Her training in theater and film started in a very unusual way. In the 1940s, Shanghai showed lots of Hollywood movies. The practice of the time was not to add subtitles or dub the films, but to hire simultaneous translators. Lu was a so-called "Miss Earphone" and she learned to act by imitating actors on the screen.

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 The Vow (Tkies Kaf)

 tag_hash_108 RESTORED BY NCJF

 Poland, 1937, 82 minutes, B&W

 Yiddish with English subtitles

 Directed by Henryk Szabo

 35mm DVD VHS 

 Two friends make a sacred pact pledging their newborn children, Rachel and Mendel, in marriage. Based on the same legend as S. Ansky's classic play The Dybbuk, this spirited film offers the divine intervention of Elijah and a happy ending. More


1996, 30 min, 2", Color, M,H,U.

As the film's narrator explains, it tries to present "a more objective delineation" of Iran and Iranians, a worthy subject considering the typical American media images of the country in the nearly two decades following the revolution. The presentation is a bit stilted and amateurish, but the topic is important and the production an earnest one. This video addresses in particular the film Not Without My Daughter (1990), a TV movie based on the true story of a American woman who returns with her Iranian husband to post-revolutionary Iran, and is prevented by Islamic laws from leaving the country with her daughter. Includes comments by scholars, writers, and women married to Iranian men who have chosen to live in Iran, though no Iranians are interviewed. A platform for discussion on how media -- especially non "news" programs like movies -- shape our perception of other cultures and peoples. [AGF] Provided by the Iranian Mission to the UN (no director listed).


2010, 64 min., Color, English subtitles

Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum dreamed of transforming what was once a sleepy fishing and pearl diving village into the ultimate 21st century metropolis. In just ten years, he has delivered the tallest building in the world, the most expensive hotel, the biggest man-made island, the biggest shopping mall, the biggest airport, and the longest fully automated metro system. And that's just for starters. To make his dream come true, Sheikh Mohammed has imported to Dubai over a million slave laborers. He charges them $2,000-5,000 for a visa and work permit and pays them less than a dollar an hour. He confiscates their passports and houses them in slum-like gated labor camps. They work 12 hours a day, six days a week, in often over one hundred degree temperatures. Sheikh Mohammad keeps them hidden from the public eye and censors information on them. Speaking up on labor issues in Dubai is punishable by a fine and imprisonment up to two years. The laborers make up more than 60% of the Dubai population. They are the silent, invisible majority that lives in the dark underbelly of the city. This documentary gives them a voice. It tells their heart-wrenching story.


1972, 107 min., 2", B/W, Arabic w/English subtitles, U,G.

This stark, stately black and white film traces the destinies of three different men brought together by their dispossession, their despair, and their hope for a better future. The time is the 1950's, the place, Iraq, and the protagonists, Palestinian refugees who are trying to make their way across the border to Kuwait, the "promised land," concealed in the steel tank of a truck. Each one believes he can make a new life for himself; but as the films title suggests, their flight is no solution. One of the first Arab films to address the Palestinian question, the story is based on the 1962 novella, tag_hash_113Men in the Sun , by the Palestinian writer, artist and resistance leader Ghassan Kanafani. Directed by Tewfik Saleh. Video is not catalogued and not available in collection.


 2002, 47 min., 2", Color. 

A description of this film is not available. 


2000, 52 min., VHS, Color 

At the death of husband, Soumicha, mother of three children, has to earn a living and becomes the only woman taxi driver in Sidi Bel-Abbes (Algeria). Soumichatakes us around her city, introducing us to the many contradictory aspects of this society. She acquaints us, in the course of her travels, with other women who, like herself, are struggling for more freedoms.

THE FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM (World of Islam series):

1988, 30 min., 2", Color, M,H,U.

Focusing primarily on the five pillars, this film provides a useful overview of the practice, history and geographical diversity of this religion with more than 1 billion adherents. The film's strength lies in its details: a father teaching his sons the stages and positions of prayer in Abu Dhabi, a woman praying by herself in the desert, and men performing ablutions before prayer at a mosque in Lahore -- all interspersed with passages from and discussion of the Qur'an. Its weaknesses can be addressed during post-film discussions: an over reliance on footage from Saudi Arabia, which could lead students to think most Muslims live there and are Arabs. (This is compounded by the narrator's failure to mention that the majority of Muslims are not Arab.) There are also many scenes in the desert and few in urban centers, another misrepresentation. Also, though scenes from the hajj are sufficient, more comprehensive explanations of the pilgrimage are available in Mecca, The Forbidden City and Journey of a Lifetime. [AGF] Directed by Michele Arnaud.


1990, 48 min., 2", Color, Arabic w/English subtitles, H,U,G.

The video leads us through the celebrations of the moulid, or birth feast, of Sidi Abu'l Hajjaj, whom legend says came from Iraq in the 12th century, usurped power from the matriarch of Luxor, and wove a thread around the town to achieve dominion. The moulid occurs at the temple of Luxor, where the divine boats of the gods once sailed in the ancient Egyptian feast of Opet. The film is given depth by constant comparison with the early Egyptian feast, and includes 1925 footage of the moulid. The film progresses between the current and ancient Egyptian practices, such as the use of mast poles, model boats, ritual combat, and the procession of the boats. We view the arrival of crowds from the countryside, chanting in the tomb, traditional stick-dancing, equestrian games, and the pulling of sacred boats around town on the main day of the moulid. Wickett has carefully portrayed the intertwining of ancient and modern so important in Egyptian life, but often missing in Western portrayal of Egypt. [MM] Produced by Elizabeth Wickett, Folklore Dept. of University of Pennsylvania.


1985, 30 min., 2", Color.

A description of this film is not yet available. 


1982, 60 min., 2", Color, H,U,G.

This news program is a perceptive examination of Sadat's politics, economic policies and persona in Egypt up until his assassination in 1981, expertly compared with the hero-like portrayal of Sadat in the Western, specifically American press. Carefully traces the selective impact of Sadat's economic and political decisions, which created a wealthy entrepreneurial class replacing the old land-holding rich, but brought little change for the average person. Focuses also on reactions to alignment with the West and to peace accords with Israel; and on alienation of other Arab countries. Includes intelligent, informative interviews with Egyptian journalists, writers, former ministers and advisers to Sadat. Overall, an excellent introduction to conditions in Egypt in the '70s and '80s, with eerie echoes for today's political situation. [AGF] Directed by Ofra Bikel for WBGH TV (Boston). 


1975, 30 min., 2", Color, H,U.

Cut off from the majority of their kinsmen living in China and the Soviet Union by closed borders, a group of 3,000 Kirghiz nomads has lived since the 1950s in isolation deep in the Afghan Pamirs. This film explores the economic, political and social power of one of their khans, Rahman Qul, who exercises total control over his herders and their families through a system called amanat, or "entrusting." The film captures the bitter reflections of a young herder in the amanat system, and focuses on the particularly difficult lives of Kirghiz women living on "the roof of the world." Superb photography, extraordinary sensitivity, and remarkable direction have created a haunting film. N.B.: Although the film does not indicate it, the group fled Pakistan in 1978 as a result of the Communist revolution; their exodus is part of another film, Afghan Exodus, available for viewing at NYU's Avery Fisher Center. [RDM] Directed by Thomas Howe w/Nazif Shahrani, anthropologist and consultant. 


2006, 122 min., DVD, Color, Turkish, Arabic & English with Turkish, English, and German subtitles

Adopted from the popular Turkish television series of the same title, the film opens with a depiction of the US arrest of 11 Turkish special forces soldiers on July 4th, 2003 in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq. One of the soldiers, Suleyman Aslan (Tayfun Eraslan), feels so humiliated that he takes his own life and his friend Polat Alemdar (Necati Sasmaz) vows to take revenge against the American commander (Billy Zane) who supervised the arrest. 


1990, 30 min., 2", Color, M,H.

This well-photographed promotional film is valuable for its film clips from the 1940's and 1950's. The idealistic portrayal of modern Kuwait with an active parliament and freedom of the press is rather cloying. The final aerial panoramas form a background for a legend describing the Iraqi invasion in August 1990, and the ensuing devastation. [UNC] Produced by Michael McKinnon for Kufic Films. 


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