Tongxin Zhou

Assistant professor

Dept. of Information Systems 

W. P. Carey School of Business

Arizona State University

Tempe, AZ, 85287, USA



I am an assistant professor at W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University. I completed my Ph.D. in Information Systems at University of Washington. I was advised by Prof. Yong Tan.

I am broadly interested in technology innovation and human dynamics. My current research focuses on online healthcare, sustainable IT, and applications of machine learning. Feel free to get in touch if we share common interests!


University of Washington, 2021

Nunamaker-Chen Dissertation Award (Runner-Up) in Information Systems Society, INFORMS


Liuan Wang, Lucy Yan, Tongxin Zhou, Xitong Guo, Gregory R. Heim 

Information Systems Research 31(2) 537-555 

Best Student Paper Award Runner-Up, the 8th Conference on Health IT and Analytics, 2017

Tongxin Zhou, Lucy Yan, Yingfei Wang, Yong Tan 

Management Science 68(5) 3507-3527  

Young Researcher Best Paper Award Runner-Up, the 9th Conference on Health IT and Analytics, 2018

Finalist, INFORMS eBusiness Best Paper Award, 2018

Spring 2022 W. P. Carey Dean’s Research Series [Media Coverage

Tongxin Zhou, Yingfei Wang, Lucy Yan, Yong Tan 

Information Systems Research, In press

Best Student Paper Award Runner-Up, the 11th Conference on Health IT and Analytics, 2020 

Tongxin Zhou, Yingfei Wang, Lucy Yan, Yong Tan 

Information Systems Research, under 2nd round of revision

Tongxin Zhou, Jingyi Sun

Information Systems Research, under 1st round of revision

Shengsheng Xiao, Tongxin Zhou, Yong Tan

Available at SSRN 3048158

Wenya Shen, Tongxin Zhou, Victor Benjamin, Pei-yu Chen

Preparing for submission 

Tongxin Zhou

Preparing for submission 

with Yuqing Hu and Lin Jia

Working in progress

with Yingfei Wang

Working in progress

with Sungeun (Selena) Han and Zhan (Michael) Shi

Working in progress

with Jie Chen and Kan Xu

Working in progress

with Reihane Boghrati

Working in progress

Selected Presentations


Personalized Healthcare Recommendations

User Trajectory Analysis in Gaming Community

Wide&Deep User Representation

Activity Pattern of Gamers

A Continuous-Time Hidden Markov Model

Emotion Flow in Online Healthcare Community

Honors and Awards

Teaching and Professional Services


Arizona State University

University of Washington

Professional Services

Journal Reviewer

Conference Reviewer

Conference/Workshop Organization