The course grade is based solely on the exam scores and results in CREDIT/NO CREDIT for the course. The student will complete 2 questions on each test, where each question is worth 20 points. The student must pass each test individually, with a score of 24/40 (60% rule) or better. If the student passes all 3 tests, they will receive a CREDIT (PASS) grade. If the student does not pass all 3 tests, a NO CREDIT grade will be issued. In this case, the student should contact the graduate coordinator about re-taking the exam.


 The following is the standardized Student Learning Outcome (SLO) for each exam:

The above descriptions are on a per answer basis, and do not account for the variety between the two selected problems in the section. For example, scores of 17 and 17 are both essentially correct and yield an overall Excellent (34) result. Another example is an Adequate (22) result derived from an Excellent (17) understanding of one problem but No Effort (5) on the other problem.

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We offer an overlap period in the first year of a new syllabus. During the overlap period, you can follow specific requirements from the preceding syllabus. Overlap periods only apply to the syllabuses and requirements listed on this page. We will add information for other syllabuses during the final year of their validity period.

The Primary FRCA examinations are aligned to the core level training curriculum which also includes Intensive Care Medicine (ICM) (Annex F). The questions used in the Primary exams are therefore referenced to the relevant competencies of this curriculum. The Final FRCA examination content can be drawn from the core level training curriculum and the intermediate level training curriculum including ICM (Annex F).

Training competencies used in examination questions, are identified by the letter 'E' in the assessment column of the relevant curriculum. The curriculum competencies marked 'E' therefore make up the examination syllabus.

All questions used in FRCA examinations are mapped to the relevant competencies within their respective curriculum. The relevant curriculum competency identifiers are mapped to each questions so that when examiner core groups select questions for examination papers, the examiners are able to ensure a broad sampling of the curriculum and that all questions form part of the relevant syllabus.

Candidates sitting the Primary and Final FRCA Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) exams are provided with comprehensive breakdown of their question performance against the areas of the curriculum tested in the exam. This allows trainees and trainers to identify shortfalls of knowledge in the relevant areas of the exam syllabus, so that focussed preparation can be put in place prior to the next attempt. Where a pass result is achieved, it will provide trainees with important information on which to base further continuing professional development.

Curriculums syllabuses and regulations are subject to change by the General Medical Council (GMC) and the College. The College is currently working with the GMC to agree a new High Level Outcome (HLO) anaesthetic curriculum and a standalone exams syllabus, further information will follow in early 2020.

NCA applicants study on their own for the NCA exams (i.e. without help from the NCA). You are also responsible for getting your own study materials and developing your strategy for studying. If you need help, you can hire a private tutor or some other study service.

The NCA provides several ways to help you prepare for NCA online exams. One is a practice exam. The practice exam, allows you to try out the functions or operating features of our online exam platform. The questions you see are examples only. They will not appear in an actual NCA online exam. This test site is available to you at any time.

The NCA offers sample exams for each subject. The text Sample Exam next to each subject links to a PDF that includes samples of questions asked. Exam outlines (also known as a syllabi) for each subject are revised as required. We may update them from time to time without notice. At the end of each document is a list of publishers and resources you can contact to buy or access the texts you need. You may also buy them from a law school bookstore, or other bookstore, or find them online. If you prefer, you may even borrow the material from a law library. To access the outline (syllabus) for an exam, click on the exam title below.

The STCW Convention requires all officers to complete an approved education and training programme and meet the standards of competence specified in the STCW Code. All education and training programmes leading to a Certificate of Competency (CoC) must be mapped to the Code and approved by the MCA. The MCA Deck oral examination syllabus is mapped to the relevant STCW Code tables. The oral examination forms part of the assessment for the attainment of all MCA Certificates of Competency, and all candidates must demonstrate an adequate knowledge of the English language. Following the initial one-year roll-out period of this syllabus, no feedback has been provided and as such the guidance has been extended for a further two years. Any feedback in this period should be sent to

Recent changes to the Amateur Radio Licence, which require radio amateurs to demonstrate compliance with Ofcom guidelines for minimising the exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from their station, have made necessary urgent changes to the examination syllabus. These are to ensure that people coming into the hobby are aware of the licence conditions and guidance on EMF and know the meaning of the essential technical terms, e.g. eirp.

These changes are included in the new release: Syllabus 2019 version 1.5. The adoption date for this version is 1 September 2022, meaning that after that date the examinations will include questions on the new EMF-related material at all levels.

The added learning points associated with the EMF material are balanced by the removal of some learning points in other areas. Otherwise, the syllabus is largely the same as the current version, v1.4, except for a few formatting changes and correction of minor typographical errors. The significant differences between v1.5 and v1.4 are summarised in the Change Log file, published with the syllabus.

The Learning Team and book authors have had sight of the syllabus changes and have been working on some supplementary learning materials for use by tutors and candidates. These will be made available, along with updated mock exam papers, on the RSGB web pages well ahead of the adoption date.

No tables or lists of formulae are allowed. From October 2023, a digital calculator will be included with the online PAT. Candidates must use this and may NOT bring their own calculator, of any description, into the exam.

You do not need to take all three subjects at the same sitting but can hold single subjects until you gain three passes. You must, however, pass all three papers within a 12 month period. The examinations are open-book, which means that you are allowed to take certain texts into the examination room. A list of permitted material is issued with this syllabus. CD-ROMs are not permitted in the examination.

As you will see, the syllabus presents the examination subjects in a particular way. The topics which will be examined appear in groups. Each group has an indicative percentage weighting figure which reflects the order of importance of those topics and the percentage of the examination which will be set on those topics. For example, around 45% of each Core examination paper will be set on classification and identification while a further 45% will cover containment systems, marking, labelling and placarding and documentation requirements. The final 10% of the examination will be set on the third group of topics of compliance thresholds, environmental protection, training and the legal framework.

Each topic is presented as a general statement, followed by an expansion of the area on which you will be examined. Alongside each heading are indicative references to the parts of RID/ADR/ADN/GB Regulations that may form the basis of questions on that section. This is intended to let you know the level at which each topic is set and the depth of understanding which will be required to answer examination questions in that area.

For example, the topic 'Documentation requirements' appears in the second group of the Core syllabus as Topic 5 and in the first group of the Road syllabus as Topic 3. Each of these groups carries 45% of the examination. In the Core syllabus, you are expected to understand the requirements of the various regulations whereas in the Road syllabus you are expected to have a comprehensive understanding of the documentation requirements of The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009 (CDG2009) as amended by The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment (Amendment) Regulations 2011, the Carriage of Dangerous Goods: Approved Derogations and Transitional Provisions (ADTP) and ADR and be able to interpret these regulations and complete the documentation.

The first is knowledge and general understanding of the principal areas of a topic, for example in Topic 3 of Core you are expected to know the commonly available packing and tank provisions and have an understanding of the basic principles of approval and certification.

The second level is general understanding of a topic and the ability to apply that understanding. For example, in Topic 2 of All Classes, you are expected to have a general understanding of class specific features of packing and tank provisions and to be able to select a suitable packaging or tank from the appropriate regulations for a particular substance or article.

The third level is a comprehensive understanding of a topic and the ability to apply that knowledge. For example, in Topic 2 of Rail you are expected to have a comprehensive understanding of the marking, labelling and placarding requirements of the applicable regulations and the influence of other modal regulations. 2351a5e196

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