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Laugh Out Loud with Our Hilarious Video Collection - Don't Miss a Single Gut Busting Moment!

We hope you enjoyed this absurd and hilarious collection of funny videos! Did you reach your laugh quota for the day? If not, just hit replay and keep giggling. Laughter is the best medicine, after all. Except if you have a hernia - then laughter is bad and you should consult your doctor. But for the rest of you chuckleheads out there - keep smiling and laughing it up! Life is too short to take seriously. And be sure to check back often as we add new funny videos that will crack you up. You may even wet your pants from laughing so hard, but don't worry we won't judge. Okay, maybe just a little. Alright, enough silliness for now. Go spread some cheer and brighten someone's day with your infectious laugh! Just maybe put on some Depends first. Okay now we're really done, bye!