew, Jack named Hector Barbossa as his First Mate.[1]

Despite having saved Governor Weatherby Swann's daughter, Elizabeth Swann, Commodore Norrington saw Jack's mark from the East India Trading Company. The Governor then ordered Jack to be hanged. However, Jack held Elizabeth hostage, ensuring the return of his effects before making his daring escape. With Norrington's men in pursuit, Jack sought refuge in a blacksmith's shop, where he cut his manacles. However, he was soon confronted by the blacksmith's apprentice, William Turner, whose face Sparrow vaguely recognized, who engaged the pirate in a sword fight. Sparrow won, through a mixture of skill and pirate trickery, but Turner refused to stand down. Jack was resolute he would not shoot Turner, thus wasting his single shot, and was preoccupied enough with this quandary for John Brown to knock him unconscious.[1] e24fc04721

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