Step6: Now move to the left bottom corner and add control point. It is a chance that your toposheet will suddenly disappear. To bring it back, click on toposheet and right click on Zoom to layer.

Step8: Check out the residual values, if they are quite less that means you have added the control points in the right manner. After this click on Georeferencing and choose Rectify which will create a whole new georeferenced raster image. You can also choose Update Georeferencing which will add a world file to your existing toposheet and it will get georeferenced.

Toposheet No 73 J 6 Pdf Download


I am new to the GIS domain. I need to georeference a toposheet, Datum - WGS84, 1:50,000 scale map. I have done the georeferencing using WGS for GCP's and then projected to WGS_94_UTM Zone 43N, using Project Tool.Another way I followed is, using an online GCS to PCS converter and choosing those values for Ground Control Points. I would like to know which method is correct.

Search - Survey of IndiaOpen Series Maps(OSM):Survey of IndiaWhat is a toposheet number?numbering system of indian topographical sheetsTopographical Map | of india topographical sheets indexSurvey of India - DSTNakshe portalTopoGraphic Sheets Number Findersearch free TopoGraphic Sheets Numberfind free TopoGraphic Sheets NumberGeological Survey of Indiafree toposheet number finderfree Open Series MapsMaps Numbering Scheme Survey of IndiaTopographic maptoposheet of india free downloadCoordinates converterGISTopographic Maps

A topographic map, or toposheet, depicts a three-dimensional terrain area in two dimensions. Since topographic maps display the landscape's horizontal and vertical location, they set themselves apart from other types of maps. It uses a combination of colour, symbols, labels, contour lines, and other graphical elements for visual representation. Topographic maps show the shapes, locations, and various anthropogenic and natural elements. Survey of India has devised a map numbering system to make it easier to identify a specific area map.

With regard to the uses of toposheets, consider the following:


 2.City planners and urban development authorities

 3.Tourism industry




 Who among the following uses the Topographic survey sheets?

To measure the shortest distance between two points on the topographic map along a straight line can be done easily with the help of a pair of divider. Keep the two pointed ends of the divider over line or two points which has to be measured and then carefully keep on scale. Note down the distance on the map in centimetres; then either with the help of the graphical scale which is provided below the toposheet or by using the statement scale distance can be measured in kilometres and metres.

e.g., two places are 5.6 km., apart on the map.

The scale is given 2 cm. = 1 km.

1 cm. = 1/2 km.

5.6 cm. = 1/2  5.6

= 2.8 km.

(ii) To measure winding course:

To measure a winding course route is complicated. It has to be measured with the help of a strip of paper or thread e.g., to measure a river in a toposheet take a piece of thread make a knot on one end. At the end of thread (close to knot) mark the point with pen at which you will begin to measure (point A). Put the thread along the line touching as far as possible to measure and keep on marking with ink at turns till the last point. Stretch the thread on the scale line, you will get the ground distance in kilometres and metres, writing the unit of measurement is always important e.g., if the distance calculated between two points is 3.3 km. If asked in kilometres the answer would be 3km., 300m. If asked in metres the answer would be 3300 metres.

The data deals with the preparation of the groundwater potential zone map of gudur area, with the help of data like geology and geomorphology, structure/lineament, slope and drainage and the thematic layer were prepared through the Survey of India toposheet Nos. N/12,N/15,N/16 and IRS-P6 LISS-III(RESOURCESAT-2) satellite data. The groundwater potential zones were obtained and classified into four categories, viz., very poor, poor, good, and very good zones. The data explains lateritic plain moderate basement with poor potential zones whereas secondarily occupies alluvial plain contains the good prospecting zone. 2351a5e196

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