Toshiki Aoki
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
I'm a first-year student Ph.D. student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. My area of research lies in Computer Graphics especially Computational Fabrication. I currently work at Algorithmic Design Lab.
Research Interest
Emotional communication
Robot's teleoperation
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology(2024~)
BSc in Systems Innovation, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo(2019~2023)
Peer-Reviewed Journals and Conferences
Liu, Chenxi, Toshiki Aoki, Mikhail Bessmeltsev, Alla Sheffer. "Stripmaker: Perception-driven learned vector sketch consolidation." ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 42, no. 4 (2023): 1-15. [Website]
Tatsuya Matsushima, Yuki Noguchi, Jumpei Arima, Toshiki Aoki, Yuki Okita,Yuya Ikeda, Koki Ishimoto, Shohei Taniguchi, Yuki Yamashita, Shoichi Seto, Shixiang Shane Gu, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo, “World robot challenge 2020 – partner robot: a data-driven approach for room tidying with mobile manipulator”, Advanced Robotics [pdf]
Toshiki Aoki*, Rintaro Chujo*, Saemi Choi, Katsufumi Matsui, Ari Hautasaari, “EmoBalloon - Conveying Emotional Arousal in Text Chats with Speech Balloons”, CHI 2022. (🏆 Best Paper Award, top 1%) (*: equal contribution) [Website]
Peer-Reviewed Short Papers, Workshop Papers, Posters, and Demonstrations
Mikihito Matsuura, Koya Narumi, Toshiki Aoki, Yuta Noma, Kazutaka Nakashima, Yoshihiro Kawahara, Takeo Igarashi, “Blow-up Print: Rapidly 3D Printing Inflatable Objects in the Compressed State”, SIGGRAPH 2022 Poster [Website]
Domestic Conferences
Toshiki Aoki, Kei Kawamura, Rintaro Chujo, Saemi Choi, Katsufumi Matsui, Ari Hautasaari, “音声入力テキストチャットにおける発話強度に基づいた吹き出し形状自動選択システムの提案”, Proceedings of IPSJ INTERACTION 2020 (premium track), March 2020, article 2B-30, pp. 607-610. (acceptance rate: 19.6%)
Funai Overseas Scholarship (2023-2025) Granted 2 years of tuition and stipend.
CHI 2022 Best Paper Award (“EmoBalloon - Conveying Emotional Arousal in Text Chats with Speech Balloons”)
WRS 2020 Partner robot challenge(Real space)2nd prize, Team Weblab (video)
RCJ @ホーム ドメスティック スタンダードプラットフォーム (DSPL) technical challenge 1st prize (Team Weblab)
Professional Experience
Research Assistant at CREST Igarashi, 2020/05~2023/03
Research on the interaction of Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Graphics
Research Collaborator at ERATO Kawahara Universal Information Network Project
Research experience supervised by Dr. Ari Hautasaari, 2019/11~2022/05
Research on the emotional communication
Summer internship in Digital Geometry Processing Group(UBC) supervised by Prof. Alla Sheffer, 2021/08~2021/10
Research on Computer Graphics, especially sketch