This research makes provision of significant contribution in the literature of organizational behavior by enriching our understanding of the conditions under which transformational leadership influences employee performance, burnout and social loafing. The findings of our research allow organizations and its management to comprehend how efficiently and effectively they can follow a policy or some kind of advanced strategy in order to intrinsically motivate their employees so that they can increase the level of work performance and deflate burnout and social loafing in employees.

To examine the consistency of the variables, reliability analysis is calculated. The reliabilities of all the variables with number of items are summarized in Table 3. The values between 0.84 and 0.8 indicate good reliability. The reliability of transformational leadership is 0.84 which is good, and intrinsic motivation shows another good reliability which is 0.89. Working burnout shows 0.88 reliability. The reliability of work performance is 0.8 and the reliability of social loafing is 0.8 which is also good. So this explains that the data used is reliable.

Transformational Leadership Articles Pdf Free


The positive elements of transformational leadership bring out positive psychological states by escalating intrinsic motivation among employees. Employees with increased intrinsic motivation are more effective and efficient toward their work performances. They are supposed to be converted into responsive and perform efficiently in their work [64].

This study results showed significant positive relationship of transformational leadership on working burnout through intrinsic motivation. When a transformational leader indicates support for honest and fair matters associated with employees, the employee feels less exhausted and motivated. Intrinsically motivated employees who are driven by enjoyment and interest in their work are more likely to work hard at their jobs and feel less fatigue, less emotional exhaustion, and increased desire to participate in the organization [49].

The first limitation of this research is that cross-sectional survey has been conducted. There may be ambiguity in establishing causal direction. Results may vary while collecting data at various times. It is suggested to conduct longitudinal study design in future research to see how impact of transformational leadership on employee outcomes varies over time. Next, it represented data from only the telecom sector of Lahore, Pakistan which may limit the study generalizability it would have been advantageous to conduct this research across the diverse sectors and n different context. Another limitation of this research is that there can be a probability of response bias as all the data was collected through same source i.e., employees. For example, a person can have deliberate falsification by quoting false responses of statements, just to attain social desirability. An employee in the organization may have high degrees of social loafing but he may not state it appropriately as well. Future researchers may collect data from different sources like work performance data can be collected from supervisors.

Existing literature and this research too is having high tendency toward constructive and significant outcomes to discover impact of transformational leadership so it is suggested that in future studies impact of transformational leadership should be examined in relation to more negative employee outcomes such as turnover intention and cyber loafing.

Instead of viewing the assignment of goals as a way to monitor followers, in the present study, we embed the goal setting of leaders into the context of motivating and enabling subordinates. In so doing, we concentrate on the construct of transformational leadership, as transformational leaders (TLs) not only have high performance expectations (Bass, 1985), but rather inspire and empower their subordinates (Bass and Riggio, 2006). In motivating and enabling followers, goals have variously been assigned a central role in the theory of transformational leadership (e.g., Shamir et al., 1993; Conger and Kanungo, 1998). Therefore, a goal-perspective to transformational leadership is straightforward.

Hypothesis 1: We suggest that the more transformational followers perceive their supervisors to lead, the higher the importance they attach to the organizational goals set by or agreed upon with these leaders.

Hypothesis 2: We suggest that the more transformational followers perceive their supervisors to lead, the higher the attainability they ascribe to the organizational goals set by or agreed upon with these leaders.

Specific indirect effects of transformational leadership on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and proactive behavior transmitted through the goal attributes goal importance and goal attainability.

Several factors have been shown to affect the well-being of occupational workers in various service-oriented industries. These factors include age [1], career goals [6], organizational support [5,6,7], workplace environment [2,5,13,14], and leadership behavior [1,7,15,16,17].

Flow diagram of the Hybrid Data Synthesis Technique for the Phase 1 and 2 analyses. Note: TRL = transformational leadership; PWB = psychological well-being; n = total sample size; k = total number of relations (correlation coefficient values) among independent variables and dependent variables.

Theme and concept map for the selected articles on transformational leadership and psychological well-being. The relative size of each theme circle is the boundary for clustered concepts; warm colors (red, orange) indicate the most important themes and cool colors (blue, green) denote less important themes.

Other minor themes also emerged but with fewer concepts linking them with other themes, such as Avolio, model, analysis, scale, review, and staff. The conception of Avolio as a theme, which has a connection with the word concept Bass, is worth noting. This result suggests that the names of the authors who created the transformational leadership theory, and the value and impact of these authors in the field of organizational and positive psychology, in general, and in the area of leadership in particular, are highlighted in the included studies.

Since only studies published in scientific journals were included, publication bias is anticipated to a certain extent [72,73]. This point may be noticed in the asymmetric result of the funnel plot. However, as previously noted, this asymmetric result is likely due to the presence of heterogeneity rather than publication bias [62]. This notion was further verified by the inconsistency (I2) values above 75% which indicate high degrees of statistical heterogeneity [73]. Nonetheless, when conducting meta-analysis studies, it is suggested to utilize all possible resources when searching for articles (both published and unpublished), and when examining and interpreting findings, in order to avoid publication bias.

The transformational leadership approach encourages, inspires, and motivates employees to innovate and create the change necessary to shape the future success of the company. This is accomplished by setting an example at the executive level through authenticity, a strong sense of corporate culture, employee ownership, and independence in the workplace. Transformational leaders are change agents in the business, who can identify innovative and shifting trends in technology, and then help the organization embrace that change.

The concept of transformational leadership started with James V. Downton in 1973 and was expanded by James Burns in 1978. In 1985, researcher Bernard M. Bass further expanded the concept to include ways for measuring the success of transformational leadership. This model encourages leaders to demonstrate authentic, strong leadership with the idea that employees will be inspired to follow suit.

Four main elements define the transformational leadership model and style. These factors were developed by Bass in 1985 to help define what transformational leadership looks like and how to be successful as this type of leader:

Transactional leadership takes care of creating a consistent development process, while transformational leadership leaves people free to come up with new ideas and look at the future of products, services and ideas.

Organizations are dynamic entities, such that they are constantly developing and changing. As such, these entities require leadership capable of managing transformations. Transformational leadership is an effective leadership model that focuses on adapting to existing environmental circumstances whether through internal information, human and monetary resources, or different external variables. This study aims to highlight the characteristics of transformational leadership and their effects on the public universities in Saudi particularly, this study enlightens the urgent need to test the behavioral intentions in the public universities in Saudi Arabia. To achieve this goal, many major databases were used. The period of the study was set from 2011 to 2020 as the topic of the study is the current transformational leadership within the public universities in Saudi Arabia. There was a total of 47,400,000 studies on transformational leadership on Google, however, only 22 studies were reviewed which were entirely conducted in Saudi Arabian Universities. The results demonstrated that in the public universities in Saudi, transformational leadership is practiced across four dimensions: ideal effect, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration. The documentary research approach was used to review the most recent aspects of administrative literature on the theory of transformational leadership and its organizational outcomes. In addition, NVIVO 11 was used to make a thematic analysis of the linkages between transformational leadership and organizational outcomes: organizational commitment, knowledge management practices, morale, employee empowerment, level of job satisfaction, administrative creativity, organizational citizenship behavior, and the level of transformation toward quality and job enrichment. Therefore, behavioral tendencies such as organizational commitment, empowerment, job satisfaction, and knowledge management practices have been studied more interestingly and critically. Furthermore, these behavioral aspects need to be explored more in public universities in Saudi Arabia. be457b7860

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