Total burn

a comic

what am i looking at

Total burn, a webcomic by daefromthehitshowdae. Me. That's me. This is the website for the comic. I made the comic and the website for the comic that I made.

is there anything i should be warned of

although the style is relatively simple and crude, there is some graphic content in the comic. Here's what you should be warned of:

jesus christ okay what is this webcomic even about

Total burn is a satirization and comical exaggeration of some of the more serious events that have happened in my life, as well as a few weird bits and pieces sprinkled in. There is no real linear storyline, just a very uncomfortable reading experience. The webcomic (and most of my body of work as a whole) is inspired by the works of Cate Wurtz, William Barnes Toledo, Mark Z. Danielewski, and Bill Watterson.

so are you saying you witnessed a homocide and made a damn comic about it

What part of "comical exaggeration" do you not get? you cock

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