In the office we use this app called TOGGL to keep track of my working hours. They have a desktop version with something called mini tracker, which is a smaller version of the app that is always on top of the other windows (see here). However, no matter where I place it, it's always on my way when closing of minimizing a window, when I have many tabs on chrome it's on top of the buttons, etc.

I was able to copy the code (with bug workaround for OSX) from -goto-window/blob/master/ as the user Randy3k suggested here: Focusing the window, so the working script for toggling windows on OSX is here:

Toggl Free Download For Windows

Download Zip 🔥 🔥

I upgraded to cc2017 end of last year. The ability to use keyboard shortcuts to toggle between windows within Premiere Pro has been removed. I was hoping there is going to be an update with this feature re-instated.

I've discovered that you can't import your previous versions shortcuts (ie. 2015 cc) as only some of the shortcuts work. I just reverted to the Premiere Pro default for the 2017 version. It gives you the options to toggle there.

Ctrl + P is for Ctrl + /, not Ctrl + \. The other alternative to Ctrl + \ is Ctrl + . (dot). And you can create custom key bindings on windows using Auto Hot Key or similar apps. I use Better Touch Tool for that on Mac.

Totally agree on this one. I am a premium member for years, and I have collected thousands of notes. In my work I want to be able to search through them quickly, attach every type of document (pdf, ppt etc) but also want to have a clear overview of each note via collapsible toggles. I think evernote should really put more effort into improving its hierarchical structure outside and inside a note, in order to keep up with the user- friendliness of its competitors.

Oh my goodness. Yes. 1000%. I like evernote, but having to switch over to another app (which is most of them at this point) that does toggle lists is super annoying. PLEASE IMPLEMENT THIS FEATURE SO I CAN DITCH THESE OTHER APPS COMPLETELY!

I've been an avid Evernote user with thousands of notes to my name. I'd love to see this feature! Collapsible toggle list for items/tasks would make navigating notes with multiple lists much more fluid and efficient.

I've been exploring Notion and Workflowy as alternatives, but I'm wary about the transition, given my vast collection of notes and links.

I genuinely value Evernote and feel that some enhancements, especially considering the recent price bump, would keep it at the top of its game compared to competitors. 

Hopefully Evernote staff prioritizes this.

In vim, the switch-window-key , (press 2 times), is not comfortable to me, so I want to change it to . What I do: adding map to the config file ~/.vimrc, but it does not work as if shortcut has been used.I'm not sure whether is the right representation of the toggle window command,either. So how can I make it work pressing ?

In the new Outlook for Windows, you'll see a toggle on the top right of your screen.

While the toggle is enabled, if you try to launch classic Outlook for Windows or Windows Mail you'll be automatically redirected to the new Outlook for Windows.

If you toggled into the new Outlook for Windows preview from classic Outlook for Windows, every time you try to launch classic Outlook for Windows you'll be redirected to the new Outlook for Windows preview. You can go back to classic Outlook for Windows by selecting the toggle in the new Outlook for Windows app.

If you toggled into the new Outlook for Windows preview from Windows Mail or Calendar, every time you try to launch Windows Mail or Calendar you will be redirected to the new Outlook for Windows preview. You can go back to Windows Mail or Calendar by clicking on the toggle in the new Outlook for Windows preview.

The keyboard shortcut I'd like should shuffle windows across monitors. I the three monitors have code editor, browser, and nautilus in each of them in that order, then pressing Alt + Space once would change that to Nautilus, Code Editor, Browser. Pressing it again would change it to Browser, Nautilus, Code Editor, and pressing it a third time would restore the first setup.

How might I do this for any number of things that might be displayed on each monitor? Like if I happen to have three windows open in the first monitor, two terminal windows in the second, and five browser windows in the third, shuffling what's on each screen? Maybe using workspaces and reordering them?

Is there a shortcut key or key that I can map that will let me toggle between the bin window and the source monitor? I hate that I have to physically use the mouse to get back to the bin from the source monitor.

The toggle switch represents a physical switch that allows users to turn things on or off, like a light switch. Use toggle switch controls to present users with two mutually exclusive options (such as on/off), where choosing an option provides immediate results.

In this example, it's clear with the toggle switch that the kitchen lights are set to "On." But with the checkbox, the user needs to think about whether the lights are on now or whether they need to check the box to turn the lights on.

Thanks but this dosn't work on my swedish Macbook Pro... It's not exactly the same keyboard layout as the english one, but I might have solved it anyway. Not quite like the old one but so far this will cycle open windows... one way

Another feature with Toggl that I like is about having a reminder to remind you to track time/Pomodoro. You can choose the days/time and interval for the reminder. Any time you are not tracking time a windows notification reminds you to track time. This reminder should help to stick more with following Pomodoro.

This was fixed quite a while ago. What is your UB version? Are you fully updated? We chose however not to toggle, but simply do nothing if the corner is hit again. Press escape, pick any window (either clicking or pressing) or click next to the previews to close. As said, you must be using quite an old version if an additional previews appears.

Modern laptop computers have more than a few ways to toggle the projection setting to display image on projectors or LCD monitors. Most models can automatically detect external monitor connections and start sending signal to it. However it is also important to know how to adjust the settings to have more control over what content is shown to presentation attendees.

For instance, an easy-to-access menu now allows you to quickly toggle common settings like Bluetooth, location reporting, and wireless display mirroring. I'll show you how to access and customize this menu below.

Next up, head to the "Notifications & actions" tab, then you'll see your top four Quick Access toggles listed at the top of the screen. To change the function of one of these entries, start by clicking it.

From here, you'll see a drop-down menu with all of the possible Quick Actions that you can assign to this spot. So for instance, if you clicked the first icon, you can assign your favorite function to this button by choosing it from the drop menu, and from now on, that will be the first option in your Quick Actions toggles.

Why would a two-state toggle button NOT be able to use a boolean? This is just irritating.

Why does Toggle Button not have a Control and Indicator binding? Again just irritating.

Seems like the most basic functionality and it has to be complicated and convoluted.

I had to put a script on BOOL 1 to write its current value to BOOL 2 on change in order for the button to work properly. It seems the Current State works off of Indicator value only and will prevent the second toggle.

See that seems counter intuitive to me.

The control value should toggle the control value no matter what the indicator value is.

If it was a button and not a TWO-STATE TOGGLE I could see the behavior you are describing.

I have a problem regarding the connection between a toggle-switch in a gallery and an sql database, which is managed with Microsoft SQL Server Management. I want to include an toggle in my gallery and switch the bit field with that toggle. Therefore I wrote an OnCheck:

The field changes and I can see the powerapp working with the little dots at the top, but after a few seconds the toggle jumps back to its old position, any reason for that?

Thanks for your help!

Now all Toggle Buttons are on false. Now I can see the fields changed in the database! So it only needs to now show the right state with the toggle, do you know how I get there?

thank you for the fast reply, amazing!

I checked the problem in more detail: 

Now when I start the app all buttons are on false, even if in the database the value is 1=true. 

1) When now the value in the database is 1 and I set the toggle to 1 in the database, it stays on true, when I set it back to false it overrides the database with a 0. 

2) When the database value is 0 and I put the toggle in the true state, it overrides the database, but switches back the toggle on false, the database stays on 1. 

I hope you can understand what I mean. Thank you for the help!

As I tried to set 1 toggle on true, all toggle were set on true, also in the database. 

When I try to set it back on false, it loads a few seconds (I can see that it also writes the false value in the database), but jumps back to the true value after the loading process is finished, in the app and the database. In result, I can't flip any toggles on false, when I try it, it only works for a few seconds.

Hot key or not - Given there is a fairly good range of Options within the Camera dialog, A simple toggle switch in the GUI would be sufficient to start with, then allow advanced users to assign to Joystick buttons or Key combos if they so wish.

It took only 2 days for me to have inadvertently toggled my function keys to multimedia on my brand new HP Notebook - 15-bs013dx, which surprisingly doesn't show in this forum's Product name dropdown menu. ff782bc1db

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