Tong Zhou(周彤)

Postdoctoral Researcher at UCLA

Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences

Room 1834, Geology Building

Email: tzhou@epss.ucla.edu

I am a postdoc scholar in the department of Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (EPSS), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). I am in professor Lingsen Meng's team. I am focusing on applying full waveform methods to Earth's structural imaging and source imaging, especially considering complex Earth's media. Over the years, I developed a finite-difference Q-compensated reverse-time migration method (QRTM) with high accuracy and computational efficiency and applied to oil and gas industry with Advanced Geophysical Technology Inc. (AGT). I also look forward to applying Q-RTM to global seismology since it can restore body wave dispersion and phase rotation caused by strong attenuation. I applied full-waveform tomographic method to the contiguous U.S region with short period waves, and a new transverse isotropic model is on the way. I also devote work in tsunami source imaging with time-reversal and adjoint methods, which show great potential for accurate tsunami source assessment of both earthquake and non-earthquake triggered tsunamis. Recently I am focusing on 3-D structure enhanced earthquake source imaging to improve the resolution and stability. I also try to apply the advantage of machine learning techniques to geosciences, recently, the automatic stacking of receiver functions.

With increasing amount of high quality seismic data, my ultimate goal is to combine earthquake source and velocity structure structure inversion together.

Check the "Research" and "Publications" pages for a flavor of my research topics.