Jorge Alejandro Torres Ochoa

Department of Plastics Engineering and Advance Manufacturing

Polythechnic University of Juventino Rosas

Laboratory of Sustainable Polymers 

Synthesis and Characterization of Sustainable Polymers

Current activity

Currently our research group works on the development of polymers of sustainable origin. We're proposing pathways for the conversion of oils into polyols and later into flexible polyurethanes that are biocompatible for biomedical applications. Throughout the synthesis pathway, we perform characterizations such as FTIR, SEM, XPS, etc. that help us understand the reaction mechanisms. 


A brief review

Currently, I hold the position of Senior Lecturer in materials science within the department of polymer engineering and advanced manufacturing at the Polytechnic University of Juventino Rosas. My primary research focus centers around employing advanced spectroscopic techniques to gain deeper insights into chemical reactions occurring on surfaces.

I earned a Bs and a MSc degree in chemical engineering from the Technological Institute of Celaya. Subsequently, I pursued a doctorate in materials science, which introduced me to the intriguing realm of surfaces.

I have a strong interest in project management. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the field, I pursued a master's degree in administration followed by a doctorate in business administration and management. Additionally, I undertook specialized studies in accounting and tax regulations. As I progressed in this journey, I recognized the importance of understanding laws and regulations, which led me to study a Bs in law.
