RU Tree Ring Lab


The Radford University Tree Ring Laboratory housed in the Department of Geospatial Science was established in 2013 with grant funding from the Radford University Artis College of Science and Technology.  Students interested in working in the RU Tree Ring Lab should contact me via email

Student Projects

Will Dowd (2013) - A tree-ring analysis of eastern hemlock in New England

Josh Oliver (2014) - A tree-ring reconstruction of New River streamflow

Stephen Price (2016) - Investigating the climate-growth relationships of Tsuga canadensis & Quercas alba using tree-ring analysis

Andrew Summers (2016) - Climate Growth Response of Quercus alba in Pipestem State Park, West Virginia.

Stephen Price (2017) - Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Disturbance-Growth Relationships Using Dendrochronology on Tsuga canadenesis

Joe Spriggs (2018) - A Three Site Climate Comparison of Quercus alba in Southwest Virginia

Victoria Edwards (2018) - A Dendroecological Study of Disturbance History using Quercus rubra & Quercus alba near Mountain Lake, VA

Brittany Rinaldi and Tommy Callahan (2019) - Comparing Climate and Ecological Factors to Identify Growth Releases in Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming 

Brittany Rinaldi (2019) - Analyzing climate-growth relationships across the geographic range of eastern hemlock

Nick Francis (2020) - Dendrochronology in Southwest Virginia

Brittany Rinaldi and Thomas Callahan (2021) - Climate and ecological disturbance analysis of Engelmann spruce and Douglas fir in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 

Breonna Cox, Amber Stovall, and Luc White (2021) - Growth releases of white oaks in response to ecological disturbances at Selu Conservancy.

Nicholas Francis, Savanah Trail, and Keasia Clark (2021) - A dendroclimatological analysis of Quercus alba within Selu Conservancy.

Savannah Trail (2022) - A dendroecological analysis of a woodlot at Friendship Farm. 

Jonathan Antin and Luc White (2022) - Growth-climate relations of Bertholletia excelsa growting in Peru. 

Madigan Bright (2023) - Climate response analysis of Liriodendro tulipifera in southwest Virginia.

Mira Smith (2023) - Climate impact on red spruce trees in southwest Virginia.

Tree Ring Laboratory Project Videos

Tree Ring Laboratory Tour