The three months that I worked with her felt like years and I believe that is was purposeful for that season. She changed my way of seeing things spiritually and how powerful God is. Not only did He give her a triple blessing, he quadrupled it and gave her more than she asked for!

The section of Numbers many people are familiar with is the Blessing of Aaron (Num. 6:24-26), because we have heard it at the end of a worship service. Here is the blessing and a few verses on either side of it:

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Though hidden in our storms, there are always rainbows. We just need to seek them. There can be joy in our journey, even with a cumbersome pebble in our shoe. It all depends on where we place our focus. Choosing to stay positive and find pleasure in the little things not only boosts our faith, but also the faith of those around us. It also becomes a powerful witness to those who do not yet know Jesus personally. A triple blessing, even in the midst of pain.

Lord, you are our rock to which we can cling. You are also our redeemer who can help lift us out of our pity and save us in our times of trial. May our words and thoughts reflect the blessings you bestow on us instead of focusing on the problems we face. And may our actions speak just as loud, if not louder, than our words of faith. Amen.

Recently I encounter a situation where one of my close people and I went see a patient. While we were about to leave the place, my close person said May God Bless you. Me and my close person are both Buddhist. I asked why didn't you say May the triple gem bless you. And close person replied saying since they Christians I said God bless you. But I also observed that the patients people said May God bless you.

But in a way it is OK to say may god bless you" as the point of the Buddhist teachings isn't to reinforce the identity of "I am a Buddhist and this is what I believe." It's to cultivate compassion and loving kindness and purify anger and aversion from your life. Then your focus would be on "How can I compassionately reply to these people in a way that feels authentic to me?" You need to be able to connect with the human being in front of you, and look past beliefs and value systems and connect with their humanity.

So focus less on yourself and focus more on the other. What words can you say to bring this being happiness and reduce his/her suffering? Intention is the most important factor and can often supersede other factors. If you feel that by replying "God bless you," (which is personally my own response), this person might experience a sense of comfort, ease, and happiness that would not be experienced otherwise, then there is nothing wrong in saying it.

If you hold on to the view that God, controls everything, can give you salvation, is almighty, etc., then perhaps yes, it might be wrong views. But there are Deities who can help you perhaps like any other person. Getting the blessing of say someone who can help you out is not wrong. Think of deities like entities who are well wishers due to past connection of they need to do good karma to keep their blissful existence.

As it is one is affirming that there is a God creator; at the very least we are giving an impression that we think there might be an Eternal being like that and that we think it would be good if it blessed the person and are making resolves and determinations accordingly. Alternatively we are sarcastic?

Now since as it actually is, there is no God creator and we do not believe that there is a god creator of all things, it follows that we in no capacity can be wishing for a non existant entity to bless anyone.

It doesn't matter cause in Buddhism Buddha taught about Devas(many gods)... And the one who lives with a good loving-kindness life always has the blessings of Devas or the many gods. Specially, the Sakra(god Indra), the king of gods is known as the respected god in Buddhism.So no problem with saying God bless you. Cause it can be any God or gods that you believe. From Buddhist to Buddhist, "May triple gems bless you" is the most perfect way to bless.

In Genesis 12:1-3, God promised Abraham that He would multiply his descendants as the stars in the sky. He would be their God and give them a specific piece of land forever. Yet even before that, God said He would bless Abraham and his descendants so that all the families of the earth would be blessed (Genesis 12).

Following his blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh, Jacob blessed his twelve sons, as recorded in Genesis 49. We will begin our study of this important chapter next week, but in the meantime we will spend two days looking at some important blessings in Scripture, in order to understand better the significance of these words of favor.

John was one of the few teachers to have left an impact. He made learning fun and memorable. The world is one influencer less. John made social studies more than just what you read in books, he taught us to learn in a way that made sense for us, and he was blessed with lots of patience. R.I.P John. You will be missed by many.

In this chapter Moses enlarges on the blessings and the curses which belong, the one to the doers, the other to the transgressors of the law; the blessings, De 28:1-14; the curses, some of which concern individual persons, others the whole nation and body of people, and that both under the former and present dispensations, and which had their fulfilment in their former captivities, and more especially in their present dispersion, De 28:15-68.

An amulet is an object believed to give magical powers of protection against evil to the one who wears it. The discovery of such an amulet in a grave raises further questions of whether the priestly blessing was meant to function in association with the dead. Baruch Levine suggests that the priestly blessing may have protected the dead on their way to Sheol.

The literary setting has puzzled scholars, prompting some even to suggest that the text has been displaced from Lev 9:22, where Aaron is also described as blessing the people from the door of the tent of meeting. But the function of the Aaronic blessing as a concluding benediction on the camp and the congregation does correspond to other cultic uses of the priestly blessing in the Psalms (e.g., Psalm 129:1), suggesting that its present context is less arbitrary than many have suspected.

Is the bestowal of a blessing sacramental, or is it no more than a socially polite activity? Also, what is it that we receive at the close of a worship service? Is real divine power transmitted in blessing? Or, is the preacher simply telling us that the worship service is nearly over? The latter point creates a problem for interpreting the priestly benediction. Notice how the introduction to the priestly blessing (Num 6:22-23) stresses that only priests can bless. It is not a casual activity. Additionally, the conclusion (Num 6:27) indicates how close the text is to the world of magic. The author must clarify that the priest does not possess the power to bless independently of God. The need for such clarification underscores that divine blessing has independent power that can be let loose in the congregation.

You should check out the Aaronic Blessing of Numbers 6 in the Aramaic and Palestinian targums (translations) that predate the Septuagent. There are several more blessings that are always ommitted. These are essential for these times!

*Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee! Blessed art Thou among women and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen

3. The Priest, or a Deacon, or another minister, may very briefly introduce the faithful to the Mass of the day.

From time to time on Sundays, especially in Easter Time, instead of the customary Penitential Act, the blessing and sprinkling of water may take place as a reminder of Baptism. [Appendix II]

Go to Appendix II

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In this regard, praying blessings over our children is a form of encouragement and protection. Ever since I started saying the following blessings over my son, he has looked forward to this part of his bedtime routine. He eagerly lies down in his bed, so that I can lay my hand on his head and sing over him. I catch him smiling as I bless him, and sometimes he even likes to say the blessing back to me.

The Blessing from the Book comes from 1 Thessalonians 5:23 today. It reminds us that God is the one who makes us holy. Sign up for the full course at #blessing #Bible #encourage #encouragement #hope #trust #faith

Commit to the process of spiritual growth and be quick to learn the lessons of obedience, work and rest, and faith. Then God will prosper you in the land that He has for you, and the work of your hands will be blessed.

I hope this has helped you get a stronger understanding of a crucial belief of Christianity2, and I pray that your faith is strengthened through our time. Please let me know if I've left anything unclear. God bless in your pursuit of Him.

In the end, God restored all that Job had lost, and gave Job twice as much as he had before. The Lord blessed him with a long life, and with seven more sons, and three more daughters who were the most beautiful women in all the land! e24fc04721

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