The world is a guest house. Man is to remain there only for a short time and is charged in this brief life with gathering all the supplied necessary for eternal life.  


What is the Religion of Islam? What are the different aspects of Islam from other religions?

- Islam is one of the most widespread Abrahamic religions based on the belief in one God.

- The religion of Islam, the last prophet of Allah, Hz. It is the last and most perfect religion that he sent to all people through the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). With the arrival of Islam, the religion that Allah sent for people was completed. 

  • - Previously, Adam, Idris, Noah, Hud, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Ismail, Isaac, Yakub, Yusuf, Eyyüp, Shuayb, Musa, Harun, Zul-Kifl, Davud, Solomon, Ilyas, Elyesa, Yunus, Zechariah, Yahya, Jesus Christ invited people to the belief in one God. The last link in this chain of prophets is the prophet Muhammad. Prophet Muhammad, like other prophets, invited people to believe in one God. 

  • - Islamic faith, It commands us to believe in and worship the only God, the Creator of everything in the heavens and the earth, to be of good moral character, to be just, and to protect the orphans and the weak. 

  • - Islamic faith,

  • He orders you to oppose injustice as much as you can, to be kind to your parents, to be nice to your family, children and spouse.

  • Islam also commands not to lie, not to violate another's rights, not to steal.

  • Islam advises to be nice, to be honest, to be nice to relatives and neighbors. Islam is a religion that advises to be merciful to all living things and to be clean in every work. Interest, fraudulent earnings, and pork are considered haram in Islam.What is Islam and what does it do?

  • - Islam is a person's turning to Allah of his own choice and desire, without any coercion, with a sincere devotion, and unconditionally accepting His orders and prohibitions. A person who accepts Islam as a religion and abides by its rules is called a “Muslim”. The religion of Islam is the last prophet of God, It is the last and most perfect religion that he sent to all people through the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The most important difference of Islam from previous religions is that it is universal.

  • Religions other than Islam are like a lantern and a street lamp illuminating a street at night. Islam is like the sun that illuminates the whole world.

  • After the sun comes up, is there any need for a streetlight anymore?

Learn about Islam from the Qur'an and the life of the Prophet Muhammad. 

Unfortunately, people who have nothing to do with Islam are making fake news that has nothing to do with Islam through social media.

According to Islam, killing a person is as sinful as killing all people.

Because the essence of Islam is peace, brotherhood, mercy and justice. 

The Prophet said, "Paradise is under the feet of mothers". The weak and orphans have always been protected in Islam. The Prophet of Islam said about women: I am the best of you to my family. Only good people treat women well; only the wicked will betray them.”


Know well that this worldly life is nothing but idle distraction and play. As for the home of the hereafter, that is the real life. If only they knew this!

(Quran 29/64)

(Quran. Al-Baqara 2: Verse 136)

     (Qur-an. 15: Verse 55)  

(Qur-an 46: Verse 15)  

(Quran 13/28) 

(Quran 29/64) 

"He created death and life to try which of you will do a better job. " (Qur-an 67/2) 

