Introduction to Tropical Geometry

 Course format and Information

Lecturer: Alheydis Geiger

Format: two 90 min lectures each week (15 weeks)

Time: 9-11 a.m. Monday & Tuesday

Location: at MPI MiS (Inselstr. 22, Leipzig, room G310)

Duration: summer semester (Start:  3. April 2023)

   Office: G3 07, MPI MiS (Inselstr. 22, Leipzig)

Office hours: After the first lecture each week

Contact: geiger[at]

Language: The course will be held in English. Questions can be asked in German. 

For math students at University Leipzig: The course can be examined as part of the diploma examinations. For details, talk to Rainer Sinn.

What is this course about?

 This lecture course features an introduction to tropical geometry, including the necessary parts of polyhedral and convex geometry. This course is meant to bridge the pure-mathematical view of tropical geometry towards a more computational and applied perspective. For this we will use mathematical software in exercises and examples, and, additionally, in the last few weeks, we will consider tropical geometry in the context of neural networks and/or extreme value statistics.

During this course exercises will be handed out, which will include computing examples using the software package OSCAR in Julia. It is recommended to install these before the course. Installation instructions can be found here.

 Course Outline

This is a preliminary outline.


 Exercises and Course Material

will be available here as soon as the course starts.
