The story of the 10-year siege of Troy by the Greeks is told after Paris, the young prince of Troy, and Helen of Sparta, wife of the Greek king Menelaus, fall in love and leave Sparta together for Troy.

The show makes a number of alterations from the original Greek texts, as well as departures from earlier modern adaptations of the legend.[11] For instance, it vilifies Menelaus, proposes a resolution to Briseis' captivity, and omits Aeneas' identity as the son of Aphrodite.[11] The show also omits the final reconciliation between Achilles and Agamemnon from the Iliad, instead replacing this with Agamemnon resorting to "ignoble trickery".[11] It also reimagines the circumstances of the Trojan Horse stratagem by making it filled with grain for the starving city, thus making the Trojans more likely to bring it in.[11] More significantly, it also incorporates myths about the lead-up to the war and about the backgrounds of the major characters that are not found in the Iliad and are not normally included in most modern adaptations.[11]

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In an unreservedly positive review for Buffalo News on 26 May 2018, Randy Schiff praised the show for its pace and acting,[23] commenting specifically on Hunter, Dayne, Gyasi, Mawle, O'Connor, and Threlfall's performances.[23] He also lauded the portrayal of Helen as a "stately and intelligent" woman whose "deep desire for independence" is only satisfied once she goes to Troy, where women are valued just as much as men.[23] He also expressed wonderment at the show's portrayal of the Greek deities,[23] writing, "I found myself especially mesmerized by the show's eerie presentation of deities: here, spectacularly partisan goddesses strut across raging battlefields, while a world-weary Zeus (Hakeem Kae-Kazim) remains resolutely neutral amidst the chaos."[23]

Xanthius is the man on the inside for the Greeks. He is a servant of Odysseus and travels with him to Troy to infiltrate the city. Quiet, invisible and deeply intelligent, he shares the same cunning and intelligence as Odysseus. His closest pal (and sidekick) is a dog called Keno.

In TROY: FALL OF A CITY, 20-year-old Paris (Louis Hunter) is a strapping young herdsman who's discovered to be the king of Troy's son, previously thought to be dead. Welcomed back to the palace as a prince, he's sent on his first diplomatic mission to neighboring Sparta, where he falls instantly in love with Helen (Bella Dayne), the wife of the Spartan king, Menelaus (Jonas Armstrong). When Paris secretly brings Helen back with him to Troy, it is seen as an act of war, and Menelaus enlists the aid of his warrior brother Agamemnon (Johnny Harris) and his armies to get Helen back.

High production values and an epic canvas can't save this slow-moving, empty retelling of the Trojan war. Told in the grounded style of Game of Thrones, Troy: Fall of a City also shares that series' deliberate approach to plotting. What it lacks, though, is even one engaging character at its center that might make the sluggish pace of the show more bearable. Paris, our supposed hero, is portrayed as petulant and impulsive. So little time is devoted to Paris and Helen falling in love that the audience has no time to understand what makes their attraction worthy of war.

Funny enough, the fact that the Spartan women are wearing all or mostly white is accurate. Aside from certain shades of blue and brown, Spartan clothing was mainly white due to their more simplicity lifestyle.

Casual everyday clothing would often be single colored or designed accordingly to status on outer garments then decorated with either sea glass, stones, or more commonly sea shells while reserving the more colorful clothing for ceremonies and grand events)

So what do we know about the city, ruins of which have been painstakingly excavated over the past 150 years? The television series is set around 1300-1200BC, at the height of the Late Bronze Age. During this period Mycenaean city states based in modern-day Greece were competing with the larger Hittite empire (located in modern-day Turkey) to control the trade routes leading towards the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea.

The Late Bronze Age was an era of powerful kingdoms and city states, centred around fortified walled palaces. Commerce was based on a complex gift exchange system between the different political states. The trade system was mainly controlled by the kings and evidence referring to private merchants is very rare. These kingdoms exchanged not only silks and spices, but also gold, silver, copper, grain, craftsmanship and slaves.

The Hittites were an ancient Anatolian people whose empire was centred in north and central Anatolia from around 1600-1200BC. The Hittite empire, at its high point, included modern Lebanon, Syria and Turkey. The city of Troy was part of a small independent confederation named Assuwa that tried to resist the Hittite expansion but which eventually yielded and became a sort of vassal state to the Hittite empire.

The beginning of this new era witnessed destruction throughout the Mediterranean basin. Wealthy cities such as Troy as well as Mycenae and Tiryns in Greece were destroyed and abandoned. These events were so significant that the memory lasted for centuries. In Greek mythology, the tale of the fall of Troy was recorded in two epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey, traditionally attributed to Homer and written about 400 years after these events.

The real-life city of Troy is said to have been in what's now Anatolia in Turkey where you can still find ancient ruins and remnants of long-gone eras (it's been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1998), but Cape Town proved to be an ideal filming location thanks to its wide array of varying landscapes.

If you're feeling inspired to book a trip to Cape Town, then look for packages from late January to late April. These are the city's dry summer months but temperatures are tolerable and make for an ideal beach break.

3,000 years ago, the ancient Greek poet Homer told the story of the ill-fated city of Troy and the great Trojan War in his powerful epic, the Iliad. This mythical tale of love and war has captured imaginations ever since. You can read more about the story in our blog.

It is this record of a people and their city that is preserved in archaeology. Each layer of occupation, one on top of the other, represents a phase in the city's history, which archaeologists over the last 150 years have been exploring. These layers have been labelled Troy I to IX, with Troy I being the earliest settlement and Troy IX the most recent. Much remains to be discovered, but we now know enough today to get a good sense of the city's development over time.

Troy fell into ruin at the end of the Bronze Age, around 1180 BC, as did all the centres of power of the Mediterranean world, for reasons that are not completely understood. The site was never completely abandoned, and its ruins must have remained visible for some centuries, probably up to the time of Homer, if the poet lived in the late 8th or early 7th centuries BC as thought. It was not long after this that Troy, known as 'Ilion', became a place of pilgrimage because of its heroic associations. The name Ilion is used by Homer interchangeably with Troy, and it is possible the inhabitants had always called their city something like Ilion, right back to its days as Wilusa.

It seems completely astonishing that the site of Troy could later have been lost, but it was. Over time, its remains crumbled away to become part of a low hill in a flat landscape that was only sparsely populated. The hill did not seem to be anything special. More noticeable were the 'tumuli', or mounds, dotted around the Trojan plain. These were in fact mostly not Bronze Age but created at different dates in the Greek and Roman periods, mostly for burials. These mounds were very visible in the landscape, and so gave early visitors looking for the heroes the sense that they had found their graves. But the city of Troy, or Ilion, had been lost from view.

Huge publicity surrounded Schliemann's finds. He announced to the world that in what is now called Troy II he had found the city of mythical King Priam and the Troy of the Trojan War. It was here that he discovered silver and gold vessels and jewellery, which he named 'Priam's treasure' and which he believed included 'the jewels of Helen'. His interpretation that the finds were evidence of the Trojan War was questioned at the time and, perhaps sadly for romantics everywhere, it is no longer accepted.

Troy: Fall of a City follows on from both Taboo and violent period series Gunpowder as the channel's latest hope for ratings. The protagonist is Paris (Louis Hunter), a young herdsman straight from the pages of Homer, whose fateful encounter with the gods propels him on a journey of self-discovery which - as the title forewarns - sparks the central conflict that will reduce the city to ashes.

It's not long before Paris finds himself in Sparta rubbing shoulders with Greek mythological figures Helen of Troy (Bella Dayne) and Menelaus (former Robin Hood star Jonas Armstrong, more Willem Dafoe by the day), each actor donning costumes, wigs and eyeshadow more striking than the last (shout out to Shameless' David Threlfall as Troy's king, Priam).

Conversely, the show is at its strongest when it chooses to portray mortal and divine relationships which are already in the book and surrounding mythos. Arguably the most intense, gut-wrenching scene in the show is when Agamemnon, aided by Odysseus, tricks his wife Clytaemnestra and his daughter Iphigenia into believing the girl is to marry Achilles. Instead, the goddess Artemis has decreed Iphigenia must be sacrificed in order for the Achean fleet to reach the city of Troy.

Troy Falls enjoys year round flow and is spectacular to view.The height of the main waterfall is 6 feet (1.8 metres) and its width is 40 feet (12 metres). Its GPS coordinates are 17T 0566709 4790152. 006ab0faaa

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