Troop 2

Corvallis, Oregon

Scouts BSA

Boy Scouts of America

What is Troop 2?

Troop 2 in Corvallis, Oregon is a Scouts BSA group of boys aged 11-17 that provides fun, adventure, learning, challenge, and responsibility to help them become the best version of themselves.

Upcoming Events


Backpacking & Hiking Outing

  • Aug 28th - 29th

Where Do We Meet?

We meet on Monday evenings at 7:15 pm at the First United Methodist Church in downtown Corvallis and have at least one camping trip or outing each month. Come check us out!

Joining Scouts BSA?

Scoutmaster: Dave Birken (Contact Us)

Assistant Scoutmaster: Lynn Humphrey (Contact Us)

District Executive: Sherry Haywood (Email/ 541-231-0300)

Scout Executive: Scott Impecoven (Email/ 541-284-4385)

Youth Application

Adult Application

YPT Training

Source: (Gazette Times Nov. 5th 1949)

Troop 2 Was Founded in 1920

(We're Over 100 Years Old)

We are planning a celebration for this year, and are collecting information on past Troop 2 members and the Troop's history. Please take the Survey if you are a previous Troop 2 member.

Girls in Scouting?!

If you are interested in a Scouts BSA girls troop in Corvallis, please contact the Oregon Trail Council at (1) 541-485-4433.

Check Scouts Out On Social Media!