Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Transcribe Speech VIP

Last edited: June 24, 2019

The developer recognizes the importance of confidentiality of information. This Privacy Policy applies to the use of the "Transcribe Speech VIP" program on Android / iOS, to the use of the web page (Page) and to the services provided by the Program or the Page (Services). The developer (or "we") has created this privacy policy (the "Policy") to explain when and how we collect, use, disclose and safeguard information about our users.

By using the Program or the Page, you agree to this Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise change these rules at any time. You can find the most recent revision of this policy at this address and the date of last modification is listed at the beginning of the document. Such changes take effect immediately after they are posted, therefore we recommend that you check the date of this document before using the Program to find out if there have been updates. You should review this Policy on a regular basis to keep abreast of changes. If you do not agree with the revised policy, your only recourse is to immediately cease all use of the Program and the Page. Your continued use of the Program or Page following the posting of changes will constitute your acceptance of the revised Policy. If you have any questions regarding the use of the Policy, please contact us using the contact information at the end of this document.

This privacy policy applies to the Program, Page and Services. It does not apply to any application, website, product or service that we do not control or own, including the content or TV viewing accessibility, content, accuracy and availability of the TV schedule. All trademarks, trade names, logos of third parties placed in the Program or on the Page belong to their respective owners.

Our Child Policy

Our services are not directed to people under the age of 13. If you become aware that your child has provided us with personal information without your permission, please contact us at php701 [@] We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13. If we become aware that a child under the age of 13 has provided us with personal information, we will take steps to remove that information and close the child's account. By using the Program, Page and Services, you represent to us that you are over 13 years old. If you are under the age of 13, please do not use the Program and immediately remove it from user devices. We recommend that minors 13-18 years old ask their parents for permission before sending us any information about themselves.

1. WHAT information we collect

The types of information we collect are described below.

Personal information. "Personal Information" is personal information that you transmit or receive when using the Program or the Page that identifies you, such as your name, email address, website address, telephone and fax numbers, files, photos, or any other information, which you have included in your correspondence with us, or transmitted to us through the use of the site, or in any other way.

Session and usage data. "Session and Usage Data" is collected anonymously and includes, without limitation, all Internet connections made through the use of the Program, and data that the Program exchanges with servers. Session and usage data does not include personally identifiable information. We use this information to improve the functionality of the Program. We may also aggregate session information and usage data as described below.

Free information. “Aggregate Information” is the data we collect about the group or category of services or users from which individual user identifiers have been removed. In other words, information about how you use the Program may be collected in conjunction with how others use the Program, but personal information will not be included in the totals. The aggregate data helps us understand trends in the needs of our users so that we can develop the capabilities of the Program. We may provide aggregate information about our users to third parties for various purposes, including to improve our services, as well as for advertising and marketing purposes.

Security. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information. We restrict access to personal information for employees or contractors who we believe need to contact this information in order to provide services for you or in order to do their job. We use administrative, physical and electronic measures to protect information from unauthorized access. Remember, there is no absolute security. In addition, we cannot control the actions of other users with whom you share information. We cannot guarantee that information that you share with other users through the Program and the Page will not become publicly available. We are not responsible for the actions of persons who bypass our security measures. You can mitigate these risks by following generally accepted safety practices, such as refraining from sharing information with people you do not know, and limiting information that you choose to share through the Program or Page.

2. How we use your INFORMATION

For our internal business operations. In general, we use session and usage data to serve our users to enable them to maximize the benefits of the Program. We may also store personal information to improve the functionality of the Program. All collected information is stored in our database and can be archived elsewhere. Access to your personal information other than session and usage data will be restricted to our employees and contractors.

We may also combine information about you with information we receive from business partners or other companies. For example, personal data may be used to conduct marketing analysis, to create an individual profile and to provide personalized services, to provide services or perform transactions, to anticipate and resolve problems with the Program and the Page, to provide technical support to customers, and to inform you about new products and services from us to better meet your needs. By seeking help or clicking on an advertisement, you consent to us or our marketing partners to contact you for any of the aforementioned purposes.

If you use the “Recommend to a Friend” feature to tell your friends about the Program, your friends will be sent an email invitation to visit the Page and / or download the Program.

We may use information about you for our own internal purposes, for example, to estimate audience size, estimate internet traffic, and also to understand demographics, customer interest, and other trends among our users.

We may engage third parties to perform functions and provide services to us, including, but not limited to, hosting and maintenance, customer relations, database storage and management, and direct marketing campaigns. We will share your personal information with these organizations, but only to the extent necessary or useful to perform those functions and provide services, and only in accordance with contractual obligations requiring such third party to maintain the confidentiality and security of your data.

Information about our users, including personal information, will be disclosed as part of any merger or acquisition, the creation of a separate company to support the Page or Program, the sale or pledge of developer assets, and in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy, in which personal information will be transferred as one from the developer's business assets.

For marketing purposes. We do not disclose your personal information (with the exception of aggregated information) to third parties for direct marketing purposes, unless you have previously given your affirmative consent to the disclosure.

We do not rent, sell, or transfer personally identifiable information about users to others and non-affiliated companies, unless it is necessary to fulfill a support request where we have your consent, or under the following circumstances: (I) if necessary for performing internal analysis and business functions; (Ii) as part of a business transfer; or (iii) when required by law or permitted to protect our rights, property or safety.

If you use the Page or Program, you agree to the collection of your session and usage data. We may use this information to analyze internal and external marketing as described in this policy.

We may display targeted advertisements based on personally identifiable information. Advertisers (including ad delivery companies) may believe that people who view, interact with, or click on advertisements meet targeted criteria, such as women aged 18-23 from a specific geographic area. We do not provide any personal information to the advertiser when you open or view targeted advertisements. However, by opening or viewing such advertisements, you agree to the possibility that the advertiser will believe that you meet the targeted criteria for that advertisement.

For legal authorities. We may disclose your personal information if we believe it is necessary to comply with a legal process (for example, a lawful subpoena, order or court order); to comply with this policy; collect amounts due to us to protect our rights, property, or the personal safety of our users, our employees, or the public, or if we have reason to believe that an emergency of imminent danger of death or serious injury to any person requires or justifies immediate disclosure personal data. This may include exchanging information with other companies, lawyers, courts or other government agencies.

We may disclose information pursuant to subpoenas, court orders, and other cases (including criminal and civil cases) if we sincerely believe that a response is required by law. This may include respecting a request from a jurisdiction outside the United States if we have reason to believe that a response is required by law, in accordance with local laws in that jurisdiction, applies to users from that jurisdiction, and in accordance with generally accepted international standards.

3.Third Party Sites

As a rule, the Program or Page receives information from third-party organizations (such as your VKontakte account) through application interfaces. However, please be aware that we may provide links to third party websites, such as Facebook, as a service to our users. By clicking on links of third parties, you can exit the Program or leave the Page. The third party site may also carry advertisements from other companies. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of websites operated by third parties. You are solely responsible for reading and accepting their privacy policy.

4. Access and management of PERSONAL INFORMATION

You can request the correction and deletion of your personal information at any time. As a general rule, you should be careful when posting any personal information. We reserve the right to send you certain messages regarding the Program or the Page, such as customer service and other administrative messages.


By using the Program or the Page to provide us with data, you acknowledge and agree that we may use the data collected in the course of our relationship for the purposes specified in this policy or in our correspondence with you, including for the transfer of information outside the jurisdiction of the residents. Please note that your personal information will be stored and processed on our computers in the United States. Privacy laws in the United States may be less stringent than those in your country. If you object to the use of your personal information as described in this document, please do not use the Program and immediately remove it from your device.

6. Your Privacy Rights - California Residents

We do not disclose your personal information to third parties for direct marketing purposes without your prior consent to the disclosure.

California Civil Code Section 1798.83 allows customers who live in California to request certain information about the disclosure of personal information to third parties for direct marketing purposes. If you would like more information regarding your privacy rights under California law, you can contact us as described below. Please caption your request California Disclosures.

7. CONTACT US / about violations

If you have questions or comments about this privacy policy or privacy practices, or would like to report any breaches of agreement or abuse of the Program or the Page, please contact us php701 [@]