How to Maintain Your Truck Scales in Different Seasons

Truck scales are essential equipment for many businesses that deal with heavy loads and transportation. They help to measure the weight of the cargo and ensure compliance with safety and legal regulations. However, truck scales are also exposed to various environmental factors that can affect their performance and accuracy.


In this blog, we will discuss some of the common challenges that truck scales face in different seasons and how to overcome them.

Accumulation of dirt

One of the main enemies of truck scales is dirt. Dirt can accumulate on the surface and inside the structure of the scale, causing various problems. For example:


• Dirty scales tend to accumulate moisture which can lead to rusting and corrosion. The moisture can also cause premature aging of the hardware and adversely affect the functioning of the moving parts of your mechanical truck scale.

The solution

To prevent dirt from damaging your truck scale, you should schedule a periodic inspection and cleaning for your scale. Depending on the type and location of your scale, you may need to do this more or less frequently. For instance:


• If you have an in-ground truck scale, you should ensure that the pumps and pit draining systems are working at peak efficiency. You should also check for any cracks or leaks in the concrete foundation that could allow water or dirt to seep in.

• Pit-mounted truck scales should be checked every month for pooling water and rust buildup. You should also inspect the load cells and junction boxes for any signs of damage or corrosion.

Seasonal weather changes

Another factor that can affect your truck scale installation is the weather. Different seasons bring different challenges for your scale, such as:

• In late fall and early spring months, there are sudden drops in temperature at night that can cause any debris or water present to freeze within the truck scale. Truck scales manufacturers must note that any frozen components can render moving parts dysfunctional and although the damage may not be critical initially, it may lead to damage to critical and expensive parts, such as load cells, if left unchecked.

The solution

To protect your truck scale from seasonal weather changes, Truck scale manufacturers USA should follow these tips:

• During cold months, you should clear any snow or ice from your scale regularly and apply anti-freeze agents to prevent freezing. You should also lubricate the moving parts of your mechanical scale to prevent them from seizing up.

• During hot months, you should provide adequate shading and ventilation for your scale to prevent overheating. You should also monitor the calibration of your scale more frequently and adjust it as needed.


Truck scales are valuable assets for many businesses, but they also require proper maintenance and care to ensure their reliability and longevity. By following these simple steps, you can keep your truck scales in good shape throughout the year and avoid costly repairs and downtime.