Tokyo model theory seminar
Upcoming Talks
February 12, 2025, Masato Fujita (JCGA), On Baire and restrained expansion of an ordered group
We hold seminars several times a month on Wednesdays from 5-6 pm.
Organizers Hirotaka Kikyo (Kobe Univ.), Kota Takeuchi (Univ. of Tsukuba), Akito Tsuboi (Univ. of Tsukuba*), Koichiro Ikeda (Hosei Univ.)
Contact Info. Koichiro Ikeda (ikeda at hosei dot ac dot jp), Hirotaka Kikyo (kikyo at kobe-u dot ac dot jp)
Recent Talks
January 8, 2025, Hirotaka Kikyo (Kobe University), On Hrushovski's generic structures and SOP3 slides
RIMS Model Theory Workshop 2024 was held from December 4th to 6th.
RIMS Model Theory Workshop 2023 was held from December 4th to 6th.
November 29, 2023, Nobu-Yuki Suzuki (Shizuoka University), Intermediate Predicate Logics and Existence Property, slides
November 8, 2023, Akito Tsuboi (University of Tsukuba*), Dividing and Forking on Random Structures, slides
November 1, 2023, Koichiro Ikeda (Hosei University), A note on omega-categorical stable theories, slides
October 25, 2023, Hirotaka Kikyo (Kobe University), On automorphisms with a single orbit on some random structures
October 18, 2023, Koki Okura (University of Tsukuba), The rationality of Poincaré series in expansions of the p-adic fields, slides
July 12, 2023, John Goodrick (Los Andes), Definable sets in ordered Abelian groups of dp-rank 1 and 2, (Venue). (Face-to-face and online)
Boissonade Tower BT0907, Hosei University, Ichigaya Campus
June 28, 2023, Masato Fujita (Japan Coast Guard Academy), On structures over R
June 21, 2023, Su Gao (Nankai University), Urysohn structures in continuous logic, slides
June 14, 2023, Akito Tsuboi (Tsukuba*), On cyclic automorphisms, slides
June 7, 2023, Kota Takeuchi (Tsukuba), Single variable witnesses for unstable properties
May 31, 2023, Hajime Ishihara (JAIST*), Reverse mathematics in constructive and predicative set theory, slides
May 17, 2023, Hirotaka Kikyo (Kobe University), On an o-minimal Yomdin-Gromov theorem
March 29, 2023, Kazuma Ikeda (Kyorin University), On Jervell’s normal form in first order arithmetic
February 8, 2023, Masahiko Murakami (Tokyo Medical University), Nonstandard universe, Representation, slides
Past Talks
- February 1, 2023, Kota Takeuchi (University of Tsukuba), Some remarks on the local o-minimality, slides
- January 18, 2023, Hirotaka Kikyo (Kobe University), Multi-experiment parameter identifiability of ODEs and model theory, slides
- January 11, 2023, Akito Tsuboi (Univ. of Tsukuba*), Coloring of Random Graphs and the SOP, slides
- December 7, 2022, Toshio Suzuki (Tokyo Metropolitan University), Computable Hölder continuous functions and real closed fields, slides
- November 30, 2022, Kota Takeuchi (Univ. of Tsukuba), (An embedding theorem of Urysohn spaces 2, slides
● November 16, 2022, Hirotaka Kikyo (Kobe Univ.), On Hrushovski's pseudoplanes associated to irrational numbers, slides (ta ●November 2, 2022, Koichiro Ikeda (Hosei Univ.), TBA (Cancelled)竹●October 26, 2022, Kenshi Miyabe (Meiji Univ.), Subclasses of the weakly computable reals, slides ●October 19, 2022, Akito Tsuboi (Univ. of Tsukuba*), Ramsey's theorem and coheir sequences, slides ●October 5, 2022, Kota Takeuchi (Univ. of Tsukuba), An embedding theorem of Urysohn spaces, slides●July 20, 2022, Hirotaka Kikyo (Kobe Univ.), On automorphism groups of some generic structures, slides ●July 6, 2022, Ryoma Shin'ya (Akita Univ.) ●June 15, 2022, Koichiro Ikeda (Hosei Univ.), Hrushovski's strongly minimal structures II, slides ●June 8, 2022, Masanori Itai (Tokai Univ.), On the algebraicity of definable holomorphic functions f : C^n --> C, slides●June 1, 2022, Akito Tsuboi (Univ. of Tsukuba*), Some examples and counterexamples, slides ●May 25, 2022, Kota Takeuchi (Univ. of Tsukuba), Subadditivity of model-theoretic patterns, slides ●May 18, 2022, Sakaé Fuchino (Kobe Univ.*), On Downward Löwenheim-Skolem theorems of some non first-order logics, slides ●May 11, 2022, Hirotaka Kikyo (Kobe Univ.), Monodimensionality of Hrushovski's pseudoplanes, slides ●April 20, 2022, Koichiro Ikeda (Hosei Univ.), Hrushovski's strongly minimal structures I, slides ●April 6, 2022, Akito Tsuboi (Univ. of Tsukuba*), Infinite hypergraphs, coloring and the existence problem of almost monochromatic subgraphs, slides ●March 16, 2022, Kota Takeuchi (Univ. of Tsukuba), Ramsey property and metric structures, slides ●March 9, 2022, Kenji Fukuzaki (International Univ. of Kagoshima), Decidability problems in number theory, slides ●March 2, 2022, Hirotaka Kikyo (Kobe Univ.), Model completeness of theories of some generic structures, slides ●February 23, 2022, Koichiro Ikeda (Hosei Univ.), Generic structures and elimination of imaginaries, slides ●February 16, 2022, Koji Nkatogawa (Hokkaido Univ.*), Tarski-Vaught-Silver におけるモデル理論研究の方法態度について, slides ●February 9, 2022, Hisashi Aratake (RIMS), 理論とそのモデルの圏について, slides ●February 2, 2022, Masanori Itai (Tokai Univ.), ℚの中でℤを定義する:Poonen の∀∃定義と,Koenigsmann の∀定義, slides ●January 26, 2022, Kota Takeuchi (Univ. of Tsukuba), What is an MIP*? (Part 2) ●January 19, 2022, Akito Tsuboi (Univ. of Tsukuba*), Keisler-Shelah Isomorphism Theorem and CH. slides ●January 12, 2022, Kota Takeuchi (Univ. of Tsukuba), What is an MIP*? (Part 1), abstract reference ●January 5, 2022, Hirotaka Kikyo (Kobe Univ.), On strictly NSOP3 theories, reference ●December 22, 2021, Koichiro Ikeda (Hosei Univ.), Normal generic structures, slides