TXT Morse Code

In the TXT Videos sometimes beeping can be heard and MOA (TXT fans) have figured out it is Morse code. Morse code is an alphabet or code in which letters are represented by combinations of long and short signals of light or sound. TXT uses sound Morse code. So sometimes there will be a word or message at the end of their videos or even at the beginning. The first Morse code message we got was released by BigHit and it spells TXT.

Before the‘Questioning Film - What do you see?’ videos we get a Morse code message in the ‘Introduction Films - What do you do?’ That spells Dreaming.

The Morse code looks like: -.. .-. . .- -- .. -. --.

‘Questioning Film - What do you see?’

Soobin - Tomorrow

Hueningkai - Secret

Beomgyu - Hope

Yeonjun - Promise

Taehyun - Clue

Another Morse code message we get is in the beginning of their CROWN music video it spells crown in Morse code.