Department of Mathematics, School of Education, Waseda University(April 2010--March 2014)
Mathematics Education major, Graduate School of Education, Waseda University(April 2014--March 2016)
Master of Science, Waseda University(March 25th, 2016)
Master Thesis:On the realizability of non-simple hyperbolic Coxeter hexahedra(in Japanese)
Supervisor:Prof. Yohei KomoriCurriculum Area Sciences major, Graduate School of Education, Waseda University(April 2016--March 2019)
Doctor of Science, Waseda University(March 15th, 2019)
Thesis:Arithmetic properties of growth rates of hyperbolic Coxeter groups
Supervisors:Prof. Yohei Komori and Prof. Ruth Kellerhals
Academic Positions
JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists DC2(April 2017--March 2019)
Assistant Professor, Waseda University(April 2019--March 2023)
Part-time Lecturer, Josai University (Complex analysis, Discrete mathematics)(April 2020--present)
Part-time Lecturer, Tokyo City University (Linear algebra)(September 2020--March 2021)
Senior Lecturer, Liberal Arts Education Center, Ashikaga University (April 2023--present)
KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
Research Subject Name:Realizability of hyperbolic Coxeter polytopes and their growth rates
Project Period:April 2017-- March 2021KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Research Subject Name:Study of the continuity of growth rates and spectral radii on the space of marked groups
Project Period:April 2020-- March2024
Azusa Ono Memorial Awards of Waseda University(March 2018)
Title of the paper:Growth rates of 3-dimensional hyperbolic Coxeter groups are Perron numbers (arXiv pdf)
Research Visits
Research Visitor at University of Fribourg, hosted by Ruth Kellerhals
period:August 2 and September 11, 2016
August 8 and September 16, 2017
July 13 and September 15, 2018)
February 18 and March 9, 2019)
June 13 and July 6, 2019)
August 8 and September 14, 2022Participant of the conference ``Growth in Topology and Number Theory: Volumes, Entropy and L2-torsion"
period:July 9 to 13, 2018Research Visitor at University of Bologna, hosted by Stefano Riolo
period:August 31 and September 2, 2022Participant of the conference ``Groups of Dynamical Origins, Automata and Spectra"
period:March 19 and March 24, 2023
Research Interests
Hyperbolic Geometry:Deformation theory and rigidity of discrete reflection groups and hyperbolic polytopes
Geometric Group Theory:Topological properties of the set of Coxeter groups in the space of marked groups and the continuity of the quantities related to Coxeter groups
Contact and Address
Address:268-1,Omaecho,Ashikaga,Tochigi, 326-8558, Japan