
All True Home Remedies for Better Health

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We work hard every day to make your most trusted source of folk medicine for common ailments and issues related to beauty, nutrition and healthy living. strives to be the best and truest online resources for people to find home remedies, natural treatments, and herbal remedies for common illnesses and ailments. Despite there are tons of online resources to find home remedies nowadays, but we are confident that many of them still lack of detail-oriented information. That is why was born to complete that gap.

Our Home Remedies team is generated by an enthusiastic group of like-minded people who are interested in how to treat many health and beauty conditions using natural ingredients and herbal cures. This website is the place that where our authors and health care professionals work together to put our knowledge in one place and keep it well organized. Our team strives to bring you the best and easiest home remedies and advice on dealing with a variety of health and beauty related issues.

We do not use any health-related information that is unfounded and dubious from the point of view of medicine industry. In our website, you will find out the best ways to treat some problems related to health, hair, skin, etc without using drugs. We hope to help you realize the benefits of wonderful ingredients that the Mother Nature offers us, thereby building a stronger health culture.

However, after all, the information introduced on is not meant to replace expertise healthcare experience or the consultation of doctors for patients. Our goal is to empower and guide audiences with relevant information to foster better communication between patients and doctors and healthcare providers. We know that nothing is perfect, and we are trying our best to complete TR itself from mistakes with the help of experts and professionals from the medical industry and reader’s suggestions. Hope that whenever you have a wonder about a certain health or beauty issue, TR is the first place you head to for advice and information.


Top 22 Benefits And Uses Of Aloe Vera For Skin Whitening

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5 Women Share Their Hair Care Secrets While Maintaining The Work

Balancing your private existence and work can take its toll on your tresses. Keeping hair fitness can prove to be a big challenge due to the hectic routine you follow. So, what is the solution? In this article, TrueRemedies will list out five women share their hair care secrets while maintaining the work. Their mystery? You will realize when you read the testimonies of these inspiring women.

Discover Hair Care Secrets Of Superwomen

1. Kamiya Jani, Entrepreneur

The business of Kamiya rarely leaves her with any time to keep her difficult curly locks. It is only Dove that can assist her in keeping her curls tamed. “The primary issue everyone notices about me is my Curly Hair, and it was natural for me to indicate my company after them. Thanks to Dove for helping me. It can care for my passion and Dove cares for my hair”.

2. Rukmini Vijaykumar, Dancer

Maintaining Rukmini’s gorgeous curls isn’t a problem anymore. Her hair and scalp have often looked after through her rigorous dance schedule. Thanks to Dove that is not sticky and gives her hair a hearty bounce.

“So many people ask me how I keep my curls. I often opt for a conditioner and then brush it only when it is wet. I do not brush once it is dry because that will make it frizzy. For many women, this is a paid campaign. But did you know that I have barely bombarded you with random products? I have tried many conditioners on the market, and the only one I use is Dove. I find that Dove is not sticky that leaves my hair with bounce”.

3. Devlina, Lawyer

Pending cases seem to take all the time of Devlina. She doesn’t have time to take care of her hair. But there is a product that helps her a lot. It is Dove.

“Dust, smoke, grime, sun-that is my daily grind. I’m a lawyer, and I often get my home at the end of a hectic day. I hardly have the time to grease, treat or rub down my chemically rebounded and colored hair. All I do is entering my shower with Dove. It makes my life smoother!”

4. Prashasti Singh, Stand-up Comedian

Prashasti is a brilliant stand-up comedian. She always dreamt of perfect hair days and took everybody on a laugh riot. Her hair is taken care of with Dove.

“Mujhe hamesha lagta thha ki khoobsurat to main bhi kaafi hoti bas agar mere baal aise na hote. The first time I started to make money, maine saare experiments kar daale – straightening, smoothening, keratin…something that could disguise the natural waves and texture of my hair yet was never satisfied. I should never discover me in the mirror. Luckily I discovered Dove that can make my imperfect, wild hair easier to control. I can easily nourish my hair with Dove’s simple shampoo & conditioner routine. Thanks to Dove!

5. Shraddha Bhalla, Orthodontist And Fashion Blogger

For Shraddha Bhalla, the orthodontist and fashion blogger preserving healthful hair is a way from impossible as long as she has Dove.

“Juggling two careers is difficult. Being a Fashion Blogger, my hair are regularly treated with styling and heat products to capture the Perfect Photograph whereas, being an Orthodontist, I am constantly exposed to unwanted elements. So, I am so enthusiastic about Dove Nutritive Solutions Shampoo & Conditioner! It’s full of Keratin Repair Actives which help to take care of my hair after a simple hair wash.”

Top 12 Ways On How To Raise An Intelligent Child From An Early Age

Do you know how to raise an intelligent child from an early age to stimulate the baby's brain development perfectly? Every parent wants their children to have the qualities of a genius later and now it is no longer a difficult duty if the parents' education is carried out from an early age. In addition to genetic factors, diet and education measures also contribute to the development of your baby's intelligence. Today Trueremedies will share tips on how to raise an intelligent child from an early age. Let's learn the tips below and apply it to raise our children.

1. Teach Social Skills

According to a 20-year study at Pennsylvania State and Duke University, there is a positive correlation between kids' social skills and their success in adulthood. You can teach your child how to resolve problems with friends, listen without interrupting, share their belongings, and help family members.

2. Limit Screen Time

Too much screen time causes a lot of disadvantages such as irregular sleep patterns, behavioral issues, childhood obesity, eye disorders, etc. According to a study in 2017 at the University of Montreal, playing “shooter” games may cause the brain to lose cells.

So what are great ideas?

The American Academy of Pediatrics notes that you should limit entertainment “screen time” to two hours per day.

Or, you can also encourage your child to learn computer programming, digital music, or 3D modeling production. It is best to turn screen time into an effective effort.

3. Set High Expectations

Examining data from a survey, a UCLA team found that setting high expectations for children has a huge effect on their achievement.

This study also found that when they were four years old, almost all the children having the highest performing study had parents who did expect them to achieve a college degree.

4. Assign Chores

A significant collection of evidence shows that chores positively affect childhood development. However, a Braun Research survey found that just 28 percent of the parents frequently assign chores to their children.

According to an analysis of data from the University of Minnesota, the best predictor of young adulthood's success was whether kids had done chores as they were three or four.

5. Strive For A Happy Home

According to a study at the University of Illinois, kids in families full of conflicts tend to fare worse than kids in happy families[6]. Creating a loving environment helps nourish healthy, productive children.

If you argue with your partner, you should model fair fighting and focus on agreement and resolution.

6. Don't Tune Out

Common Sense Media conducted a survey and found that 28 percent of teenagers said their parents were heavily addicted to the phone. Another study by AVG found that 32 percent of kids surveyed felt unimportant due to parent distraction with phones.

So, it is important to know when to disconnect us from the Internet and focus on our families.

7. Try To Become Authoritative Parent

In a study in 1996, Diana Baumrind distinguished between authoritarian (very hard), permissive (very soft), and authoritative (equally loving and disciplined) parents[8]. The study found that authoritarian parents were too hard, permissive parents were too soft, and authoritative parents were right.

When a kid models his authoritative parent, he learns emotion regulation and social understanding skills that play a critical role in his success.

8. Talk To Your Child

This develops your kid’s language skills. Moreover, listen to your kid when he is talking. This strengthens his effort to communicate with others and develops his ability to language. According to a study, children who had more conversation at home owned greater verbal attitude and brain activity[9].

Besides, you should ask questions and then wait for responses rather than a one-way narration. For babies, you can give coos and receive silly faces.

9. Let Your Child Listen To Music

Studies have found that listening to music may boost attention, memory, motivation, and learning. Also, it may reduce the stress that damages your kid’s brain. According to a study, music training positively affects children’s brains development[10].

10. Tell Stories To Your Kids

Tell your kid about the interesting things that you experienced outside the house or at work. Also, tell him about your amusing or amazing childhood experiences and discuss your stories with him. This helps your kid to learn a lot of life lessons from you. Also, discussing with your kids helps develop communication skills, which is crucial in school and in life.

Moreover, talk to your kids about how you deal with problems in your daily life and at work, which will make him learn how to solve problems, and form how he sees his roadblocks in the future.

In addition, you can share with your kids the mistakes you made as you were his age, as well as why and how he can avoid them.

11. Encourage Your Kid To Talk About His And Other People’s Feelings

That will get him to get in touch with how he feels, which helps to develop his emotions; but more importantly, it teaches his empathy.

Besides, knowing how other people feel will make him become a more well-adjusted person, and will also make him skillful in creating great relationships with other people, a quality that is as worthy as intelligence. There is a fact that smart people without empathy can be scary.

12. Feed Your Child Right

Feeding your child the right food is an important tip on how to raise an intelligent child. Giving him proper nutrition should start when you are still pregnant. For an older child, a diet rich in protein (eggs, fish, meat, etc.) improves his alertness, thinking, and attention. Besides, carbohydrates help to give your child's brain the fuel used in thinking. In fact, the best ones are something that comes from fruits and whole grains. Sugar and processed carbohydrates have bad effects on focusing ability, activity level, and attention span. And it is important to give your child vitamins and minerals.


TrueRemedies – All True Home Remedies for Better Health is a rich source of the truest and most effective home remedies to date, together with advice on handling various health and beauty related problems.


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TrueRemedies – All True Home Remedies for Better Health
TrueRemedies – All True Home Remedies for Better Health
TrueRemedies – All True Home Remedies for Better Health