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The keto diet causes the body to run out of sugar reserves, forcing it to burn fat for energy instead. Among other advantages, it might aid in weight loss, acne management, and heart health improvement. Yet there could be some hazards.

The keto diet is a way of eating that places an emphasis on meals that include significant amounts of protein, healthy fats, and low carbohydrates. To consume more calories from fat than from carbohydrates is the goal.

The diet works by reducing the body's supply of sugar. It will consequently start to digest fat for energy. As a result, the body begins to produce molecules known as ketones, which it uses as fuel.

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 Weight loss can result from the body burning fat.

The Standard Ketogenic Diet and the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet are two of the different forms of keto diets.

We describe the advantages and risks of the ketogenic diet in this article.

1. Aids in shedding pounds

The ketogenic diet may aid in weight loss in a number of ways, including by increasing metabolism and decreasing appetite.

Foods that fill you up are part of ketogenic diets, which may also lower hormones that make you hungryTrusted Source. These factors suggest that adopting a ketogenic diet may decrease hunger and aid in weight loss.

In a meta-analysis from 2013

According to Reliable Source of 13 separate randomized controlled trials, those on ketogenic diets lost 2 pounds (lbs) more over the course of a year than those on low-fat diets.

Similar to the above, another analysis of 11 research found that after 6 months, those who followed a ketogenic diet lost 5 more pounds than those who followed low-fat diets.

Discover the distinctions between the Atkins and the ketogenic diets in this article.

2. Reduces acne

Many factors can contribute to acne, and some people's diets and blood sugar levels may be involved.

Consuming a diet rich in processed and refined carbohydrates may change the balance of gut bacteria and create major swings in blood sugar, both of which can be harmful to the health of the skin.

A 2012 studyTrusted Source found that a ketogenic diet may help some persons with acne issues by reducing carbohydrate intake.

Discover more about acne right here.

3. May lower risk of some malignancies

Researchers have looked into how the ketogenic diet may be used to cure or possibly prevent some types of cancer.

one research

According to Trusted Source, certain cancer patients may benefit from using the ketogenic diet as a complementary therapy in addition to chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This is due to the fact that it would kill cancer cells by inducing more oxidative stress in them than in healthy cells.

An updated research According to a Reliable Source from 2018, the ketogenic diet may minimize the risk of insulin problems because it lowers blood sugar levels. A hormone that regulates blood sugar and may be connected to some malignancies is insulin.

Despite some research

Although there haven't been many research in this area, a reliable source claims that the ketogenic diet may have some help in the treatment of cancer. To completely comprehend the potential advantages of the ketogenic diet in cancer prevention and therapy, more research is required.

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4. May improve heart health

When following the ketogenic diet, it's crucial to make healthy meal selections. According to some research, consuming healthy fats like avocados instead of unhealthy fats like pork rinds will help lower cholesterol and hence improve heart health.

According to a 2017 Trusted Source review of studies involving humans and animals on the ketogenic diet, some people saw a significant reduction in their levels of triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol, and total cholesterol, as well as an increase in their levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good" cholesterol.

Learn which foods are good for your heart

Disc5. May safeguard brain function

5. May protect brain function 

According to some research, like this 2019 study Trusted Source, the ketones that the keto diet produces have neuroprotective advantages, which means they help support and safeguard the brain and nerve cells.

Because of this, a ketogenic diet may aid in the management or prevention of illnesses like Alzheimer's disease. Learn more about the symptoms of Alzheimer's

However, further study is required to determine how a ketogenic diet affects the brain. 

Certain meals are good for your heart

6. May lessen seizure activity

The keto diet modifies how the body consumes energy and causes ketosis as a result of the proportions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. The metabolic state of ketosis occurs when the body burns ketone bodies as fuel.

According to the Epilepsy Foundation, ketosis can lessen seizures in epilepsy sufferers, particularly in those who have not responded to other forms of treatment. This appears to work best on kids who have focused seizures, but further research is needed to determine its effectiveness.

7. Reduces symptoms of PCOS

A hormonal condition known as a polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can cause an overabundance of male hormones, ovulatory failure, and polycystic ovaries. In those with PCOS, a high-carbohydrate diet can have negative effects such as weight gain and skin issues.

The ketogenic diet and PCOS have not been the subject of many clinical investigations. Five women were studied in one pilot research over a 24-week period in 2005Trusted Source. The researchers discovered that a ketogenic diet benefited a number of PCOS markers, such as:

A different assessment of papers from 2019 Trusted Source discovered that patients with hormonal abnormalities, such as PCOS and type 2 diabetes, benefited from a ketogenic diet. They did, however, add a warning that the research were too varied to suggest a ketogenic diet as a general PCOS treatment.

Find out which foods to consume and steer clear of if you have PCOS.

Risks and difficulties

Several potential health advantages of the ketogenic diet exist. Long-term adherence to the ketogenic diet, however, may have negative effects on health, including an elevated risk of the following conditions:

ureteral stones

deficits in vitamins, minerals, and protein, as well as a buildup of liver fat

Many individuals refer to the negative side effects of the ketogenic diet as "keto flu." These negative outcomes could consist of:

constipation \sfatigue

Low exercise tolerance, nausea, vomiting, and low blood sugar

While the body gets used to its new energy source during the start of the diet, these symptoms are particularly prevalent.

Those with diabetes who are insulin-dependent and persons with eating problems are some groups that should stay away from the keto diet.

those who are pregnant or nursing those with pancreatitis or kidney disease

A ketogenic diet should not be adopted by people who take sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, a class of medication for type 2 diabetes. By raising blood acidity, diabetic ketoacidosis—a severe condition—is made more likely by this medicine.

Learn more about the causes of weight loss failure on the ketogenic diet


Any proposed diet plan should be discussed with a physician, dietician, or other qualified healthcare professional, especially if the person is attempting to control an illness or other health issue.

To make sure the keto diet is a secure eating pattern, those considering starting it should visit a doctor and disclose any existing medical concerns, such as diabetes, hypoglycemia, heart disease, or other illnesses.

Remember that there aren't enough studies on the long-term advantages of the ketogenic diet. It is uncertain whether following this diet for longer periods of time is more advantageous than following less strenuous healthy eating habits.

On a ketogenic diet, carbs are severely restricted. Certain carbs do, however, provide health advantages. People should eat a range of nutrient-dense, fiber carbs, such as fruits and vegetables, coupled with wholesome protein sources, and healthy fats for a less restrictive dietary approach.


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