Anthony "Tony" Edward Stark, also known as Iron Man, is the main character in the series along with his best friends Pepper and Rhodey. Tony is voiced by the voice actor Adrian Petriw. Tony is the son of Howard and Maria Stark.

Six Months Later, Tony lives at the house of his best friend Rhodey. He finally returns to the public eye, but because of Howard's mysterious alleged death, Stane becomes CEO of Stark International. He has changed Stark International into a stiff company, with staff that are not allowed to show emotions. He also tries to keep Tony from any involvement in his "projects" (like the weaponizing of several innovations of Howard, including the Earth Movers). Tony is furious when he discovers this. On the pretense that his father wanted him to attend normal school and have a normal life, Tony accepts his new normal life, but only because it was his father's last wish. Tony can officially inherit the company once he turns eighteen and graduates from high school with his friends.

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Stark decides to save people because this is what his father would have wanted and also takes this as an opportunity to save Stark International from Stane and finding out what happened to his dad. He suspects that the Makluan Rings have something to do with the disappearance of his father and he dives into the story of the rings, which also befriends him with Gene Khan who knows a lot about it, and who is actually the stepson of the rings wielder the Mandarin, and he also eventually becomes the Mandarin himself by imprisoning his stepfather into the dungeons of the Mandarin's home base and taking the first Makluan ring by force from his stepfather. Gene eventually signs up for the Tommorrow Academy, Tony's school. He thinks that Tony can help him with getting all five Makluan rings without telling that he's the Mandarin.

As said earlier, Tony, by chance, befriends Gene Khan (the Mandarin's alter-ego), who attends the Tomorrow Academy because he thinks that Tony can help him gaining power of all rings, and Tony thinks that Gene can help him when he learns Gene can help him find the rest of the rings. Gene and the group search for the rings inside the Makluan Temples while facing their guardians, the Dreadknights, Ultimo, and Firebrand. Gene manages to get three rings while Tony eventually got his hands on the fourth ring.

When Tony and his friends track down the fifth ring, he, Gene, and Pepper are captured by Zhang(Gene's stepfather who has taken all rings from Gene and now is the Mandarin again) and his men and they steal the fourth ring off Tony's finger. He and his men then travel to Macchu Pichu so Zhang can claim the fifth ring for himself. Zhang ends up retreating when the Temple of Sacrifice's guardian, Fin Fang Foom (a stone dragon), awakens and Zhang leaves the five rings behind. Pepper tries to pass the test by throwing the rings in the dragon's mouth, which really doesn't do anything except make their dilemma worse. Rhodey comes just in time in his new War Machine suit to deliver Stark's own armor. It's then Gene learns of his true identity as Iron Man, which is kind of ironic, considering the fact that Tony was against Pepper's suggestion to tell Gene that he is Iron Man in the first place, and then Tony makes a big, dramatic show of telling him very slowly and full of purpose and looking all proud about it that he's Iron Man.

Iron Man and Rhodey continue to battle the dragon, but they can't beat it by using brute force. Eventually, Gene passes the test by sacrificing himself for Pepper and being swallowed by the dragon. Inside the belly of the beast, Gene finds his four rings as well as the remaining fifth one, this discovery causes him to laugh maniacally. His friends are relieved to see him alive as he comes out of the now frozen dragon's mouth, but their victory is short-lived as Gene now reveals himself as the Mandarin. He takes down Rhodey, sending him flying into a solid stone wall, before fighting Iron Man. During the battle, Gene reveals that he was the one who blew up Tony and his father's jet and that Howard Stark is still alive. The battle ends with Gene knocking Tony out and teleporting himself to his mysteriously located underground lair. Tony has learned that his father is alive and he'll find him by finding Gene.

Soon, Tony finally loses his contained temper against Stane and unleashes his fury by busting into the military site where he was testing the enhanced Iron Monger mecha. Establishing his dominance over the man, Iron Man drops Stane from a high aerial point, but soon after a force field is activated to prevent harm from coming to Stane. Tony and Rhodey later discover footage of Stane making underhanded business arrangements with the Ghost to acquire the Iron Man armor specs, and turn it into the board, which consequently fires Stane. Ecstatic and proud at his achievement, Iron Man decides to upgrade the armor one last time following his decision to relinquish his role as the armored hero. Titanium Man approaches him to propose a partnership in order to destroy Obadiah Stane; of course, Iron Man refused the idea. After a heavy fight and beating Titanium Man, Iron Man heads through the city. As night begins to descend upon the light skies, a vengeful Obadiah orders the Iron Monger armor to kill Tony for depriving him of his position as CEO of Stark International. After attempting to crush Iron Man to death for revenge, Stane is placed into submission by his daughter, Whitney. However, the programming installed by Justin Hammer causes a reluctant Obadiah to viciously attack Iron Man and Whitney. The combined efforts of Iron Man and War Machine easily manage to send Titanium Man flying (presumably in Pennsylvania, as Tony joked in his calculations); however, Obadiah falls off a building ledge after the Iron Monger armor shuts down. Tony and his friends visit Obadiah in his hospital room to console Whitney, who angrily orders them to leave and swears vengeance upon him.

When a fired agent named Mallen stole an experimental super-soldier serum called Extremis and took it, he transformed into a mutated human and started assaulting S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. When Iron Man shows up to stop him, the mutant mercilessly beats tony to near death. S.H.I.E.L.D. manages to drive the mutant off and they take Iron Man to the Helicarrier for medical treatment. They manage to save Tony's life and in doing so, they also found out his true identity. He was frustrated to learn that he has to retire as Iron Man for his general health. When he learns about the serum and a certain frozen hero in the Helicarrier. He used another serum and injects himself with a drop of it. As a result, his heart is fixed, and he gains enhanced physical abilities, and the ability to communicate with computers and machines all over the world, commanding what Tony wants, even his Iron Man suit. Tony goes back for a rematch against Mallen and used his new abilities to find an electric cable under the ground and uses it to electrocute Mallen into a coma. He receives a thanks from Nick Fury and Nick offers him a place on a "team" when he turns 18. Iron Man declines, saying that he is not really a team player.

Despite his "lone wolf" persona, Tony genuinely cares about his friends and is deeply concerned about their safety, which is why he always tries to do everything on his own and then ends up getting scolded by either Rhodey, Pepper, or both. He eventually learns to trust them to the point where he creates a suit of armor for Rhodey's exclusive use as his partner (War Machine) and for Pepper's exclusive use as his second partner (Rescue).

Tony has a tendency to trust the wrong people, who can easily fool him by playing on his emotions. The more tragic their story sounds (especially if topics such as revenge mostly on Obadiah Stane or family issues are brought up), the more Tony is willing to help, even if his friends opposed to the idea. His trust in people was shaken in Look into the Light, when he refused to help the now reformed Living Laser with a problem he has, thinking he'll just betray him, just like Gene Khan or Blizzard, but he came to his senses just in time.

It should be noted that Tony also has some anger issues, often snapping or yelling at friends, especially when things don't go his way. Tony doesn't cope very well when things don't go as planned (even though he is rarely, if not never, the person who came up with the plan in the first place).

Tony is good friends with Pepper, even though she is hyperactive and incessantly chatty. When she asked why he never told her about his secret identity, Tony replied that she was never quiet long enough to tell her. It is hinted throughout the series that he might have feelings for Pepper beyond friendship especially since more of her attention has been focused on Gene. Often grumbling how she never escorted him out of the Stark Facility (forgetting the fact that he lives there) and happy at the fact that she starts talking to him again when he brought her up to the SHIELD Helicarrier. Tony shows signs of jealousy when Pepper starts dating Happy. Pepper begs Tony throughout the second season to build her an Iron Man armor, which he agrees to in Hostile Takeover.

In many ways, Tony Stark and Gene Khan are a lot alike, they're rich, trendy, powerful teens, and there's a lot more going on in their lives than anyone suspects. They first met when Tony came into his stepfather's import/export shop to speak to Zhang about the rings. Gene learned that he could help him find the Makluan Rings and he enrolled in his school to get close to him. They became best friends. They both didn't know each other's identities until the season finale, Tales of Suspense Part 2. It was then that Tony found out that Gene was the one who blew up the plane that he and his father were on and that Howard Stark is still alive somewhere. They broke their friendship after that. Tony now thinks of him as the "worst kind of evil" and a liar who will do anything to get what he wants. 006ab0faaa

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