Welcome to my Confessionals Series

I'm Musician, Glamour Girl, and Artist, Tricia Jones. I'm also a transsexual. Now, I realize that statement can lead to many assumptions and misunderstanding's. So in the simplest terms - my brain simply thinks of myself as being female, except I wasn't born with a body that matches.

The reality of this left me with a few options. I could live my life fighting this inner conflict and ignoring what my brain was thinking, which isn't realistic. Or I could have a brain transplant with one that matches my body, which isn't yet possible. Or I could mold, shape, and change my body to more closely match what my brain thinks, which ended up being the most feasible option. And so, that's what I did, and here I am.        

Now, although I have no trouble explaining all this now, that sadly wasn't always the case. Throughout my life, I've struggled in a constant emotional tug of war with my sexuality and identity. My life was essentially a roller-coaster taking many turns and twists until finally coming to terms with accepting myself

I'm a trans woman, plain and simple. I don't run around trying to validate myself by saying I am a biological female because that's not my life or experience. Biological women and trans women have very different experiences. Sure, there are obviously some similarities and connections that we can both relate to, but there's a lot we can't. And, I'm cool with just being me.

About the series...

Being both bisexual and transsexual has led to a lot of very interesting situations in my life. While casually sharing some of my past with others, I've often found folks sitting up and taking an interest. As such, I decided to create this series of what I call - Confessionals.

This is not an A to Z life story. Instead, I've broken it into event sized bits and pieces. From losing a baby and literally living on the streets, to traveling adventures and passionate loving relationships - I've gone through a lot of things at different stages of my life. And I wanted to document the feelings I was experiencing during specific events, instead of just telling a drawn out life story. 

It's also not generic fantasy content. Don't get me wrong, I am truly blessed to have had my fair share of loving experiences in life, and I would not be doing my confessionals justice by omitting them. However, while I've added some rather "juicy" content, and I am also descriptive in what happened and how I was feeling at the time, this confessional series is a sharing of my real life - not a collection of fantasy story's.

Listen today!!

Each series of confessionals contains 10 voice narrated video clips combined with various modeling art of Yours Truly. You can simply listen instead of reading. Best of all, you can get the full 70 part series, or simply select the ones you're most interested in. 

In closing - I suppose there's some truth to all the jokes about how often women change their minds. As such, I'm not sure how long I am going to make my confessional series available. 

So be sure to listen to them today because when they're gone - they're gone.