When you receive a message in another language, you have the option to translate it into your preferred language. You can also choose to have incoming messages automatically translated. A translated message will have an icon above it to let you know it's been translated.

Teams will also prompt you to turn on auto-translation to automatically translate messages to your preferred language. You can always change your preferences by selecting your profile picture, then choosing Settings > General >Translation.

Translate Chat

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Call me nuts, but I expected Chat/Spaces and Translate to be tightly integrated, since both are part of Google Workspace. 

Is there something I am missing?

Even using the web version of Chat the Chrome translate functionality doesn't work with pages with mixed English/Foreign languages.

I am wondering by chance if the page itself has too many languages on it and this is what you can do to translate it the best....highlight the words you need translated, then right click on it, then either click on the Translate Chrome extension symbol that will show up underneath it or click on 'translate section to [whatever the language your browser is set to]' or click on "Google Translate." All three of those options should be working for users at this time. Just tested it out myself with a friend who speaks a bunch of different languages.

Both iPhone and Android phones after you type something or read something, click select all and highlight the text you want to Then click the next arrows until you see transate button. Choose the desired languge and enjoy ????

It would be really nice to have such a feature, I also travel and study a lot. In studies, I use the support And regarding translations, I use the support of Google translator. This is quite convenient in foreign-speaking countries

As already suggested, download the Google Translate app. It works well with other apps. Yeah you still have to switch back and forth but just by copying text, a button pops up on your screen to tap to translate.

This is a horrible idea. Take Spanish for example. Something may mean something in one country and the exact same phrase will get you in a fight in another country. This could be a liability for Grindr

If you need a translation, if you don't speak the same language there's no point in having any communication at all. Hooking up for *** only is the only option one has with someone who he can't communicate to and that is just sad.

All of your personal information, including email address, name, and IP address will be deleted from this site. Any feedback you have provided that others have supported will be attributed to "Anonymous". All of your ideas without support will be deleted.

Hi, is it possible to chat with a user, and have the data translate to that person's language? For instance if I'm on a Service Desk and I want to chat with a user in Italy but don't speak the language. Is there something that can translate the conversation in real time? thank you!! (oh, we are currently on Calgary, and in the process of upgrading to Dublin )

There aren't a lot of options for tying into the chat functionality. You could set up a chat action to assist in popping open a window to Google Translate or something like that, but it would be a manual action for the user to go and get it translated.

The chat messages are stored in the chat_message table and there are tables for storing all of the participants. It is theoretically possible to set something up to translate those when they are inserted, but then you'd have to figure out what language it is, translate it from that language and figure out how to add the translation back to the conversation. It would be complicated at best, but could theoretically be done.

I have not yet spent much time looking in to how to do this through chat, but I made a UI macro that does what James mentioned: it opens up a new window and translates the text through Google Translate. I will post the code for the UI Macro and the Script Include (Some caveats: I wrote this several months ago and have not tested it since; Also, this currently translates from English to whatever language the user has in their language field on the user table and that can be changed in the code, of course.):

As multinational companies continue to grow, employees within the same company, division, and even team, may speak different primary languages. The ability for employees to translate messages is incredibly beneficial for effective communication. This can help to foster an inclusive work environment where all employees feel welcome, understood, and respected. Microsoft Teams Chat Translation features allow for fast, clear, and efficient communication.

KnowledgeWave works with several multinational companies where employees across the Americas may speak English, Spanish, French, or a combination. Even when employees are multilingual, they usually have a preferred primary language, and often their colleagues may have a different first language.

For the past 20 years, KnowledgeWave has been helping companies deploy and adopt the latest business software. We stay up to date with the most recent software features and are constantly adding additional training to our online learning library, the KnowledgeWave Learning Site.

As a Microsoft Partner, we stay on top of all the newest features released within Microsoft Teams and Office 365. We pride ourselves on having helped hundreds of organizations throughout North America deploy business solutions for their organizations.


- People that doesnt know how to type in english, will be able to type anything on their own language and then when u send it/ maybe before send it, will translate it to english.

- you as a stream watcher, be able to join other content creators chat that is not in english, you're able to see what the chat is saying. visa versa if people dont know english they will be able to understand the context of chat and be able to type back in english on their own langauge.

I dont know much about the cons with this. I asume it would be too big of a work to do so? or that it wont auto translate what streamers says into words (that would be awesome if the tecnology could do that but i recon we dont have that yet)

It would also make it easier and faster to react to any kind of funny, sad etc. of other moments instead of using other translate sites and react later and ruin their experience. It would help many more people to be able to interact with others and bring the community together I recon?

There wont be a huge language barrier between other nations and might help people learning their prefere language?

That's something i would like implemented because when i go a Joey / Peegu chat or any chinese streamer i usually have to use google to auto translate the chat as my mandarin/cantonese is not that good

You can use browser extension Speech Translator to translate speech in real-time. Plus you can use built-in option in browser to translate the web page with chat. It is not very convenient to translate chat in this way, but it works.


Translation regulation should be determined by global standards. Translators and dictionaries. At the academy, we were taught that the more languages you know, the more you are a person. Now there are already special translators for this. That's why it's cool that you can type a word into the translator and get a translation -chinese_traditional Now an Englishman can understand a Chinese, and a Chinese can understand a Belgian. But a Belgian will never understand a Frenchman without knowing French

bom dia eu moro no brasil porem de vez em quando gosto de ver a live de alguma pessoa que mora em outro lugar do mundo porem como sou brasileiro e se for na live de alguem que nao provavelmente o brasileiro nao vai entender nada do que esta sendo falado e pensando nisso eu acho que seria interessante a twitch ter um sistema de traduao ao vivo e poderia ser um recurso bem completo com opes de escolher o idioma a ser traduzido opao de ligar e desligar a traduao ou em vez de ter que ligar a traduao assim que a pessoa entrasse na live ela seria ativada automaticamente

Hello, When is twitch going to have a translator? what ever language to streamer's native language.

It is a little hard when a viewer comes in that speaks/writes in a different language than the streamer. The streamer then has to take their time to go to google and see if they can translate the chat. And most of the time it isn't something civil.

Poderiam ter opo de traduzir para outras linguas o que o Streamer fala (em tempo real), assim eles poderiam alcanar visualizaes de outros pases e usurios teriam mais contedo disponvel, independente da lingua.

I think there should be a translation option for streamers because if someone comes into streams and say a different language there should be an option to read it in English and when we want to reply there should be an option to type back in there language

A word translator that would translate voice into a chosen language. The streamer could have the option of adding an extension to their stream that would allow a viewer to select a language to hear their voice and speaking in. Example: Streamer speaks Spanish, but the viewer only knows English. The viewer could click on the translate button to reveal a list of different languages to translate the streamers voice into. This way the viewer now can watch and listen but also understand the streamer.

Most likely the screamer will usually talk in one language. let's say there is both speech recognition translated to text of the native speakers language,. make that text readout selectable to be translated into other languages so that for and readers can read what the screamer is saying in comments in their own language.

It doesn't have to be a very poetic translation just enough to get by. And foreign translations should have a flag by them so that the streamer and chatter might be aware that something is lost in the auto-translation 152ee80cbc

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