Hi, guys. I watched it in the mid 90's, it was a cartoon movie, long length, but what I remeber is a short (maybe 5 minutes) part(or a separate movie) where (not sure but) a mouse dad showed to his son a factory, where they make all sort of futuristic stuff (and there was a man narrator I think) like a very strange car and what I remember most - a big log, which the factory made in to a toothpick (90% sure it was a toothpick).. As I recall it was very interesting animation and I think that the version I had was shortened from the original..

The game is compatible with the Super NES Mouse in addition to the gamepad. The player is given a series of tools to create their own animated cartoons, using the Looney Tunes characters. The player can alter the graphics, music, and animation. When the cartoon has been created, it can be saved and replayed. Aside from that, card games such as Solitaire and Mix 'n' Match (a variation of the game Concentration) are playable.[1]

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The triangle is inscribed "rent, profit, interest," indicating the larger forces that Sloan held responsible for the tragedy. The dagger through the Employers Liability Bill at lower left represents judicial weakening of laws obliging factory owners to protect workers from unsafe conditions.

Gruesome but beautifully drawn, this effective cartoon shows Sloan at the height of his abilities as a political commentator. In 1911 Sloan was both a committed Socialist and a prolific illustrator, in mainstream magazines as well as the party press. Two years later, he would join the staff at The Masses, where he would be instrumental in establishing the magazine's artistic vision.

Agribusiness has pushed a law through the House in Iowa that would criminalize shooting or displaying undercover videos that show animal abuse at factory farms. Yet another example of the corporatization of our country, where the interests of big business trump the rights of individuals and free speech and access to information.

During the thirties in the US, cartoons were one of the major types of film. Walt Disney's contemporaries constantly innovated and created new and original worlds... A considerable amount of research, and reediting, done for ARTE by the best specialists of the genre, has saved a number of these cartoon classics. With more than 75 films, we rediscover Alice, as well as the fabulous adventures of Popeye and Olive. We also discover Bosco, Tom and Jerry, at the time when they were not yet a cat and a mouse... Cartoon Factory is both a historical monument and a moment of pleasure for children aged 7 to 77.

The New Yorker, of course ... although they've yet to have the good sense to buy any of my work. Hundreds of others have, from the Saturday Evening Post to The Oregonian to large publishing houses to small trade journals. Let me draw a few cartoons for you. No matter what, I hope you get a few laughs as you go through my site.

If you wouldn't steal a newspaper from a blind vendor just because you could get away with it, please don't use a cartoon without permission just because you think you can get away with it. If you would steal a newspaper from a blind vendor, well, I hope you die laughing before you have a chance to steal my work.

Now some legalese my attorney insists I should include: All cartoons throughout this website and the entirety of its content are copyrighted by Theresa (T-) McCracken. All rights reserved. The cartoons are protected by copyright laws. You may not, except with my express written permission, reproduce, distribute or commercially exploit the content via any means and all use is strictly prohibited without written permission of the artist. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system without the prior written permission of mchumor.com. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited unless you purchase the cartoon(s) or are granted permission to license a specific cartoon first. IP addresses can be recorded and copyright violators are pursued by CartoonStock Enforcement.

Factory is multifaceted and works with different techniques and styles, such as 3D, realistic or cartoon, 2D motion, or frame by frame, stop motion. We create in a wide range of animation styles, but our flagship is undeniably character creation and animation.

Mr. Gus explains to Uncle Grandpa that he's a cartoon and he was made at the cartoon factory and they all were, Uncle Grandpa shows him the factory and Uncle Grandpa wonders how he never saw that building before, Mr. Gus tells him that answers are sometimes in plain sight the whole time, Uncle Grandpa leaves the RV and storms off the Cartoon Factory, Mr. Gus sees him and believes that this is going to be bad news for some poor cartoon and he looks at the viewers.

Lori tells Uncle Grandpa to behold at the magic of the imagination and childhood wonder, Uncle Grandpa is amazed that everyone gets to work in their own boxes, they have their own coffee pot with Styrofoam cups, there's a printer/scanner combo and then he believes that next computers have a role in making cartoons. Lori tells him that they do and it's just all the clerical stuff and she's going to show him how the actual cartoons are produced, Uncle Grandpa follows and doesn't know what else is going to top this.

Lori show Uncle Grandpa the writers room and it's where all their best ideas for cartoon episodes come from and it also doubles as a nice daycare for their employees with small children, Uncle Grandpa is thinking that a bunch of diaper wearing babies write all the words he says, Lori tells him yeah and that they're something else and decides to keep going, Uncle Grandpa yells at the babies to START WRITING ME MORE SMARTER YOU POOP POOPS! and he cries off. Uncle Grandpa can't believe that cartoons are made from babies, Lori tells him not to worry as their funny props department will cheer him up, she shows him that a team of magic elves who build all the funny things they use in cartoons. One of the elves walk in and wonders which one of them made the camera phone, one of them raises their hand and the elf thinks it's hilarious and this is why they're crushing in the ratings, Uncle Grandpa thought he made that camera phone, Lori tells him that all cartoons including him are of group effort and Lori tells Uncle Grandpa to follow her again.

Next, Lori shows Uncle Grandpa the color mines and this is where they get all the colors for each cartoon, Uncle Grandpa bets that they don't have rainbow, a mole finds rainbow and throws it away hitting Uncle Grandpa. Leonard da Vinci is painting scenery, Lori explains that backgrounds are painted by a master renascence painter and that backgrounds like the one their standing on can take months or even years to finish and tells him not to touch anything. Uncle Grandpa smears the wall and questions if anything is real, da Vinci then yells at him as he tells him does he know how long it took him to paint those bricks, Uncle Grandpa apologizes and runs off.

An octopus is making all kinds of whacky cartoon sounds, Lori tells Uncle Grandpa that this is the sound department where their audio expert Robert chooses all the sound effects for cartoons and Robert demonstrates. Uncle Grandpa is in denial and says that he chooses all of his sound effects from his own brain and Robert is tapping a can as Uncle Grandpa taps his head, Uncle Grandpa then realizes that he's a group effort, Lori tells him that he's getting and for them to keep going, Robert uses a fart sound effect and Uncle Grandpa gets mad.

A group of break dancers are getting down and Lori tells him that it's their break room. Lori then shows Uncle Grandpa the animation department where all the cartoons come to life, where their in house mad scientist combines everything they just saw using... and Uncle Grandpa says a computer! The mad scientist says IT'S ALIVE and renders the whole thing and it produces a DVD. Uncle Grandpa picks it up and thinks that's it, Lori tells him that he gets to keep that and tells him that it hasn't aired yet and tells him to keep it on the down.

Lori brings Uncle Grandpa back to the front desk and tells him that it concludes their tour of the Cartoon Factory, she hopes that he enjoyed everything and that she answered all of his questions about how cartoons are made. Uncle Grandpa thinks the tour was humbling but he still wanted to know who made him, Lori tells him that it would be his creator and he can't talk to him unless he has an appointment in four years in advance and tells him sorry. Uncle Grandpa understands and tells her that he's just going to use the restroom before he goes and he makes a run for it and screams I GOT TO FIND MY CREATOR! Uncle Grandpa passes by the printer/scanner and marvels at it before he continues to run. Uncle Grandpa continues to look through rooms trying to find the right one, Uncle Grandpa yells out to anyone if they know where he can find his creator and they all point upwards and Uncle Grandpa sees a ladder that leads to the sky, Uncle Grandpa thinks that it must be the corporate ladder.

Lori sees him and yells at him YOU NEED TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT! Uncle Grandpa tells her no and what he needs is answers about his life and he climbs the ladder to the top. Uncle Grandpa finally sees his creator and Pete greets him, Uncle Grandpa is shocked to see that it really him, Pete tells him that he is and wants to know what's going on, Uncle Grandpa tells him that he has so many questions for him. Pete tells Uncle Grandpa that all the answers that he was looking for was in plain sight, Uncle Grandpa doesn't understand and Pete tells him to look and Uncle Grandpa looks at his hands and he understands it all. Pete tells him that the answers are over ant the answer factory and Uncle Grandpa thinks it makes sense, Pete tells him that he has to go record vocals for the new Uncle Grandpa episode and walks off saying good morning, Uncle Grandpa wants to ask him one thing and Pete allows it. Uncle Grandpa asks why does he exist, Pete tells him that he just sketched him when he came into his imagination one day and he walks off and Uncle Grandpa is amazed. 17dc91bb1f

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