Over 1,500 downloads!

Do not download Toxobot™'s Mods from Truckmods.co. They were never uploaded by me and may be dangerous to your game or computer. More details here.

Welcome to Toxobot's Mods!

I make mods for American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2. Please download my mods only from my website or my modland.net profile, which my website links to anyway. Downloading from any other source is unofficial and could result in viruses or a damaged game. I plan on possibly releasing my mods on Steam Workshop and other sources.

Hosting/Mod Site Profiles:

Do not download any of my mods from any other side not listed here. As I said above, you risk getting viruses or a damaged game.

I host my mods on Modland.net and GitHub.

GitHub (Everything)

Modland.net (American Truck Simulator Mods)

Get updates:

To get updates from me on development status, follow my Twitter account. You could also visit my main website.