To share legit information resources to patrons through linking them to reliable open access databases and webliography related in their chosen field.
Due to scarcity of printed information materials, the TRC library will collect information resources available online. Library personnel will provide a link to various Online Educational Resources that can be access remotely by library patrons.
Policies in using Online Educational Resources (OERs)
Online Educational Resources provides open access databases of books and journals that can be used by academic community for teaching and learning for free. OERs have license called Creative Commons that permit the free use and reuse of shared contents. However, to avoid violating intellectual property rights though OERs are free of use, here are some guidelines on how to properly use this public domains.
Check the preliminary page of the OER you downloaded make sure it has Creative Commons or (CC BY). In this license the author permits others to use his content as long as they give him credit for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials. (Adapted under
All CC licenses require to attribute the original author. Cite the author’s name (with a link to their profile page if available), title, source (link to the original work) and license e.g. CC BY. (Adapted under