Tomer Moshe Schlank
I am an associate professor in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Research Interests
Algebraic Topology, Arithmetic Geometry
Publications and Preprints
On the rationalization of the K(n)-local sphere (preprint)
Tobias Barthel, Tomer M. Schlank, Nathaniel Stapleton, Jared WeinsteinK-theoretic counterexamples to Ravenel's telescope conjecture (preprint)
Robert Burklund, Jeremy Hahn, Ishan Levy, Tomer M. SchlankChromatic Cardinalities via Redshift (preprint)
Shay Ben-Moshe, Shachar Carmeli, Tomer M. Schlank, Lior YanovskiDescent and Cyclotomic Redshift for Chromatically Localized Algebraic K-theory (preprint)
Shay Ben-Moshe, Shachar Carmeli, Tomer M. Schlank, Lior YanovskiThe Hilbert Polynomial of Quandles and Colorings of Random Links (preprint)
Ariel Davis, Tomer M. SchlankThe Chromatic Fourier Transform (preprint)
Tobias Barthel, Shachar Carmeli, Tomer M. Schlank, Lior YanovskiThe Chromatic Nullstellensatz (preprint)
Robert Burklund, Tomer M. Schlank, Allen YuanChromatic Cyclotomic Extensions
Shachar Carmeli, Tomer M. Schlank, Lior Yanovski
Accepted to Geometry & Topology
Higher Semiadditive Algebraic K-Theory and Redshift
Shay Ben-Moshe, Tomer M. Schlank
Compositio Mathematica volume 160 (2024), 237-287Suspension spectra of matrix algebras, the rank filtration, and rational noncommutative CW-spectra
Gregory Arone, Ilan Barnea, Tomer M. Schlank
Mathematische Annalen volume 386 (2023), 35-84
The ∞-Categorical Reflection Theorem and Applications (preprint)
Shaul Ragimov, Tomer M. SchlankAmbidexterity in Chromatic Homotopy Theory
Shachar Carmeli, Tomer M. Schlank, Lior Yanovski
Inventiones mathematicae volume 228 (2022), 1145-1254
A formula for p-completion by way of the Segal conjecture
Sune Precht Reeh, Tomer M. Schlank, Nathaniel Stapleton
Topology and its Applications volume 322 (2022)
Rational motivic path spaces and Kim's relative unipotent section conjecture
Ishai Dan-Cohen, Tomer Schlank
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova volume 148 (2022), 117-172Noncommutative CW-spectra as enriched presheaves on matrix algebras
Gregory Arone, Ilan Barnea, Tomer M. Schlank
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry volume 16 (2022), 1411-1443Evaluation maps and transfers for free loop spaces II (preprint)
Sune Precht Reeh, Tomer M. Schlank, Nathaniel StapletonEvaluation maps and transfers for free loop spaces I (preprint)
Sune Precht Reeh, Tomer M. Schlank, Nathaniel StapletonAmbidexterity and Height
Shachar Carmeli, Tomer M. Schlank, Lior Yanovski
Advances in Mathematics volume 385 (2021)Monochromatic homotopy theory is asymptotically algebraic
Tobias Barthel, Tomer M. Schlank, Nathaniel Stapleton
Advances in Mathematics volume 393 (2021)Brauer and Etale Homotopy Obstructions to Rational Points on Open Covers (preprint)
David Corwin, Tomer Schlank
Tobias Barthel, Tomer Schlank, Nathaniel Stapleton
Inventiones mathematicae volume 220 (2020), 737-845
Ishai Dan-Cohen, Tomer Schlank
Applied Categorical Structures volume 29 (2020), 311-347
Sieves and the Minimal Ramification Problem
Lior Bary-Soroker, Tomer M. Schlank
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 19 (2020), 919-945Étale Homotopy Obstructions of Arithmetic Spheres (preprint)
Edo Arad, Shachar Carmeli, Tomer M. SchlankThe ∞-Categorical Eckmann-Hilton Argument
Tomer M. Schlank, Lior Yanovski
Algebraic & Geometric Topology 19 (2019), 3119–3170On d-Categories and d-Operads
Tomer M. Schlank, Lior Yanovski
Homology, Homotopy and Applications 2019Normal amenable subgroups of the automorphism group of the full shift
Joshua Frisch, Tomer Schlank, Omer Tamuz
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 39 (2019) 1290-1298
On Bias and Rank (preprint)
David Kazhdan, Tomer M. SchlankContractibility of the Space of Opers for Classical Groups (preprint)
David Kazhdan, Tomer M. SchlankExact maximum-entropy estimation with Feynman diagrams
Tomer M. Schlank, Ran J. Tessler, Amitai Zernik
Journal of Statistical Physics volume 170 (2018), 731–747The unramified inverse Galois problem and cohomology rings of totally imaginary number fields (preprint)
Magnus Carlson, Tomer M. SchlankSylow theorems for ∞-groups
Matan Prasma, Tomer M. Schlank
Topology and its applications volume 222 (2017), 121-138From weak cofibration categories to model categories (preprint)
Ilan Barnea, Tomer M. SchlankA Projective Model Structure on Pro Simplicial Sheaves, and the Relative Étale Homotopy Type
Ilan Barnea, Tomer M. Schlank
Advances in Mathematics volume 291 (2016), 784-858The Brauer-Manin obstruction to the local-global principle for the embedding problem
Ambrus Pal, Tomer M. Schlank
International Journal of Number Theory volume 18 (2016)A transchromatic proof of Strickland's theorem
Tomer M. Schlank, Nathaniel Stapleton
Advances in Mathematics volume 285 (2015), 1415-1447A new model for pro-categories
Ilan Barnea, Tomer M. Schlank
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra volume 219 (2015), 1175-1210Model Structures on Ind Categories and the Accessibility Rank of Weak Equivalences
Ilan Barnea, Tomer M. Schlank
Homology, Homotopy and Applications volume 17 (2014)Functorial Factorizations in Pro Categories (preprint)
Ilan Barnea, Tomer M. SchlankHomotopy Obstructions to Rational Points
Yonatan Harpaz, Tomer M. Schlank
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Cambridge 2013, 280–413A cohomological obstruction to weak approximation for homogeneous spaces
Mikhail Borovoi, Tomer M. Schlank
Moscow Mathematics Journal 12 (2012), 1-20A Note on the Entropy/Influence Conjecture
Nathan Keller, Elchanan Mossel, Tomer Schlank
Discrete Mathematics Volume 312 (2012), 3364-3372
On the Brauer-Manin Obstruction Applied to Ramifed Covers (preprint)
Tomer M. Schlank
PhD Students
Shaul Barkan
Ariel Davis
Jonatan Kogan
Shauly Ragimov
Asaf Yekutieli
Noam Zimhoni
MSc Students
Iyar Mazor
Edo Arad
Segev Cohen
Asaf Horev
Netanel Stein
Yizhak Zanghi