Tommaso Reggiani
PhD, University of BolognaSenior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Economics
CARDIFF UNIVERSITY | Cardiff Business School - Economics section
email: / web:
ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership - pathway convenor: Economics
Co-investigator 'GW4 network on Exploring the Role of Caste in Economic Welfare'
Research Interests:
Behavioural & Experimental Economics, Public Economics, Ethics & Economics
My studies mainly focus on the promotion of virtuous behaviour and prosocial preferences - both at the individual and organisational/community level - as well as their interactions with economic and psychological incentives (cooperation, trust, giving, compliance, voluntarism, public goods, social capital).
Secondary Affiliations:
Masaryk University - MUEEL lab | research associate
IZA - Institute of labour economics | research fellow
Ukrainian Catholic University | visiting lecturer
UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab | economics expert
"hoy es el dìa" ( Victor Hugo Peña ) "...quella competenza e quel rigore che i poveri meritano" ( dom Mario Antonelli )
"[vivere la montagna] mi ha insegnato anche che il coraggio non deve essere sempre l'ultima cosa che abbiamo, e la paura nemmeno la prima" ( Manolo )
"quando condivido il mio kayak, non lo divido. lo moltiplico" ( Josefa Idem )
"Dio ha un piano per te. suonalo! " ( Alessandro Bergonzoni )
"anche solo una parola può cambiare la tua vita" ( Jean-Paul Hernandez S.J. )
"la fatica non è mai sprecata. soffri ma sogni" ( Pietro Paolo Mennea )
"qual'e' il mio segno zodiacale? ero dell'ariete" ( Franco Battiato )
Visitors & postal address
Tommaso Reggiani
CARDIFF UNIVERSITY | Cardiff Business School
room R11c - Aberconway Building, Colum Road
CF10 3EU , Cardiff (Wales - UK)
Institutional web pages
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