Biodiversity loss

What is biodiversity loss?

Biodiversity loss refers to the decline or disappearance of biological diversity, understood as the variety of living things that inhabit the planet, its different levels of biological organisation and their respective genetic variability, as well as the natural patterns present in ecosystems.

In mid-2019, the United Nations (UN), in collaboration with IPBES, presented an ambitious report on biodiversity warning that out of a total of eight million, one million species are in danger of extinction. Some researchers even dared to talk about the sixth mass extinction in the history of the planet

What causes biodiversity loss?

Biodiversity has declined at an alarming rate in recent years, largely as a result of human activity. Let's take a look at some of the main causes:

1. Climate change

2. Pollution

3. Destruction of habitats

4. Invasive alien species

5. Overexploitation of natural resources

What are the effects of biodiversity loss?

Biodiversity loss has many consequences, not only for the environment, but also for human beings at the economic and health level.

1. Extinction of species

2. Adversely affects food production

3. Proliferation of pests

4. Increse CO2 emission

5. Collapsing ecosystems

6. Treat for human beings

United Nations attempts for provide solutions to biodiversity loss

Here are some of the UN's own commitments through its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • SDG 14. Life Below Water

SDG 14 aims to sustainably manage and protect marine, coastal, terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems, address the effects of ocean acidification and regulate fishing while promoting sustainable fisheries.

  • SDG 15. Life on Land

SDG 15 seeks to protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, halt and reverse land degradation, combat desertification and stop biodiversity loss.

"We can no longer destroy the diversity of life. It is our responsibility to future generations".

Let's provide our contribution to achieve these goals and conserve biodiversity as we can.