In this article, I'm going to write about top 10 dating & seduction courses for men by my personal choice, which are proven to give good results.

And I promise I will keep it short and straight to the point.

BUT!!! I DO NOT recommend anyone to learn about dating and seduction from multiple sources at once, and I DO NOT recommend anyone to start learning about dating and seduction from any new source before they put in practice the knowledge they have gained from the one they are/were learning already!!!
So, I will write a list and short descriptions(reviews) of 10 of my favorite learning sources, and if you decide to get some, choose ONLY 1 THAT SUITS YOUR NEEDS THE BEST!!!

Also, I will attach the links to the courses/books I'm talking about in the list, headings and images, so you'll be able to find them.


In this course, Kate Spring is covering a wide range of topics that men should learn about dating and seduction - how to be attractive to women, how to gain confidence, how to approach, talk to women, body language, how to listen to women, texting... And, my personal favorite teaching from this course is actually a bonus that comes with it - which teaches you how to make women approach you!

It is suitable for beginner, intermediate and advanced "seducers".

This is the best thing for you if you want to be in a relationship or have sex with some particular girl that you already know, but don't know how to start a relationship with her, or how to escape "friendzone".

The main philosophical standpoint of "The Effortless Effect" is this: If you put a lot of effort in seduction - women will perceive you as "needy" (very unattractive trait). If you don't put effort at all - you can't expect any results. All the teachings & techniques Nick is covering in this course are in alignment with this thought, so, Nick is teaching you how to gain great results with just right (MINIMAL) amounts of effort.

In this course, Marni is giving a refreshing female view on dating for men. She explains a lot what women find attractive, how women think, differences between what women think and say, how can a man become attractive to women, how a man should communicate with women, how to develop confidence, and a lot more.

This book covers a lot of topics about dating, but it is very easy to follow for everyone. It is suitable for beginners, intermediates, and also, if you were already learning about dating and seduction from many sources but didn't know how to put it all together, didn't feel like you already know enough, or didn't put it in practice - THIS IS THE BEST THING FOR YOU!!!

What's the most interesting about this particular one, a big part of it is made to help you identify your weaknesses when it comes to dating and seduction, and teaches you how to work on them!

This is probably the best dating program ever made!
It is made to transform you from the inside-out, so you'll become naturally charismatic and attractive to women, but not only that - although main topic of this course is dating, this product is not teaching you about dating only - it is also teaching you how to become a better man, and it can also learn you how to live a better life! It is teaching you about inner game, outer game, contains a lot of exercises you should perform, and it is meant to teach you dating and transform you "FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR ARMCHAIR"!!! It takes a lot of time (couple of weeks) to master as it contains a lot of material, but it will transform you for sure!!! It is a bit expensive, but it is worth every penny!
I don't have enough words to recommend this one, and I must add that David is my favorite teacher. He's a neuro-scientist (ph.D), and all the information he gives have a scientific background. It is suitable for beginners, intermediates, advanced...

If you're struggling to have attractive conversations with women, thinking that your conversations are often boring, or you often end up not knowing what to say - this is the best product you will find for yourself! It teaches you how to have interesting conversations, attractive conversations with women, how to have fun while talking with women and make women have fun talking with you! And it will not only affect your conversations with women, it will positively affect your conversations and your social skills in general. It takes some time to master, but it will turn your social skills and dating life upside down!

If your major problem is a lack of confidence around women, social anxiety, approach anxiety, fear of rejection, etc... This is the one you're searching for!!! This short & simple course will boost your confidence and absolutely annihilate your social anxiety, approach anxiety and fear of rejection!

This is the first dating course I ever saw in my life (couple of years ago, when I was a young, frustrated teenager :D ), and it has absolutely skyrocketed my dating life! This course is based on neuro-science, it teaches you a lot of techniques, a lot of things women find attractive, and major topic is how to use "mirror-neurons" to get in a relationship with a woman, or have sex, etc...

This simple e-book will teach you how to become more attractive to women, meet women, and how to make a woman want to have sex or relationship with you within one conversation in 3 steps which are simple to follow. Most suitable for beginners.